
Friday, July 23, 2021

Top spotter for WSPR on 28 MHz - 22nd July 2021

22nd July 2021: On a few occasions, I have been one of the top five spotters worldwide for WSPR signals on the 28 MHz band. On the 22nd, I was in first place!

As the chart shows, I reported 101 separate WSPR signals which is over 20 more than those in the other top 5 spots.

I should point out that this really has nothing to do with me as it's just my radio listening for WSPR signals on the 28 MHz band all day. The reason I ended up in the top spot is because of my location in the north-west of Europe.

The map above shows the location of the 101 stations. Other than four in North America, the rest were in Europe. The problem with the WSPR mode is that there is a lack of stations transmitting in comparison to say the hugely popular FT8 mode.

This is a closer look at the European stations. The main reason I ended up in top spot was probably because I heard 30 stations from the UK via short skip Sporadic-E and this was in addition to the more usual single hop Sp-E signals out around 1000-2000kms.

At the moment, I am just using a simple half wave vertical above 4m above the ground for reception and it really is nothing special. 


1) VK7JJ's WSPR Top Spotters website 

1 comment:

  1. Hello John, congrats, a great achievement. Compared to others you did very well.
    Another list can be viewed here:

    I recently published a list of 6m DXCC contacts made till 101 DXCC now. Surprisingly you are in that list at nr. 43.


    We already made a 6m SSB QSO 21 years, time goes fast...

    Keep blogging....73, Bas PE4BAS
