Sunday, May 5, 2019

Big opening to South America on 28 MHz - Sun 5th May 2019

Sunday the 5th of May started off reasonably quiet with just a selection of weak signals from around Europe. At about 16:00 UTC, there was a good opening to South America which lasted until about 20:30 UTC.

This is a map of the FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz...


1) My take off to the south-west isn't great as I have a hill in the way. If I can hear this many stations from South America then it must have been a really good opening.

2) TR8CA in the Gabon made an appearance on the band. There are probably lots of openings to Africa but the problem is that there are very few stations there to work.

3) Interesting to see some signals further west than the usual north-south paths. Four stations were heard in Puerto Rico as well as FG5GH/FWI on what I assume was Fortuna and Wallis Islands.

195715 -14  0.0  489 ~  AM70URE/9 <KP4JFR> 73
195915 -16 -0.0  489 ~  AM70URE/9 <KP4JRS> 73
195930 -16 -1.3 2415 ~  LU2JLS <FG5GH/FWI> R-05
200115 -10 -0.0  489 ~  AM70URE/9 <NP3YL> 73

4) Mode of propagation? I was hearing the south of Spain at the same time as South America so it was probably the usual one hop Sporadic-E to the south and then F2 to South America.

The Solar Flux index today was 72.

A total of 92 reports were uploaded to the PSK Reporter website from 68 stations in 25 countries.

This is a list of stations heard. 2000kms plus in bold.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Poor day on 28 MHz - Sat 4th May 2019

The conditions on 28 MHz on Saturday the 4th of May 2019 were pretty poor with mostly weak signals heard on the band. The map below shows what was heard but it bears little resemblance to what it actually sounded like.

It was one of those days where you could hear really weak signals buried in the noise and you wouldn't take much notice. You could then look at the screen after an hour and discover you had decoded a bunch of FT8 signals.

It was almost as if the band was just about open but not quite. I did a scan of the beacon band at one stage and heard ED4YAK/B near Madrid but it disappeared as soon as I heard it. That's the kind of day it was.

I could see that some of the stations in the UK managed to hear Brazil but there was nothing here.

I did a scan of the lower bands as well and 24 MHz, 21 MHz and 18 MHz all sounded pretty quiet. It's amazing hearing nothing on 18 MHz and then going just 4 MHz lower to 14 MHz and hearing Russian contest stations at 599+.

According to the PSK Reporter website, I uploaded 92 reports from 68 stations in 25 countries.

These are the FT8 signals heard on FT8 on Saturday the 4th of May 2019...
All single hop Sporadic-E. 2000km plus in bold.

Big opening on 28 MHz - Fri 3rd May 2019

There was another big Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz on Friday the 3rd of May with the MUF extending up as far as 50 MHz as well.

The band was pretty much open for a full ten hours from about 09:00 to 19:00 UTC.

The opening was especially good to the south with strong signals from Spain and Portugal. I heard a lot of traffic from South America as well which isn't the best direction from here due to a local hill.

The map below shows the closer signals in more detail. Some of the signals not uploaded to PSK Reporter are shown as extra pink dots.

1) The single hop limit is shown by a Yellow dotted line. The signals to note here are the double hop ones to Western Sahara, Greece, Israel, Bulgaria and Ukraine. However on closer inspection, there aren't that many to the east.
2) There was single hop Sporadic-E into Germany but the number of stations for a country of that size was low.
3) While it was a widespread opening with different areas of Europe being heard at the same time, most of the signals were modest. The signals from the south however was especially strong.
4) I wasn't listening on the FT8 frequency all of the time. I did tune around a few times and I did work some of the Spanish AM70 stations on cw. However, the radio was probably on the FT8 frequency for at least 90% of the day so it's a good reflection on what was happening on the band.

Beacons...These are the beacons that I heard and they reflect the very good conditions to the south. The ED4YAK beacon near Madrid was noticeably the strongest of the lot.

