
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

700km+ D-STAR contact made on the 70cms UHF band across the Caribbean - Apr 2021

I came across details of this QSO recently which I thought was interesting. While long distance contacts in the region of 700kms on the 70cms UHF band are probably not that unusual in the Caribbean, this one was of interest as it was via D-STAR, a digital voice mode.

On the 18th of April 2021, Brett PJ2BR on Curacao completed a successful contact with Jose WP4KJJ on Puerto Rico on 432 MHz using D-STAR. See video below.

It's very easy to find videos or information about D-STAR being used for working through local digital repeaters or local contacts but it's unusual to see it being used for a long distance contact on the 70cms UHF band.


  1. Great, Brett, PJ2BR..we are proud of did it again.

  2. Nice! I was happy to cross the Northsea from PA to UK on 70 cm with digimode ft8 abt 250 km. But 740 km on 70cm. Wow ! 73 Ron
