In April of 2018, Comreg...the Irish regulatory authority allowed Irish radio amateurs access to the 30 MHz to 49 MHz part of the VHF spectrum on a secondary basis. As one European administration has now allowed radio amateurs to experiment with this part of the spectrum, it is possible that others may follow.
The 60 MHz or 5 metre band has the potential to be a future allocation for the Amateur Radio service. The International Amateur Radi Union (IARU) are currently encouraging member societies to try and obtain small allocations at 40 MHz and 60 MHz.
The purpose of this page on the blog is to put any information that I have about the subject in one spot so that others can find it.
SMC Transportable Log Periodic HF VHF Antenna 30-88MHz ...Jan 2021
ADIF format now includes the 5m & 8m bands ...Oct 2020
Update on the EI1KNH 60 MHz beacon (changing from PI4 to FT8) ...June 2020
Crossband contacts made on 60 MHz on the 18th of May 2020 (DL, SP,S5) ...May 2020
New home wanted for the GB3RAL suite of beacons which include one for 60 MHz ...May 2020
Crossband contacts made on 60 MHz on the 18th of May 2020 (DL, SP,S5) ...May 2020
New home wanted for the GB3RAL suite of beacons which include one for 60 MHz ...May 2020
New Facebook Group for the 40 MHz & 60 MHz amateur bands ...May 2020
Irish 60 MHz beacon EI1KNH heard in West Wales ...Mar 2020
The Five-Metre Story ... Article from the Short Wave Magazine in 1949 ...Dec 2019
EI1KNH - New Irish Beacon on 60 MHz now on the air ...Dec 2019
A look at the ex-British army Clansman PRC-3512 Low Band FM VHF Radio ...Nov 2019
German commercial Log-Periodic antenna for 28 to 144 MHz ...May 2019
Low Band VHF Log-Periodic Aerials from Antenna Products Corporation ...May 2019
IARU Region 1 adopt IRTS band plans for 60 MHz ...May 2019
Example of Band 1 TV reception by tropo back in the 1960's in Ireland ...Apr 2019
New 60 MHz Transverters on the way from Spectrum Comminications UK ...Apr 2019
IRTS paper on 5 metre band to be presented at IARU Meeting ...Feb 2019
South Africa to consider using 54-68 MHz for digital broadcasting?? ...Oct 2018
The Five-Metre Story ... Article from the Short Wave Magazine in 1949 ...Dec 2019
EI1KNH - New Irish Beacon on 60 MHz now on the air ...Dec 2019
A look at the ex-British army Clansman PRC-3512 Low Band FM VHF Radio ...Nov 2019
German commercial Log-Periodic antenna for 28 to 144 MHz ...May 2019
Low Band VHF Log-Periodic Aerials from Antenna Products Corporation ...May 2019
IARU Region 1 adopt IRTS band plans for 60 MHz ...May 2019
Example of Band 1 TV reception by tropo back in the 1960's in Ireland ...Apr 2019
New 60 MHz Transverters on the way from Spectrum Comminications UK ...Apr 2019
IRTS paper on 5 metre band to be presented at IARU Meeting ...Feb 2019
South Africa to consider using 54-68 MHz for digital broadcasting?? ...Oct 2018
Russia proposes to use DRM on 65.9-74.0 MHz ...Sept 2018
Frequency for new Irish beacon on 60 MHz announced ...Sept 2018
IRTS publish revised band plans for 40 MHz and 60 MHz ...July 2018
IRTS publish proposed band plans for 40 MHz and 60 MHz ...May 2018
Irish amateurs gain access to the 30 MHz to 69 MHz part of the VHF spectrum ...Apr 2018
Frequency for new Irish beacon on 60 MHz announced ...Sept 2018
IRTS publish revised band plans for 40 MHz and 60 MHz ...July 2018
IRTS publish proposed band plans for 40 MHz and 60 MHz ...May 2018
Irish amateurs gain access to the 30 MHz to 69 MHz part of the VHF spectrum ...Apr 2018
History of Amateur Radio at 60 MHz (5 metres)...
In 1927, the band of 56-60 MHz was allocated on a worldwide basis by the International Radiotelegraph Conference in Washington, D.C. for amateur use. In 1938 with the advent of television, the International Radiocommunication Conference in Cairo, television broadcasting was given priority in this part of the spectrum which had the impact of restricting some radio amateurs in Europe to 58.5 to 60 MHz.Following World War II, radio amateurs in the USA had access to the 5-metre band for a brief period but came to an end on the 1st of March 1946 when they allocated the 6-metre band of 50-54 MHz instead.
At the 1947 International Radio Conference in New Jersey, broadcasting was allocated 41 to 68 MHz in Region 1 (Europe/Africa).
In Britain, radio amateurs had an allocation at 56 MHz prior to WWII. After the war, they were allocated 58.5 to 60.0 MHz but lost this in 1949 when the band was allocated to TV broadcasting. In 1956, radio amateurs in Britain were given an allocation at 70 MHz instead which is how the 4-metre band came into being.
For decades, this part of the spectrum was used for broadcasting television signals worldwide. Towards the end of the 20th century, many of the TV transmitters were moved up into the UHF part of the spectrum. With the advent of digital television, this has accelerated. This has the result that in many parts of the world, there aren't as many TV signals in the 60 MHz region as there once was.
In August of 2007, the UK (G) approved the use of beacons at 60 MHz.
In April of 2018, Ireland (EI) allocated much of the low VHF spectrum to Irish radio amateurs including 60 MHz.
In late 2019, LY2YR in Lithuania was given permission to operate at a spot frequency near 60 MHz.
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For the latest news on the 60 MHz band, consider joining the 40 MHz & 60 MHz Facebook Group |
60 MHz Beacons...
As of December 2019, there is just one beacon operational on the band... EI1KNH
IARU recommends beacons at 60 MHz...
IARU - International Amateur Radio Union.
IARU-R1 VHF Handbook - Version 8.01 November 2017
Multi-Band beacon clusters (Cavtat 2008)
• National Societies should encourage the deployment of multi-band beacon clusters covering low
VHF between about 30 MHz and about 70 MHz.
• Deployed beacon clusters should wherever possible provide signals at around 40 MHz and
around 60 MHz.
• Amateurs should be encouraged to set up and maintain automated monitoring stations and to
contribute the measurement results to the community.
• A common transmission format should be adopted to aid the reception of multiple clusters
60 MHz news items from the net...
August 2007.... In July the GB3RAL 40.050 and 60.050 MHz VHF beacons were approved and shortly after OZ7IGY received the permit to operate on 40.021 MHz.
2) Wikipedia page about the 5-metre band...
Page updated 23rd Feb 2021