EI7GL 28253.3 ED5YAU/B 18:24 03 May IO51TUIM98WN Spain
EI7GL 28215.7 SR5TDM/B 18:21 03 May IO51TUKO01KX Poland
EI7GL 28298.1 SK7GH/B 17:45 03 May IO51TUJO77BF Sweden
EI7GL 28241.7 F5ZUU/B 15:39 03 May IO51TUJN24IL France
EI7GL 28255.8 C30P/B 13:27 03 May IO51TUJN02SM Andorra
EI7GL 28251.1 ED4YAK/B 13:25 03 May IO51TUIN80FK Spain
EI7GL 28169.3 ZB2TEN/B 13:17 03 May IO51TUIM76HD Gibraltar

The band was also open much further south with 9J2BO in Zambia being heard on cw.
EI7GL 28025.1 9J2BO 13:22 03 May IO51TU<>KH44CP Zambia

The special event AM70 stations in Spain were really strong and I worked AM70O, AM70R, AM70P and AM70L on cw.

I heard someone on RTTY as well which seemed unusual, especially for 28 MHz.

One odd signal was an illegal fishing buoy on 28.029 MHz.

50 MHz... I did check 50 MHz at one stage and I heard a beacon in Portugal.
EI7GL 50035.6 CS5BALG/B 15:34 03 May IO51TUIM67AH Portugal

While I was there, I didn't hear any other signals except for the FT8 frequency.

According to the PSK Reporter website, I uploaded 456 reports for 28 MHz from 311 different stations in 41 different countries. A list is show below.

Friday, May 3, 2019

RSGB Presentation on VHF baluns by GM3SEK

At the 2018 RSGB Convention, Ian White GM3SEK gave a presentation on VHF baluns and that has now been put up on YouTube.

It is perhaps not the most exciting of subjects but it is required viewing for anyone with an interest in build their own VHF and UHF antennas.

There are some good nuggets of info in there including how to feed a beam properly and what pitfalls to avoid.

It's interesting to note that GM3SEK does not recommend the use of the Gamma match which is used in a huge number of antenna designs.

Video below...

These are Ian's websites...

Multi-Hop Sporadic-E on 28 MHz... Thurs 2nd May 2019

Thursday the 2nd of May was for the most part quiet on the 28 MHz band with the band only really opening up in the afternoon at about 15:30 UTC.

The footprint of the Sporadic-E seemed to be pretty small and it moved around. For example at one time, IS0KNG was the only station I was hearing on the band. The map below is an accumulation of all of these small footprints.

I also noticed on PSKReporter that there was a good bit of activity further east and I was just a bit too far west to hear it. Signals for the most part very weak and it was as if the band was just about open.

These are the FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz on Thursday the 3rd of May 2019.

The pink dots on their own are signals that I heard but didn't get uploaded to the PSKReporter website.

There are some interesting ones in there including multi-hop Sp-E to Cyprus, Bulgaria and Lebanon. UW5EJX/MM off the coast of Angola was also heard.

161515 -20 -0.1 2484 ~  CQ UW5EJX/MM
162515 -16 -0.1  420 ~  IU2LVV EA6AU RRR
180530 -14 -0.2 2120 ~  F5CVI OD5ZF -18
182545 -13 -0.0  727 ~  7X2TT 5B4ALJ -07
191145 -16  0.0 1440 ~  SQ7BFC LZ1VDR -05
201115  -1  0.0 1102 ~  <...> LY3W KO14

Just two beacons were heard. LA5TEN near Oslo in Norway but it disappeared very quickly and the SK0CT beacon near Stockholm which was the first time I have heard it this year.

EI7GL 28292.6 SK0CT/B 16:34 02 May IO51TUJO89XK Sweden

FT8 signals heard on Thurs 2nd of May 2019. Stations over 2000kms in bold..

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Quiet day on 28 MHz - Wed 1st May 2019

Conditions were very poor on 28 MHz on Wednesday the 1st of May 2019 with just one short opening to Spain in the late afternoon.

Signals heard on FT8 on 28 MHz...
EA4FSB 10m FT8 1445 km 18:00:15
EA3AXV 10m FT8 1389 km 17:00:59
EA7DGC 10m FT8 1643 km 16:50:44
EA7BZO 10m FT8 1682 km 16:29:59
EA7JWF 10m FT8 1580 km 16:28:29
EA5HRV 10m FT8 1505 km 16:26:59
IZ0EGA 10m FT8 1930 km 16:23:14
9A7JCY 10m FT8 1943 km 16:14:48
G0OYQ 10m FT8 579 km 12:04:59
F4HER 10m FT8 863 km 11:53:30

Other than the FT8 signals, I did hear three of the AM70 special event stations from Spain on CW. The strongest of these got up to about 539 which actually sounds pretty loud on a quiet band like 10 metres. No beacons were heard.

