Showing posts with label VK3YE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VK3YE. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

L-Match antenna coupler for the low VHF bands - 40 MHz to 70 MHz

Peter, VK3YE has just released a video on his YouTube channel about a very simple L-match antenna coupler for the 50 MHz band.

As Peter marks in the intro to the video... "Most HF antenna couplers have too much minimum inductance and capacitance to work up to 50 MHz. Here's one that uses just two parts. "

In the video, Peter uses a ferrite core but you could also try an air spaced inductor to get the required 0.5uH.

According to the calculator on the M0UKD website, an 11-turn coil with a diameter of 10mm and 20mm in length will give an inductance of 0.49 uH. Website HERE

This type of simple L-match will also work on the other low VHF bands. For 40 MHz, try an extra 2-3 turns and a little bit more capacitance. For higher bands like 70 MHz, try a few less turns and lower capacitance. The key is to experiment.

Many people use non-resonant antennas when they are trying to listen to the low VHF bands like 40 MHz, 50 MHz or 70 MHz. A lot of short wave listeners and radio amateurs may have antennas for the HF and short wave bands but may not have anything for listening above 30 MHz.

A simple L-match antenna coupler like this is an interesting way to get a better antenna match and improve reception.

See the video below from VK3YE...