
Monday, April 26, 2021

EA8CXN completes 1296 MHz contact by bouncing a signal off a cruise ship - Apr 2021

I recently read an interesting post on the website of César, EA8CXN about a 'Ship Scatter' contact on 1296 MHz (23cms)!

The map above shows the scenario. EA8CXN and EA8CSB are on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands and they cannot complete a contact directly on 1296 MHz due to local mountains.

They did however manage to complete a contact by bouncing the 23cm microwave signals off a passing cruise ship which is about 60kms away! Amazing.

After initially completing a contact on FT8, they managed to complete a QSO on SSB.

EA8CXN was running 100 watts in a 1-metre dish with horizontal polarization. EA8CSB was using just 2.5 watts into a vertical Diamond X-7000.

Check out the post on EA8CXN's website for more info and to see the SSB contacts.

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