
Monday, January 10, 2022

2021 Report for the 40-MHz EI1KNH beacon

In this post, we'll look at the EI1KNH beacon in Ireland which transmits on 40.013 MHz and how many times it was spotted on the DX Cluster in 2021.

The map above shows the spots for 2021. A total of 21 stations reported the beacon the cluster which is down a little on the 26 in 2020. 

If we count just a maximum of one spot per station per day then there were 52 spots in 2021 compared to 77 in 2020.

Update - 11th Jan 2021: After posting this, I subsequently found out that the DXSummit cluster is missing a LOT of the dx spots for the 40 MHz band. I'll have to rework and update this post.

These are the top spotters of the EI1KNH 40 MHz beacon (again, based on counting just one spot maximum per person per day)

As the map shows above, most were in the region of 500 to 1700kms from the beacon which is a typical distance for Sporadic-E signals at 40 MHz during the Summer season.

The report for the year 2020 can be seen HERE

The EI1KNH 40 MHz beacon which is just to the south of Dublin first became operational in May of 2020.

DX Cluster... If you do hear the beacon then make sure to report it on dx-clusters like DXSummit or DXMaps as some of the other clusters ignore spots for 40 MHz as they assume they're a mistake.

More information about the EI1KNH beacon can be found here...

For more information on the 40 MHz band, go to this page...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony
    Just a quick observation on the three beacons on 40/50/60Mhz just outside Dublin.
    Normally I hear EI0SIX very well (easy audible copy) and EI4RF on 70MHz is around -20dBFT8.
    It is s different story for 40/60MHz as I see they are vertically polarised and as I use my 10/6/4 beam and 6/4 Moxon both for horizontal polarisation the cross-polarisation between the beacons and my antennas reduces chances of reliable tropospheric reception considerably.
    Changes to aircraft flight density and routing has reduced aircraft scatter possibilities by a huge margin.

    Looking forward to Es starting and some signals on 4m.

    OZ7IGY arrives here in JO01mg on all bands via ms and provides good consistent signals, so frequent in fact that I rarely spot the beacon which is why there are so few from me.

    I tend to look for Artic Circle and further north signals on 10/6. Still trying to track down the 4m beacon in JP99 outside Es season.
    With the increased occurences of lightning storms across the Arctic I would expect to see some unusual propagation paths appearing.

    I enjoy your blog and find it useful to see the USA "experiments" on 8m. What can we achieve in Europe?

    Nick - g4ogi
