
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Conditions on 28 MHz - Sat 19th Oct 2019

An interesting day on 28 MHz. Even though the solar flux was way down at 66 and we're at the sunspot minimum, it does show that the 28 MHz band isn't completely dead at the moment.

While none of the signals were particularly strong and most were buried in the noise, the band was open. Over the last few days, there have been openings as well so it's worth checking the band.


  1. 10m lives !
    had some long dx activity on the 15th too. best was southern tip of chile @ 8470 miles
    nice to hear the band is still alive on occasion.
    missed most of saturdays activity unfortunately.
    still, i always have the radio on 28074 just in case.

  2. Same experience here on the 19th. 73, Bas

  3. Even though it's October, there is still Sporadic-E about about giving us that first crucial hop to the south.

    I saw your post Bas about conditions as well. Interesting how there was propagation to the US on 12m but not on 10m. Those few MHz make all the difference.
