
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ongoing WSPR tests on the 144 MHz band in Australia - Dec 2024 & Jan 2025

While the WSPR beacon mode is very common on the HF bands, it seems to have been largely ignored worldwide by the VHF community. 

The exception however is in Australia where there is a very active group of radio amateurs sending and receiving WSPR signals on the 50 MHz and 144 MHz bands.

The map above shows some of the typical paths recorded on WSPR on the 144 MHz band in Australia. The longest distances are usually the sea paths across the Great Australian Bight.

John, VK2IJM compiled a list of the longest paths on 144 MHz during the months of December 2024 and January 2025.

As you can see, some paths were close to 2800 to 2900 kms.

John, VK2IJM writes... "Many thanks to those that had their rigs turned on and uploaded spots during December and January.

I've collated the 2m results already (see above) and they show a quite amazing summer for troppo downunder. We didn't quite crack 3000km this summer, but the 2850km spot between VK7DC and VK6CPU must be close to a 2-way record. 

The longest spot was from VK6ZE to Leigh VK2KRR. 2m ES were slow in December but picked up in January with several large E storms. The big troppo this summer was across the bight to VK6, where we had days on end with spots to VK3 and VK7 and almost nothing to ZL, which is typical of La Nina years."

It would be nice to see more 144 MHz WSPR activity in places like Europe, USA and Japan.

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