
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Donation to the Southern Ireland Repeater Group - June 2020

Regular visitors to the blog will have noticed that I had Google Ads enabled on the site. When someone clicks on one of those adverts, Google makes a few cents and I make a few cents.

Considering that amateur radio is a niche subject and the level of traffic to the blog is pretty modest,  the earnings potential is somewhat limited. Still, over time all of those occasional clicks and cents add up.

I decided a long time ago that I would enable the adverts for two reasons...

1) Google and their Blogger platform host the site for free and they deserve to make something from it.

2) Any money that I would make would go back into the blog or something radio related.

On that basis, I decided to use part of the advertising earnings to support the Southern Ireland Repeater Group by donating €30 online. As outlined in a previous post, they have a network of analogue and digital repeaters across the southern half of Ireland and are very proactive in improving the network.

If anyone else would like to make a donation then you can find the details HERE

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