
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Joe Everhart N2CX Silent Key - RIP

Joe Everhart N2CX was well known figure in the amateur radio world for his work on QRP and home brew projects. As well as writing articles for amateur radio publications, he also presented a popular podcast with co-host George Heron N2APB called Chat With The Designers.

Over the last few months while out walking, I have been catching up on their podcasts since 2011. I was sorry to hear today that Joe N2CX had just passed away.

Message below from his co-host George N2APB

Joe Everhart N2CX, beloved antenna expert and field operations guru to us all, passed away yesterday at his home in Brooklawn NJ.  His son called to let me know ... and I've been sitting here since then staring at this blank screen trying to find a way make this sad announcement.

For twenty-five years Joe has been my best friend, my personal Elmer, design partner, co-conspirator in NJQRP and AmQRP, Chat With the Designers, countless Field Days and hamfests, years of conducting Atlanticon weekends,  family outings, and regular breakfasts where we planned and designed whatever next gadget that we'd unleash to the QRP community.  Together we shared joys and tears, trials and triumphs.  So how can one simply relate the depth of such a friendship?

Truth is, you can't ... But in many ways Joe touched every one of us in QRP with his love of technology, antennas, and in using his KX3 out in more parks (POTA, NPOTA) than often anyone could keep track of.  His love of communicating the results of his latest outing or antenna test was always clear, sometimes concise, and always humorous.  He had a punny way of making technical points and was unmatched in his writings over the years in 73, Sprat, QRP Quarterly, QEX, QST, QRP Homebrewer and more.  His dry, skeptical, and at-times irreverent humor was unique within our ranks.

Joe was an engineer's engineer - he knew his theory and (most of all) knew> and how to apply it.  Joe was a family man who just adored his three sons and two grandchildren.  Joe was relentless in his pursuit of knowledge, of  sharing it and helping others, and of always doing the right thing.

But most of all, Joe was my friend ... and we all will miss him very much

George, N2APB

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