
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

IRTS paper on the new 5 and 8 metre bands to be presented at IARU Meeting

The IARU Region 1 (Africa, Europe, Middle-East) Interim Meeting takes place April 27-28 in Vienna, Austria.

Among the many things discussed, there will be a paper from the Irish Radio Transmitters Society on the new proposed bands at 40 MHz and 60 MHz.


There probably isn't a whole lot new in it that hasn't been seen before but it does present the information to other member societies. If the new band plans are formally adopted then other countries may start looking for allocations of their own.

Extract from the document..."Next Steps : Tables 1 and 2 below are suggested band plans for most of the 5 and 8 metre spectrum granted to the amateur service in Ireland by ComReg. The plans are loosely based on the current 50–54 MHz IARU band plan and have been in the public domain since May 2018 by means of the IRTS web-site.

Concerning propagation beacons work has begun on upgrading some existing beacons and procuring beacons in the new bands. Transverters are already on the market to transvert 40-42 MHz to 28-30 MHz. Originally intended for the Italian 4 Watt “Apparati a 43 MHz” service in the 43.3000 – 43.5875 MHz band, an “international” version is freely available in the Ukraine. This 25 Watt FM transceiver for the band 42.3000 – 45.0875 MHz has a 224 channel capability and is manufactured in Korea and the Philippines.

Amateurs in the Dublin area are currently trialling both the 40 MHz transverter and
the 42 MHz FM transceiver."

Other VHF related papers to be presented at the meeting can be seen here...

Update : An Information Paper submitted by the RSGB seems to suggest additional access to 40 MHz is unlikely. See below...

Document number: VIE19 C5 INFO1
Source: RSGB – Murray Niman G6JYB, Spectrum Chair
Subject: Innovation Bands & Activities (Information Paper)
Committee(s): C5
Summary: The Information below is a short summary regarding the additional
spectrum available to UK Full Licensees and how it is used. In general:-
• All require a strong justification, conditions to avoid interference and have a
Strong Emphasis on Innovation & New Activities – not ‘More of the Same’
• They are renewable permits - not permanent allocations
• Renewal is based on regular progress reports to our regulator against the
purpose it was made available for

Previous Bands/Requests:-
• 40 MHz – One Propagation Beacon – additional access refused


1 comment:

  1. You may also want to take a look at this recent one:-
    VIE19 C5 INFO1 RSGB – Innovation-Bands+Activities
