
Saturday, October 22, 2022

The journey back...

It's been about five months since I last posted on the blog as I've taken a break from the radio scene. 

I've had my radio listening away on WSPR on 28 MHz all of the time but truth be told, I often didn't even check what was heard. The reception reports just got uploaded automatically by the PC to WSPRNet for others to see.

It's amazing once you go 'outside the radio bubble', it can take quite a while to get back in and catch up on all the things that happened.

I'm gradually working my way through the backlog of radio related emails and material and I hope to start posting again on a more regular basis.


  1. Welcome back John. Your blog was probably the best I have ever seen. Take your time and remember this is a hobby and we can do as much, or as little, as we want.

  2. Hi John, welcome back!! Dundalk Amateur Radio Society

  3. Hi John
    I agree with Roger G3XBM regarding your blogs. I ve certainly missed them. Thank you for all your content you produce.
    73 Steve M0BKL

  4. John,
    Glad to see you back now . I've missed all the very interesting articles to read and wish you all the best for the future. For HF afficionades ( excuse my spelling ! ) the higher frequencies above 25MHz are improving at last and I am sure will attract comments .
    Des EI5CD

  5. Welcome back John, lots of interesting stuff been heard from 28Mhz and above, the higher bands have been on fire with interesting activity, looking forward to your updates, de Ei2iP/KD2ZZJ Robbie
