
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Modest Conditions on 28 MHz - Mon 26th Apr 2021


Monday 26th April 2021: This was a pretty modest day on the 28 MHz band with just 46 stations on FT8 in 19 countries heard.

The one surprise was VP8NO on the Falkland Islands who somehow made it through on his own. Other than that, it was Sporadic-E around Europe.

Some of the signals were quiet reasonable. I heard one German station who was S7 on the meter but when I did a scan of the beacon band, I heard nothing. It seems as if the Sp-E footprint was quite small.

The other strong signals were from Norway and Sweden and I heard two CW beacons...

EI7GL 28237.4 LA5TEN/B 11:08 26 Apr IO51TU<ES>JO59JP Norway
EI7GL 28298.0 SK7GH/B 10:34 26 Apr IO51TU<ES>JO77BF Sweden

I think I might stay monitoring FT8 on 10m until the end of the month and then move over to WSPR.

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