
Saturday, September 4, 2021

Life still on 28 MHz - 4th Sept 2021

Now that have moved into September, the Sporadic-E season is really beginning to wind down and I have changed from monitoring for 10m WSPR signals back to monitoring FT8 signals on 10m instead. The problem with WSPR is that it starts to get less useful once the number of stations fall away and that happens at the end of the Summer. 

On Saturday the 4th of September, there was a small Sporadic-E opening to central Europe as well as a small opening to South America.

I kind of prefer listening for WSPR signals but at the end of the day, all I'm really interested in is knowing what the propagation on the 28 MHz band is like.

The solar flux today was 84.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting catch of my EX0DX 200mW Beacon copied by PA3EYH at 17:50 of 06 SEPTEMBER on 10m The only two spots
