Showing posts with label VHF propagation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VHF propagation. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2025

VIDEO : Understanding VHF Propagation by Rohde & Schwarz

I recently came across a video on YouTube titled 'Understanding VHF Propagation' by Rohde & Schwarz, a company synonymous with high end RF and electronic test equipment.

It covers the myth of “line of sight” at VHF, tropo refraction, ducting, diffraction & scattering, Sporadic-E, meteor scatter and moonbounce.

It's a good primer on VHF propagation and covers in 43 minutes what might take a few hours to read in a book. It would be appropriate for anyone studying to get an amateur radio licence or just wants to get a basic understanding of how radio signals behave on the VHF bands. i.e. 50 MHz and above.

Video below...