
Monday, August 26, 2019

Jan Mayen in the log.... or maybe not!

I saw JX7G spotted on the DX cluster on CW on 17m on the 26th of August 2019. It looked interesting so I had a quick listen and found a signal that was about 599 +10dB!

I had a listen up and there was a big pile up spread out over a few kHz. I quickly found the last QSO...quick call... and worked him.

Then I saw this on the cluster....

18070.0 JX7G 12:11 26 Aug Kapitein Jack Sparrow on the key Jan Mayen


Ah well... maybe next time. 😄


  1. Worked him myself on 17m with 20w on my Xiegu G90 and cobwebb antenna. Thought it was a pirate but worked him anyway to be on the safe side

  2. That was unlucky - and unfair on the part of the idiot pirate!

    There is a manned weather station with a very terse radio operator (well, anybody stuck up there would be!) that appears fairly regularly from JM.

    Keep listening...