Update 21:00 UTC ......It's uncanny. As soon as I publish the post, the band opens up! :o))

Heard one FT8 station in Madrid and the ED4YAK beacon on CW.
EA4GXJ 10m FT8 1325 km 20:58:14
EI7GL 28251.1 ED4YAK/B 21:00 01 May IO51TUIN80FK Spain

Update 22:30 UTC ... Jim G3YLA is publishing Sporadic-E prediction maps on his website as of the 1st of May 2019.

On his website for the E's blog, he writes..."Zones where the contour pattern is changing most quickly, due to movement or development, are defined by coloured lines; red for decreasing and blue for increasing. These rapid contour changes are particularly good places to generate extra turbulence, since these are regions of rapid changes in the atmosphere. "

Going on what I heard today, the hot spot for the Sporadic-E seemed to be roughly south-west of Brittany in France. G3YLA has a Blue region near that point in his prediction for the 1st of May 2019.


New FT4 protocol hits the airwaves

Back on the 23rd of April 2019, I had a post up about the new FT4 protocol from Joe Taylor & the WSJT team..

A new Beta version of the WSJT-X software was released on Monday the 29th of April and there seems to be a lot of interest in it already.

I took three snapshots of the activity levels on the 20m, 30m, 40m and 80m bands on the evening of the 30th of April and the morning and afternoon of the 1st of May. The results are shown in chart below...

As can be seen, there are already a substantial number of people using FT8 after just 48 hours. The main band is 20m followed by 40m.

The general release for FT4 will be in July of 2019.

Although it was designed for digital contesting, it will almost certainly be used outside of contests when it is finally released. As the FT4 transmissions are 6 seconds in length as compared to 15 seconds for FT8, it is likely to be used on busy bands where the FT8 frequency is crowded and the signals are strong...i.e. 20m & 40m.

Will FT4 replace FT8 in time? FT8 does have the advantage of being more sensitive but it's hard to imagine it not being used on say 50 MHz where FT4 is two and half times faster and people are trying to work as many stations are possible during the short openings.

The website for the software is

FT4 intro...

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Late opening to EA8 on 28 MHz - Tues 30th Apr 2019

In contrast to the last few days, Tuesday the 30th of April was really quiet on 28 MHz for the most part. In fact, it had seemed pretty remarkable earlier in the day that so few FT8 signals had been heard.

By the late evening, I had pretty much given up hope of hearing anything and I wrote up a blog post with a map to say just how quiet it had been. Needless to say after getting the post ready, the band opened to the Canary Islands!

This is the updated map...

These are the stations uploaded to PSKReporter...
IK2IQC 10m FT8 1467 km 20:44:00
EA8DFQ 10m FT8 2705 km 20:34:29
G0EHG 10m FT8 446 km 19:34:46
2E0XXO 10m FT8 551 km 19:34:46
G3TKF 10m FT8 406 km 16:29:18
G0OYQ 10m FT8 579 km 12:04:00
DO1JTS 10m FT8 1080 km 09:35:33

The opening to the Canary Islands lasted from 20:04 to 20:36 UTC. I actually heard six EA8 stations but only one was uploaded to the PSKReporter website.

201015   9 -0.2 1274 ~  CQ AM870PT
201930  -4  0.2 1276 ~  CQ EA8DFQ IL28
201945   9  0.0 1019 ~  <...> EA8SG
202015  -3  0.0 2520 ~  <...> EA8SR IL18
202015 -22  0.2 2461 ~  <...> EA8TH IL18
203515 -14  0.0 1013 ~  EA8DER R-07

As for the mode of propagation? Multi hop Sp-E? F2? The path from Ireland to the Canary Islands was close to sunset so I wonder if that was a factor?

Examples of signals heard at 34 to 36 MHz

Thanks to Rob PE9PE for sending on the link to this video which shows what a short wave listener in Italy heard from 34 MHz to 36 MHz.

This part of the low VHF spectrum is used by many government agencies and utilities. Examples given in the comments on the video were DDE = France Highway Service and Turkish Jandarma (Military Police and Country Police).

