Showing posts with label F0FYF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F0FYF. Show all posts

Saturday, May 8, 2021

S55ZMS 40 MHz beacon heard in France - 7th May 2021

Jeff, F0FYF in the south-east of France reports hearing the new S55ZMS 8-metre beacon in Slovenia on 40.670 MHz on Friday the 7th of May 2021.

F0FYF wrote... "recycling is good .. an old 4-element antenna for Swiss TV, somewhat retouched for 40 Mhz with its reception amplifier and the beacon #S55ZMS is received intermittently #hamradio#radioamateur" (via Google translate) (Radio = Yaesu FT-897)

The beacon transmits in CW and PI4 and some of the decodes by Jeff are shown below...

The distance was in the region of 775kms which suggests that the propagation mode was short hop Sporadic-E.

In terms of short hop Sporadic-E, the 40 MHz band is worse than 28 MHz but better than 50 MHz. Under exceptional conditions, anything down to 500kms might be expected at 40 MHz.

Since this new 40 MHz beacon moved to its final location at the end of April 2021, it has been now been heard in Ireland, Portugal and France.

For more information on the 40 MHz band, go to

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Is there a bogus ZD7GWM beacon operating on 144 MHz in the south of France???

Back in the middle of March 2021, I reported in a previous blog post how F0FYF in the east of France had heard a beacon on 144 MHz that was using the same callsign as the ZD7GWM beacon on St Helena in the South Atlantic.

After listening to various recordings, I was able to confirm that the signal heard by F0FYF was different from the real one. 

Now, there is a report that the beacon has been heard by someone else in France but on a completely different beam heading.

Someone left a comment on the blog of Jeff, F0FYF to say that they had heard the bogus ZD7 beacon on 144.475 MHz as well! This person said that he was in the south of Perpignan and that the 'beacon' was on a beam heading of 70 degrees from his location. He was using a 7-element Yagi on a 9-metre mast.

F0FYF originally said that he had heard the beacon on a beam heading of 200 degrees. I plotted out these two beam headings and they intersect near Marseilles.

They also said that the beacon is often on air for 90 minutes to 2 hours at a time on a regular basis. 

Is it located somewhere inside the circle above?? It would be interesting for some local French radio amateurs to have a listen. Is there an online SDR with 2m in the area?


1) My original post

2) Blog post on F0FYF blog with comments (in French)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

144 MHz beacon on St Helena heard 7000kms away in France by TEP - is it real?

Back in February of 2021, I had a post up about the new 144 MHz on St Helena Island in the South Atlantic. On the 3rd of March, I reported that the beacon had been heard over 3000kms away in South Africa.

Now just two days later, F0FYF in France claims to have heard it.

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13th March 2021... Note that the recording from France does not match the recordings from South Africa.

For updates, scroll down to the end of this post.

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The path is almost 7000 kms! If confirmed then it looks likely that the propagation mode was via Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) from St Helena Island to the north coast of Africa and then via tropo across the Mediterranean.

An audio recording from F0FYF can be heard below...

Check out the audio of the beacon here...

The D7GWM/B in CW can be clearly heard. The beacons locator is IH74DB.

In a post on his website, F0FYF wrote..."The other day, I was touring the audible beacons from my house on a VHF. The spread appeared to be good especially to the south / southwest. The Pic Neulos arrived in excellent conditions on 144.4765 Mhz, even CN8LI was audible at times, with great difficulty but the LNA was there to help. I used for these receptions, a stack of 2 x 9 elements at 7m from the ground on a temporary pylon (the neighbors cannot stand the sight of metal and their nausea and headaches happen, as if by chance, as soon as I mount my pylon, even not connected ^^, in short ..)

During my little tour, I stopped on 144.47535 Mhz after hearing some very delicate pieces of walrus to decode. The antennas pointed at 200 ° and as soon as I turned more than 5 ° in one direction or the other, the signal disappeared. Surely a reflection on a massif. 200 ° de chez moi passes just between the Semnoz massif and Le Mont du Chat. I am still at 700m with a fairly clear view from my home. I started the recording and I was able to recover some bridles but I couldn't get it correctly. Another OM that I had warned could hear absolutely nothing from his position. I went around MMMonVHF , my reference for beacons, to try to know its origin but I haven't found anything yet. The beacon disappeared around 11 p.m."

