
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Opening to Indonesia & USA on 28 MHz - Tues 20th Apr 2021

Tuesday 20th April 2021: This was an unusual day on the 28 MHz band in that it opened up to Indonesia and the USA. I haven't heard signals that far east and west in quite a while.

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
YB2TS 10m FT8 12575 km 13:33:14
KW4SP 10m FT8 6319 km 13:26:29

As can be seen from the FT8 log above, both signals were logged at about 13:30 UTC.

YB2TS from Indonesia was heard all over Europe. KW4SP in Alabama was unusual in that he was only heard in Europe by a station in Spain and myself.

I also heard one station from Brazil but that didn't appear on the PSK Reporter website.

As for Sporadic-E, there was a weak opening to Europe as shown above. I had the radio on for the whole day and I can't really remember hearing anything loud enough to catch my attention.

In total, I heard 53 stations from 12 countries which is reasonably low. The solar flux today was at 86 which was a jump of 8 on the previous day so perhaps that was the main reason for the DX stations.


  1. I also keep an eye on the DX cluster sometimes. Just to see what is going on. A few days ago I saw several Greece stations making FT8 QSOs on 10m with ZL at the evening greyline. I presume they were longpath QSOs.

    73, Bas

  2. The 28 MHz long path from Greece to New Zealand seems to have a nice peak around 20:00 UTC.