Monday, April 29, 2019

Sporadic-E on 28 MHz - Mon 29th Apr 2019

There was a pretty modest opening on 28 MHz on Monday the 29th of April as can be seen from the map below. The main opening was from 10:30 to 14:00 UTC.

The strongest signals were from North Italy and South Germany and as can be seen from the map, there was a concentration of lines in that direction.

I did notice later that GI4SNA in Northern Ireland and GM4WJA in Scotland managed to hear South America but there was nothing heard here.

These were the beacons heard...
EI7GL 28257.8 DK0TEN/B 12:25 29 Apr IO51TUJN47NT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28285.0 DB0MFI/B 11:32 29 Apr IO51TUJN58HW Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 11:29 29 Apr IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28227.4 IW3FZQ/B 11:28 29 Apr IO51TUJN55VF Italy 
EI7GL 28241.7 F5ZUU/B 11:13 29 Apr IO51TUJN24IL France

The French beacon F5ZUU/B runs 5 watts to a quarter wave ground plane antenna. They have a nice website where people can leave reception reports and an automatic eqsl is then generated. Website...

This is a list of FT8 stations heard on 28 MHz on the 29th of April 2019...

Example of Band 1 TV Tropo Signals at 66 MHz...

Someone left a comment on the blog about the early days of TV back in the 1960's and trying to receive signals from Wales in Ireland. Rather than just leave it as a comment, I turned it into a blog post as it shows the possibility of tropo propagation on the low VHF band around 60 MHz.

Band 1 TV
The first TV broadcasts in the UK used the 405 line system on Band 1 - 45 to 66 MHz. The last of these transmitters were turned off in January of 1985 in the UK.

This is an excerpt from Wikipedia about the 405-line service in Ireland to give the post some context...

Ireland's use of the 405-line system began in 1961, with the launch of Telefís Éireann, but only extended to two main transmitters and their five relays, serving the east and north of the country. This was because many people in these areas already had 405-line sets for receiving UK broadcasts from Wales or Northern Ireland. Telefís Éireann's primary standard was 625-line; it began using this in the summer of 1962, more than two years before the UK had any 625-line channels.

The last 405-line relays, in County Donegal, were turned off in 1982; the main transmitters had been shut down in 1978 to free up frequencies for RTÉ 2.

Thanks to Desmond Walsh for providing some details about his experience of receiving TV transmissions at 66 MHz from a transmitter in Wales, a distance of roughly 300 kms.

"When I was much younger I lived in southeast Co Tipperary and was eager to get BBC TV from Wales ( before TE came on the air)

There were two possible channels , 4 and 5 (in the old 405 line +modulation with AM sound 3.5 MHz lower , from memory ) Channel 5 from Wenvoe (100KW) had a much higher erp than Haverfordwest Channel 4 (0.044KW).

So I obtained a 4 element yagi for ch5 (63 to 68 MHz ?) and braved going on the roof of the 2 storey house to erect it on the chimney. Definitely would not do it now !

Reception of course varied with different signal strengths but gave about 50% reception , up to a week at a time of tropospheric signals when high pressure was around.

An annoying QRM happened at times when the French 819 line system blotted out Wenvoe but that is tropospheric reception for you!.

Channel 8 HTV (St Hilary 100KW CH7?? Band 3) came later but suffered from overlap with RTE Ch F , Mt Leinster.

These cross-channel signals were stronger in the Waterford city area , 15 miles downstream of the River Suir.

Desmond Walsh"

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sporadic-E on 28 MHz - Sun 28th Apr 2019

Like previous day, there was plenty of Sporadic-E about on 28 MHz on Sunday the 28th of April 2019. The band opened at about 07:30 UTC which seems a bit earlier than usual. The band also closed at about 14:00 UTC.

One thing I did notice was that one the Sporadic-E faded away, the propagation on the other HF bands like 17m, 15m and 12m really died as well. With the solar flux down around 70, the higher HF bands are very dependent on Sporadic-E for any propagation at the moment.

These are the FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz...

The propagation seemed a bit more southerly than previous days favouring the south of Germany, the north of Italy and Spain.

Only one double hop Sporadic-E signal was heard and that was in Ukraine.

There were some very weak signals later in the day but I didn't have the software running. South America? I can't be sure so I'll have to go with what I did hear for sure.

