Thursday, September 28, 2023

Upcoming 145 MHz Activity Period in the UK & Ireland - Sat 30th Sept 2023

145 Alive Event... On Saturday 30th Sept 2023, there will be an activity period on the 145 MHz band in the UK & Ireland and it will run from 3pm to 5pm local time.

This isn't a contest, it's just an activity period where people will be just testing out what kind of range they can get on 2m FM. There should be a mix of stations on the air, some operating from home and some from high ground.

David, EI3IXB sends on the following... 145 Alive - The 145 Alive event is coming to Ireland for the first time on Saturday 30th September from 13:00-15:00 local me on 2m FM.

The idea is to promote the use of VHF in a short friendly event, it is also being run in the UK at the same time which should add to the fun! We plan to set up a network of Control staions on high ground around the country & callers to the staions will then be passed on to the next control staion, if there is one within range. We now need clubs & volunteers to help set up a chain of staions around the country.

Please contact David  EI3IXB,email ei3ixb AT gmail DOT com if you can help.

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