Friday, May 17, 2024

ICOM hint at new 60th anniversary X60 product

At the Dayton Hamvention this weekend, ICOM put on display are number of printed circuit boards from what is supposed to be the 60th Anniversary Concept Model “X60”.

ICOM-UK write... "Referred to internally as the "X60" all lips are very tightly and firmly sealed about this project and the exciting concept model behind the secrecy. Only a carefully selected handful of our very top development gurus and members of our absolute senior management in Osaka know the complete and full details about this very special project.

The full reveal will be at the Tokyo Ham Fair which will be held over the weekend of August 24th & 25th 2024. Full details on the new model, its name, its specification and its availability, plus its target price will be disclosed there."

What is it??? Well, it's not a handheld!  Considering the number of PCB's and the fact that the one in the middle and at the top has plenty of toroids and relays, it probably is some sort of flagship HF transceiver.

On the PA board PCB, there is 'PA200W' written on it which would certainly suggest a top end HF transceiver.

If it's just another expensive HF & 6m model then I doubt if the hype is worth it. If it's a 'shack in a box' and includes some VHF and UHF bands then it certainly could generate some excitement.

We'll have to wait and see.

More photos below...

Antenna Tuner Board


Anonymous said...

I hope it replaces the 7100! 73 DE N2GJ

DL8YF said...

A replacement for the IC7100 would be a little dream...keep fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

The boards I saw would require a much bigger case than the 7100 has

Ares said...

No. It will be big, expensive HF transceiver, a replacement for the IC7850

IZ3ATV said...

It will be the first HF to VHF, allmode 200W PEP, predistortion TX, direct-sampling SRD transceiver.

DB9EV said...

A DVI connector??? Why no HDMI????

EI4GEB said...

HDMI's licence costs to much

Dl8YF said...

The licence costs some 10-20 cents. You can buy a Raspi Zero for 17€ with mini-hdmi. Its an unwritten company policy (CEO desicion) not to pay licence fees at all.

Anonymous said...

I hope it lives up to the froth being whipped up and isn't just marketing