These are the beacons heard...
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 09:00 28 Apr IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28227.1 IW3FZQ/B 08:56 28 Apr IO51TUJN55VF Italy
EI7GL 28257.8 DK0TEN/B 08:55 28 Apr IO51TUJN47NT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28285.0 DB0MFI/B 08:53 28 Apr IO51TUJN58HW Fed. Rep. of Germany

A list of 200 or so stations heard on FT8 on the 28 MHz band...

PSKReporter website passes 7 Billion reception reports

I noticed today (27th Apr 2019) that the PSKReporter website has just passed seven billion reception reports!

I can see from previous posts that I had that it passed four billion around the 21st of July 2018 and five billion around the 28th of November 2018.

The vast majority of those reports are of course FT8 and it just highlights once again how popular it is.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Small opening on 28 MHz on Sat 27th Apr 2019

Saturday the 27th of April was a day when the 28 MHz band barely opened. It's easy to look at the map below and think it was a reasonable day but the vast majority of those signals were buried in the noise.

Looking at the PSKReporter website, the main Sporadic-E opening was over northern Europe centered on a region over the north of Germany and the south of Sweden. I could hear lots of weak signals and it certainly felt like I was on the edge of the opening.

In the afternoon, the only loud signals were from Iceland which were there for a few hours.

In the evening, the band opened to South America but the signals were really weak.

I listened several times during the day for beacons or other signals on the band but heard nothing.

These are the FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz...

The mysterious signal of KI5BLU on 28 MHz... 26th Apr 2019

Two days ago while listening to FT8 signals on 28 MHz, I heard the signal from KI5BLU in Texas... or so I thought.

On the 26th of April 2019, I saw the signal again while the band was open to South America. Note that the trace shows KI5BLU in Texas (locator square EM12). Note that I have Puerto Rico marked ...more later.

This is the traffic that I recorded on FT8 which shows KI5BLU working Ireland, Wales, England and Germany on 28 MHz...
160630  -1 -0.1 1058 ~  EI8GS KI5BLU EM12
160645  16 -0.3 1224 ~  KI5BLU EI8GS -01
160700  -2 -0.1 1056 ~  EI8GS KI5BLU R-11
160715  17 -0.3 1224 ~  KI5BLU EI8GS RR73
160730   1 -0.1 1055 ~  EI8GS KI5BLU 73
160930 -23 -0.1 1431 ~  KI5BLU MW0PPM R+03
161000 -18 -0.1 1431 ~  KI5BLU MW0PPM 73
161530 -14  0.1 1837 ~  KI5BLU G3ZQH IO92
161630 -12  0.1 1835 ~  KI5BLU G3ZQH R-01
161700 -14  0.1 1838 ~  KI5BLU G3ZQH R-03
161730 -15  0.1 1838 ~  KI5BLU G3ZQH R-03
161800 -15  0.1 1838 ~  KI5BLU G3ZQH 73
163645  -7  0.1  924 ~  DK4CF KI5BLU EM12
164400  -7  0.1  754 ~  <...> KI5BLU EM12

If this was 14 MHz or even 21 MHz, I would have thought nothing of it. But this was April at the bottom of the sunspot cycle. East-West multi-hop Sporadic-E from Ireland to Texas on 28 MHz would be unusual this early in the season.

I then checked on PSKReporter to see who was hearing KI5BLU over a three hour period...

I then selected several of those... AM70E in Spain, G4HZW, G0LUJ, 2E0XXO, G8IXN and G7KFQ in England, MU0WLV in Guernsey, EI8GS in Ireland and F5OIH in France. I then checked what they had heard over a six hour period.

All nine stations as well as myself had heard KI5BLU but had not heard a single other station on FT8 on 28 MHz from the USA.

It's safe to say that KI5BLU was not transmitting from EM12 in Texas.

Initially I thought he was using a remote station as suggested by his QRZ page.... " Elecraft K3-mini for"

After a second search on Google, I found this...
KP4/KI5BLU - Palmas - Puerto Rico 04-22-2019
Thomas, KI5BLU will be active as KP4/KI5BLU from Palmas, Puerto Rico, IOTA NA - 099.
He will operate on HF Bands. QSL via KI5BLU, LOTW, eQSL.

