
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sporadic-E opening to Europe - Fri 23rd Apr 2021


Friday 23rd April 2021: This was a pretty reasonable day on the 28 MHz with a modest Sporadic-E opening to Europe. As can be seen from the map above, signals from Brazil and St Helena did mange to get through but the Sporadic-E was the main feature of the day.

As can be seen from the map, most of the signals were concentrated in one band stretching from the Netherlands to Austria. This was probably the best day so far of the 2021 Sporadic-E season.

Two signals made it through from an area near Moscow... F2 propagation? Double hop Sporadic-E? Probably Sp-E but you can never be certain on 28 MHz.

I did three scans of the band when the FT8 signals seemed reasonable and I heard two beacons...

EI7GL 28245.3 DB0TEN/B 14:18 23 Apr IO51TU<ES>JO42UV Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28188.0 OE3XAC/B 11:38 23 Apr IO51TU<ES>JN78SB Austria

A total of 232 stations in 30 countries were heard on FT8. The Solar Flux was 84.


  1. Did you hear any ssb , yesterday 11m was busy and looking at the sdr waterfall the 11m side looked full yet on 10m it was more or less empty apart from the ft8 freq , i will do a screen grab the next time , is this really the way ham radio is evolving

  2. I rarely listen to the SSB portion of the band. My main interest is in propagation so I listen to FT8 signals to see if the band is open and then I listen to the CW end of the band for beacons and CW signals.

    Not sure what can be done to address the imbalance of FT8 versus the other modes. It would be nice to see the level of activity at one third each for digital, SSB & CW.
