
Monday, February 1, 2021

70 MHz permits in Iceland allowed for 2021 & 2022


The Icelandic Radio Amateur federation (ÍRA) has been notified by the countries Post and Telecom Administration (PSF) that permits to operate on the 70 MHz / 4-metre band will be allowed from another two years. 

The frequency range is 70.000-70.250 MHz and is valid for two years from the 1st of Jan 2021 to the 31st of Dec 2022.

As before, the following conditions apply:

(1) Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz. No molding conditions; 

(2) the maximum radiated power is 100W

(3) the authorization is subject to the interruption of other electronic communications activities, transmissions must be stopped immediately and 

(4) call signs must be used at the beginning and end of the electronic communications connection and at appropriate regular intervals during the electronic communications connection.

Licensees must apply for authorization to the PTA before transmissions begins in the frequency range. 

The map above shows the distances in kms from Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. 

Analysis... It's very likely that stations on 70 MHz from Iceland will be heard elsewhere in Europe from May to July during the Sporadic-E season. These will likely be in the range of 1000 to 2300 kms with most in the range of about 1300 to 2100 kms.

As the map shows above, the countries within one-hop range are likely to be the UK & Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, NW Germany, Denmark, Norway & Sweden.

Distances greater than 2300kms may be possible be some form of multi-hop propagation but this is rarer at 70 MHz as compared to 50 MHz where it is a lot more common.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, worked TF3ML last year in SSB. Running 6 el at 5m agl and 50W fram a TS890S. It was almost 4000km.
