Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2025

FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels -- HAMNET, M17 & MESHTASTIC presentations

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers from all over Europe to meet, share ideas and collaborate and it held this year in Brussels on the 1st & 2nd of February 2025.

Out of the 1000+ lectures, a few were radio related...

Saturday - 1st Feb 2025
Using AI hardware accelerators for real-time DSP on embedded devices - NPU, TPU etc,
M17 and OpenRTX: one year later
The AFF3CT framework for building numerical communication chains
HAMNET - Status Update
RF Swift: A Swifty Toolbox for All Wireless Assessments
SDR++, a modular, cross-platform SDR utility
Broadband data transfer over USB for GNU/Linux: 1-2 GHz (L-band) SDR receiver
Meshtastic - off-grid communication for everyone
Yet another new SDR runtime?

Some of these talks have slides available in PDF format and there are links if you want to explore the subject more.

The links to each radio talk can be found here...

Here are three subjects that I found of interest.

1) HAMNET... 

HAMNET is a Highspeed Amateur Radio Multimedia NETwork developed from an experiment into a stable infrastructure, particularly in German-speaking countries. It generally connects unmanned amateur radio stations via microwave links using the IPv4 and BGP protocols and provides a platform for networking amateur radio applications.

The slides for this talk can be found HERE

2) M17...

M17 is an open source protocol for digital radio and its goal is to allow radio amateurs to communicate via digital voice and data. The M17 team are also developing open source hardware in conjunction with this. The net result is to have hardware and software that is designed for the amateur radio community and is not dependant on commercial companies or third parties. In other words, M17 is designed by radio amateurs for radio amateurs.

The slides for this talk are HERE

3) Meshtastic...

Meshtatsc is described as follows... "Meshtastic is an open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices.  It uses Lora-P2P with dedicated radio chips and forms ad-hoc meshes. In HAM mode the encryption is switched off and the ISM airtime restrictions are lifted."

Meshtastic goes beyond the confines of the amateur radio bands and allows anyone with an interest in electronics to experiment on the UHF licence free ISM radio bands like 868 MHz in Europe and 915 MHz in North America. Radio amateurs have the ability to use higher power on bands like 433 MHz.

More links can be found HERE

Friday, January 24, 2025

Notice: Upcoming HAARP ionospheric tests from Alaska - 27th to 31st Jan 2025

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is based in Alaska and it's a high-power, high frequency (HF) transmitter for studying the ionosphere.  The principal instrument is a phased array of 180 HF crossed-dipole antennas  capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts  into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.  Transmit frequencies are selectable in the range of 2.7 to 10 MHz.

Update: Note that due to hazardous winter road conditions along the highways leading to the HAARP facility, the January Research Campaign has been delayed by 1 day. Dates updated below.

The research team have announced that they will be carrying out tests from the 28th of January to the 2nd of February 2025.

The press release is shown below and I've added a map to show location and distance.

To: Amateur Radio & Radio Astronomy Communities
From: HAARP Program Office
Subject: Notice of Transmission

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will be conducting a research
campaign with operating times specified in the table below. Operating
frequencies will vary, but all HAARP transmissions will be between 2.75 MHz and 10 MHz. Actual
transmit days and times are highly variable based on real-time ionospheric and/or geomagnetic
conditions. All information is subject to change.

This campaign is being conducted in support of research proposals from UAF, the University of
Florida, the Naval Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Cornell University,
Dartmouth College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and the University of Houston.
Research topics for this campaign include VLF generation and ducting, studies on STEVE airglow,
and space debris detection. 

This campaign will also support the GIRAFF rocket launch from Poker
Flat Research Range, which is investigating the mechanisms that cause flickering and pulsing
within the aurora. More information on GIRAFF is available here:

Note that a number of experiments will be conducted based on the critical frequency (f0F2)
determined by the Gakona ionosonde. The included transmission notice supplement contains
information on the frequencies HAARP is authorized to transmit. HAARP transmissions will only
occur on our authorized frequencies. 

There are no specific data collection requests from funded investigators, but reception reports are appreciated and may be submitted online via our web form

For updates on ionospheric conditions in Gakona, please consult ionograms from the HAARP
Diagnostic Suite:

Additional Resources for Reading Ionograms
Understanding HF Propagation and Reading Ionograms from Bootstrap Workbench:

The image above is an annotated ionogram from HAARP that describes features that may be of
interest. Note that f0F2 is calculated at the top left.

f0F2 is the critical frequency of the F2 layer of the Earth’s ionosphere. This is the frequency at
which radio signals stop refracting off the ionosphere and begin passing through to outer space.
For certain HAARP experiments that deal with interactions in the ionosphere, transmission
frequencies below f0F2 are desirable, while for other experiments (such as those involving high altitude satellites), staying above f0F2 is required.

Supplement to HAARP Notice of Transmission
General Information for HAARP Radio Enthusiasts:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Notice: 145 MHz Activity Period for the UK & Ireland - Sun 26th Jan 2025

The 145 Alive Group are organising an activity period on the 2m amateur radio band in the UK & Ireland on Sunday the 26th of January 2025 from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC.

This is not a contest and the aim is to promote more activity on the 2m amateur radio band. The approximate location of the net controllers are shown in the map above and they will be operating on the FM channels from 145.250 to 145.575 MHz.

Don't worry about who is operating where, just tune around and see who you can hear. All you need to do is to call in and give a report. If you listen for a few minutes, you'll get the format of the exchanges.

The weather isn't looking great with a named storm crossing over the UK & Ireland on Sunday. This may result is fewer stations taking to high ground.