
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Getting back on the radio after 4 years

Four years....Yes, four long years since I posted anything on this blog let alone turn on the radio.

It's hard to exactly why I was off the air for so long but the main reason is that there are so many other things happening. In a world of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TV and all the other stuff, there seems to be less time for things like radio. I guess the biggest single reason is that I just got out of the habit of turning on the radio and using it.

In the last two weeks, I had to do some paperwork for something else and this get me to sort out all my Comreg and IRTS paperwork and notices. That single act alone got me thinking about the radio again.

On the Comreg front, I managed to find my PIN number and I was glad to see that I still had a licence when I logged onto their site! :o)) I wasn't sure if it had lapsed or not but the renewal is still a few years off.

With the IRTS, I rejoin every year but I'm always late. It was always a case of rejoining...looking back through a years worth of newsletters online...and then forgetting about it again. Looking back through the newsletters this time, one thing that struck me was the number of people who had passed away.

Antennas.......On the antenna front, the four years have taken their toll. I no longer have any external antennas as they have been damaged in various storms and I've taken them down. The only antennas I have are the two in the attic of the house....a 2 element beam for 50 MHz and a vertical half-wave for 144 MHz. The next step will probably be to get a vertical up again for 28 MHz.