Friday, February 28, 2020

Using the Yaesu FT-650 on the new 40 MHz band (8-metres)

The Yaesu FT-650 transceiver was manufactured in the 1990's and operated on the 24 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz bands (12, 10 & 6m).

With an output power of 100 watts on all three bands, it was an impressive radio in its day and today it still compares well in terms of performance to some of the newer all band HF& 6m radios.

Lloyd, EI7HBB recently acquired one of these radios and he confirms that it can be 'widebanded' to operate on the new 40 MHz (8-metre) band with the full 100 watts. According to Lloyd, the radio can be made to operate outside the usual 12,10 & 6m bands by pushing three buttons at the same time.

Rear of the radio shown with the optional internal mains power supply
The current Irish amateur radio allocation at 40 MHz and 60 MHz allows a maximum output power of 50 watts PEP (17dBW).

More info about the 40 MHz band on the blog can be seen HERE

The specs of the radio are shown below...


Keith said...

I have an early Xiegu X5105 QRP 160 - 6m multi-mode which will actually transmit on 40MHz (I tried it into a dummy load). I haven’t yet looked at spectral purity though.
The wide-band capability is unfortunately no longer available as new software removed this (as well as the U.K. 60m bandlets) in order to meet FCC approvals for US sales.
Pity our Ofcom won’t permit 40MHz operation.
Keith G0RQQ

Unknown said...

Great radio indeed, I happen to have one, I don't suppose your mat told you which 3 buttons? Theres been a mod kicking around for years but I could never get it to work, maybe I am doing something wrong.

jas340 said...

The YAESU FT-650 can be put into general coverage transmit and receive mode by using the following procedure:

While pressing the "VFO" and "MR" knob, switch the transceivers power to "ON".

For resetting to the factory defaults, repeat the above procedure again

FT166 said...

That's the mod that I cant get to work, could well be a firmware change was made to delete it but the VFO and MR buttons aren't knobs, keen to find someone thats actually done it so I can quit trying it every time I walk past the thing ;)

Rutland Boy - M1ABK said...

On the modification is the same but When I last had one of these radios it was to press the VFO and MR BUTTONS not knob.

But then you have most likely already tried that !

As you say it might well be that the firmware changed.

I miss the 650 it was a great radio for 50Mhz

VK3XZ Mike said...

Hi I am desperately looking for a Schematic for the FT650 Transceiver. My Memory Battery died and I need directions on how to replace. Can some advise me who knows about this 73 mike vk3xz vk4sy


CR2032 battery is on front panel, 5 min job


PS: CR2032 is batt type

Gerardo said...

Me too...I'm looking for the real mod. No way to TX outside of original bands with the well know "while pressing" Gerardo it9tjh.