This would certainly tie in with the propagation paths that would seem likely to Europe on 28 MHz at the time. The problem is that he is giving out his locator on FT8 of where he lives in Texas rather than where he is in Puerto Rico. He was also not using the KP4 prefix.

This is what confuses people into believing the band is open to the USA when it's obviously not.

RTE radio service on 252 kHz to be extended

The RTE radio transmitter on 252 kHz on the long wave band has been flagged for closure for many years as there is adequate coverage on the FM VHF band around Ireland.

A sizable Irish diaspora in Britain however campaigned for the service to continue as many elderly people don't have internet access.

Located near Tullamore, it is one of the few radio stations transmitting on the long wave band. It does however suffer from a lot of interference from an Algerian radio station operating on the same frequency.

According to an Irish Times article in 2017, the service had been extended to 2019.

It now looks as if the mast is going to be upgraded and it will continue for another two years at least.

See the statement below dated Thurs 25th April 2019

More Sporadic-E on 28 MHz... Fri 26th Apr 2019

For the third day on a row, there was another good Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz. It was perhaps a little bit more patchy than previous days but there was a very good opening to South America.

This is the world map of the FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz on Friday 26th of April 2019.

The station KI5BLU shown in Texas was almost certainly not there and was giving out the wrong locator. See other post.

The opening lasted from about 09:30 UTC to as late as 22:30 UTC and the band was pretty much open for all of that time.

During the day, the coverage was more patchy than previous days. It did open to the south towards Spain but it wasn't great. It seemed much better towards the east for most of the day.

These are the beacons heard...
EI7GL 28271.0 OZ7IGY/B 15:55 26 Apr IO51TUJO55WM Denmark
EI7GL 28215.7 SR5TDM/B 14:19 26 Apr IO51TUKO01KX Poland
EI7GL 28279.0 DB0UM/B 14:14 26 Apr IO51TUJO73CE Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28235.1 OY6BEC/B 13:59 26 Apr IO51TUIP62OA Faroe Islands
EI7GL 28245.3 DB0TEN/B 12:15 26 Apr IO51TUJO42UV Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28269.0 SV6DBG/B 12:00 26 Apr IO51TUKM09KQ Greece
EI7GL 28251.1 ED4YAK/B 11:57 26 Apr IO51TUIN80FK Spain 
EI7GL 28227.1 IW3FZQ/B 11:55 26 Apr IO51TUJN55VF Italy

The beacon in Greece was double hop.

This is a closer look of the European stations heard on FT8 on 28 MHz...

Note the yellow line showing the rough limit of one Sporadic-E hop from my location.

There was some small amount of double hop into Greece, Ukraine and Russia. The suprise opening though was towards South America and the Carribbeean.

A list of stations heard on FT8 is shown below with those over one hop distance shown in bold...

Friday, April 26, 2019

Another big Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz - Thurs 25th April 2019

There was another big Sporadic-E opening on 10-metres on Thursday the 25th of April 2019 and the band was pretty much open all the time from 08:30 UTC to 21:00 UTC.

It was pretty similar to the opening on the 24th of April except there seemed to be a bit more double hop Sporadic-E. These are the signals heard on FT8 on 28 MHz...

I have included a yellow dotted line on the map to show the extent of one hop Sporadic-E from my location on the south coast of Ireland.

As you can see, there didn't seem to be any double hop in the direction of the Baltic states of Estonis, Latvia and Lithuania. Further south though, there was double hop into the Ukraine, Russia, Romaniam Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Israel and Egypt.

I heard one lone signal from South America although I know others in the UK heard a lot more from there. I have a large hill to my south-west which blocks low angle signals from that direction.

These are the signals from Europe in more detail. Look at the big numbers in Germany!

Germany at 1000 to 15000 kms is pretty much the ideal distance for Sporadic-E from Ireland.

Like the previous day, I missed an hour or so but I think I caught most of what was there to be heard. In total, I heard 1163 stations in 47 countries which is pretty remarkable if you consider that it's 28 MHz.

