
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Another opening on 28 MHz - Fri 16th April 2021

The 16th of April 2021 was another reasonable day on 28 MHz with 86 FT8 reports from 20 countries. There was a bit more Sporadic-E compared to the 15th with stations from plenty of German stations making an appearance in contrast to yesterday.

I also managed to hear two beacons on the band... one from Madrid and one from Gibraltar.

EI7GL 28167.4 ZB2TEN/B 14:03 16 Apr IO51TU<ES>IM76HD Gibraltar
EI7GL 28251.0 ED4YAK/B 13:58 16 Apr IO51TU<ES>IN80FK

That was my first time hearing those two beacons this year. I also heard EA8DHV on CW who was a reasonably strong signal ~559.

EI7GL 28016.0 EA8DHV 17:22 16 Apr IO51TU<>IL18UL Canary Islands

I'm not sure what the propagation mode was for the EA8 station. It's too far for one hop Sporadic-E so it either involved more than one hop OR it was from the F2 layer. That's the thing about 10-metres, sometimes you can never be 100% sure what the mode of propagation is.

1 comment:

  1. I worked EA8JK(SSB) at 17:30 utc who was 59+20 and gave me a real 59 back. Heard a station from Brazil about same time 52 but didnt manage to work him. So i would say most likely F2 propergation.
