
Friday, April 5, 2024

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th Apr 2024

The third edition of the new newsletter is now up on Substack.

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th April 2024

Summary: -
  • Intro
  • HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, MH370, Solar Eclipse, 30m beacon, 26 MHz, Solar Flux, 10m
  • 40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Spain
  • 50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, Beacon in Alabama, 223 DXCC, 1000 grids, Sardinia to New Zealand, Antarctica to France, Cyprus to Australia
  • Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
  • 70 MHz News: 4m activity, aurora, new 4m beacon, 4m nets
  • 88-108 MHz: First Sporadic-E opening in Greece, TEP Florida to Chile
  • 144 MHz & Above: Aurora in Australia, TEP from Namibia to Europe, TEP from Australia to Japan, Moonbounce, Antarctica
  • Satellites: DATV on the ISS
  • Experimenters Corner: Resistor values, handheld antenna teardown, CW bandwidth, impedance matching, Soldersmoke podcast
  • EI7GL blog posts for the last two weeks
  • In conclusion

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