Some points here...

1) The ZD7GWM beacon is on 144.475 MHz so the frequency is correct.

2) The beam heading for F0FYF to St Helena is 193 degrees which is close to the 200 degree beam heading that F0FYF used.

3) The beacon was heard between 19:45 and 22:50. The recording was taken at 20:47. The time is in the late evening which matches some TEP propagation.

4) There are recent reports of 144 TEP on the DX cluster from the Caribbean to Brazil & Argentina. This suggests that it might be possible for the ZD7 beacon to be heard in Europe.

This is the second recording...

This one has 'E W M T'  & '7 E' in cw so I am not sure what that is??? Someone suggested that it might 'G W M /' with the start and finish cut off. If it is, the level of fading seems very sharp and severe.

It would be great if more people in southern Europe could listen for this beacon on 145.475 MHz. If it is TEP as expected then it should be heard again in the late evening.

Like any good science experiment, we need more data points!


1) F0FYF website

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Update 1 of 2... 10th March 2021: There seems to be a difference between what the beacon really sounds like in South Africa and what was heard in France. This casts some doubt as to whether it was really the St Helena beacon. More to follow...

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I was sent recordings of what the beacon sounded like when it was on the bench under test and what it sounded like as recorded by V51DK in Namibia.

I fed these audio clips and the one from F0FYF into the Spectrum Lab audio programme and this is what I found.

The three recordings are shown above. The dotted vertical line is a 2-second mark.

1) Callsign Length: The recording by ZS1NAZ when the beacon was on the bench is shown in the centre and this is essentially the reference. The callsign 'ZD7GWM/B' in morse as recorded by ZS1NAZ is 9 seconds long. The callsign as recorded by V51DK in Namibia over a 2250km path is also 9 seconds long. The callsign recorded by F0FYF is 10 seconds long.

2) Dash Length: If the letter 'M' is compared above, there is an obvious difference between the dash lengths. I measured the dot length from the ZS1NAZ recording to be roughly 220 milliseconds (mS), the dash length from the F0FYF recording was roughly 330 mS.

3) Dot Length: The dots in the ZS1NAZ recording are quite short. I measured them to be be roughly 65 mS. I measured the dots in the F0FYF recording to be roughly 130 mS.

4) Character Spacing: If you examine the F0FYF recording, the space between the letter 'M' and the character '/' is about equal to the length of a dash. In the ZS1NAZ recording, this is clearly different. 

I had wondered perhaps if the F0FYF recording was somehow changed to make it clearer, a bit like playing something at 80% speed to make it clearer. If this 10 second recording was reduced down to 9 seconds then the dashes and dots would get shorter as well. However, that wouldn't change the fact that spacing between characters seems longer in the ZS1NAZ recording.

I was sent recordings of what the beacon sounded like when it was on the bench under test and what it sounded like as recorded by V51DK in Namibia.

In conclusion, the signals as displayed above from the F0FYF and ZS1NAZ look different. To the ear, they sound different. The F0FYF recording as more of a T9 clean tone where as the ZS1NAZ recording sounding very different with the morse sounding more abrupt. As someone said to me..."The keying on this recording has a staccato nature".

The F0FYF reception recording was described to me as being probably a genuine reception of a non-genuine signal.

What really needs to happen now is for stations in countries like Spain, Portugal and the south of France to take their radios off the 2m FT8 frequency and listen for the ZD7GWM beacon on 144.475 MHz late in the evening. There are reports of 2m TEP in South America at the moment so there is no reason why it shouldn't be happening on this side of the Atlantic.

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Update 2 of 2... 13th March 2021: Jeff, F0FYF has very kindly uploaded the full recording of what he heard. The full recording is nearly 2 hours long.

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See below...