
Friday, May 28, 2021

D4VHF on Cape Verde not active on 144 MHz due to antenna damage - May 2021

In response to a recent query, one of the D4VHF team has confirmed that their 144 MHz VHF station is off air at present.

Andrea, HB9DUR writes... “I am sorry to disappoint you re. D4VHF but the station is not fully operative, especially on 2m.

Monteverde has been suffering from non stop high winds from Christmas last year till some weeks ago.

So the yagi to west is heavily damaged by strong winds, the towers as well are not in a good shape. Moreover no power amplifier is available until somebody can travel there….“

The D4VHF station on Cape Verde off the west coast of Africa has in recent years has been responsible for some of the most spectacular contacts on 144 MHz and 432 MHz to Europe and across the Atlantic to the Caribbean.

For the moment (May 2021), they are still active on 50 MHz and the QO-100 satellite.

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