
Sunday, March 10, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - Sat 9th & Sun 10th March 2019

Another quiet weekend on 28 MHz with the highlight being one South American station being heard.

Sat 9th March 2019... Just a few signals from the UK and Germany heard.

073430  -6 -0.3 1052 ~  CQ G0OYQ IO93
081100 -16  0.1  789 ~  CQ DO3MA JO40
105630 -15 -0.3 1811 ~  CQ DJ5JD JO33
110430  -7 -0.2 1115 ~  CQ G4EKJ IO93

Sun 10th March 2019... Pretty much identical to Saturday with stations from the UK and Germany being heard.

112830 -13 -0.3  929 ~  CQ G0OYQ IO93
113115 -12 -0.4 1898 ~  CQ DJ5JD JO33
132245 -16 -0.4  677 ~  CQ G0JEI IO93
141200 -17 -0.3 1871 ~  CQ ZP4KFX GG14
155115  -8 -0.1  990 ~  CQ DJ8QX JO31

The one DX signal was ZP4KFX in Paraguay, South America. This is the same station that I heard back on the 8th of February.

What was suprising about ZP4KFX this time around was that according to the PSK Reporter website, I was the only station in Europe to hear him. The next closest station to hear him was in EA8 (Canary Islands).

This certainly wasn't due to my equipment or set-up as I am just using a vertical half-wave about 4m above ground level. South America also isn't a good direction for me with a local hill blocking low angle signals.

The main reason I heard him is probably because I am one of the most westerly stations in Europe listening on FT8 on 28 MHz.

The Solar Flux today is at 71.

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