
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz - Sat 28th Dec 2019

There was some nice mid-Winter Sporadic-E on Saturday the 28th of December 2019 with an opening during the afternoon. The map above shows what I heard on 28 MHz so it would seem as if it mostly east-west.

I see from other reports that the 50 MHz and 70MHz bands were also open. It seems as if there was also a Sporadic-E opening at 144 MHz which is pretty amazing for the middle of the winter.


  1. Hello John, it was a nice opening. You didn't spot me although I was active at the time you spotted a neighbourstation here in JO33. I had a QSO with ZS at around 13:30 UTC. Several QSOs with the UK as well. 73, Bas

  2. Hi Bas, I did some tests with QRSS on 10m last Summer. It's suprising how small and selective the Sporadic-E footprint can be with short skip.