These are the beacons heard...
EI7GL 28210.7 DB0FKS/B 14:23 25 Apr IO51TUJN49IT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28265.1 DF0ANN/B 14:14 25 Apr IO51TUJN59PL Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28271.0 OZ7IGY/B 14:12 25 Apr IO51TUJO55WM Denmark
EI7GL 28277.4 DM0AAB/B 14:10 25 Apr IO51TUJO54GH Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28279.0 DB0UM/B 14:08 25 Apr IO51TUJO73CE Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28188.0 OE3XAC/B 11:42 25 Apr IO51TUJN78SB Austria 
EI7GL 28227.1 IW3FZQ/B 10:50 25 Apr IO51TUJN55VF Italy
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 10:48 25 Apr IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz on the 25th of April 2019. Double hop in bold.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Big Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz - Wed 24th April 2019

After a quiet week and a half, the 10-metre band burst into life on the 24th of April with an extensive Sporadic-E opening. This is the world map of what I heard on FT8...

There were a few unusual signals in there.... Israel, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Trinidad and Texas! Also heard but not shown was a station in Cyprus.

That one from 'Texas' was a real surpise but see the explanation here.

The band seemed to open at about 10:30 UTC and lasted until about 22:00.

What was unusual was just how long the opening lasted and how extensive it was. Usually with Sporadic-E, the footprint of the opening moves around. With this one, the band just seemed to be open all over Europe.

I was in a mini pile up for the Spanish AM70 stations on CW and I could heard people all over Europe calling them. It took a bit of work to get through in the end which just goes to show how many people they were hearing at once.

This is the European map of what I heard on FT8...

The ones of interest here are those in Sicily, the end of Italy, in Crete and in Greece. These were all double hop Sporadic-E.

I wasn't listening on FT8 all day, just most of it. I probably missed maybe 1-2 hours made up of small breaks. There were probably a few extra that I could have added if I was on FT8 all day.

These are the beacons heard...

EI7GL 28277.4 DM0AAB/B 19:53 24 Apr IO51TUJO54GH Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28270.8 OZ7IGY/B 19:48 24 Apr IO51TUJO55WM Denmark
EI7GL 28298.1 SK7GH/B 19:11 24 Apr IO51TUJO77BF Sweden
EI7GL 28257.8 DK0TEN/B 19:08 24 Apr IO51TUJN47NT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28237.5 LA5TEN/B 19:06 24 Apr IO51TUJO59JP Norway
EI7GL 28207.1 ON0RY/B 19:03 24 Apr IO51TUJO20CK Belgium
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 19:01 24 Apr IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28241.6 F5ZUU/B 17:20 24 Apr IO51TUJN24IL France
EI7GL 28235.1 OY6BEC/B 17:16 24 Apr IO51TUIP62 Faroe Islands
EI7GL 28218.0 IQ5MS/B 17:11 24 Apr IO51TUJN54AB Italy
EI7GL 28227.1 IW3FZQ/B 15:51 24 Apr IO51TUJN55VF Italy
EI7GL 28251.1 ED4YAK/B 11:45 24 Apr IO51TUIN80FK Spain

Always nice to hear the beacon from the Faroe Islands as it's a bit unusual.

Looking through my logbook, the contact with AM70S on CW was my first contact on 28 MHz since May 2018! I guess I listen a lot! :o)

FT8 stations heard on FT8 on 28 MHz on the 24th of April 2019...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sporadic-E on 28 MHz - Tues 23rd April 2019

There were a few weak Sporadic-E signals today on 28 MHz. Now nine days since the last decent opening.

The one notable signal was that from EA8WU in the Canary Islands at 20:25 UTC and well after sunset. I'm assuming it was double hop Sporadic-E?

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
EA8WU 10m FT8 2704 km 20:25:15
F5OHM 10m FT8 919 km 16:53:00
F5CUN 10m FT8 1109 km 16:31:44
MU0FAL 10m FT8 488 km 16:29:44
EA7DT 10m FT8 1715 km 16:26:31
G0OYQ 10m FT8 579 km 13:14:29
PD1DL 10m FT8 921 km 13:08:18
PE5O 10m FT8 879 km 12:34:15
DO3FRH 10m FT8 1100 km 11:46:30
PD7RB 10m FT8 868 km 11:46:30
G4YBI 10m FT8 592 km 11:08:18
M0SSK 10m FT8 608 km 10:17:44
OM5CM 10m FT8 1934 km 09:55:14
DL1KFL 10m FT8 1096 km 07:42:14

On another note, the solar flux is down at 68 today which is about as low as it can go.