
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Australia on 28 MHz this morning...

This one was a bit of a suprise! I had WSPR running on 28 MHz this morning and I was hearing some signals via Sporadic-E from Germany and Denmark.

Then I heard VK2KRR 3 times...all in the space of about 10 minutes. A quick check shows the distance to be 17,333 kms. If I worked it out correctly, then I think local sunset there was at roughly 06:58 UTC? So, the signals I heard from VK2KRR were about 10-20 minutes after his sunset.

It's likely that the F2 layer to the NW of VK2KRR became tilted after his sunset and turned his 'high' angle signal into a very low angle one.....hence the enhancement. After that it may have gone through several hops or become a chordal hop signal. I have often seen this before but it's interesting to see it displayed so well on screen.

These are the European stations that heard VK2KRR. The last leg of the journey to me was probably via Sporadic-E from central Europe. Notice that I was hearing a station in Denmark earlier and OZ7IT was hearing VK2KRR.

His signal seemed to have hopped over all the stations listening in the UK.


  1. Hi John, VK...nice one for the log.. Excellent report..

    WSPR certainly highlights the abilities of the F layers...

    What antenna do you use for 28mhz John...?
    I'm thinking of putting up a Vertical for 28mhz for the summer months ahead, perhaps just 5/8 cb antenna..73 Mark

  2. Hi Mark

    Just an old CB type half-wave up abt 5m above ground level. Cheap, very easy to tune, no radials and reasonably wind proof.

    Great as a basic antenna.
