Friday, February 22, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - 20th, 21st & 22nd Feb 2019

Conditions on 28 MHz were pretty mediocre over the last few days.

Wed 20th Feb 2019... Possibly the worst day so far in 2019. Heard one PA station from the Netherlands. That was it!

Thurs 21st Feb 2019... Forgot to make a map but these were the stations heard. Only thing of note was a weak Sporadic-E opening to the south.
111230 -14 -0.9 1749 ~  GI4SNA EA5AIH IM98
111245  -6 -0.7 2092 ~  CQ EA5GOR IM98
114900 -18 -0.0  693 ~  CQ PD1DL JO22
120200 -14  0.1 1470 ~  CQ DX 2E0JRT JO01
120600 -13  0.0 1326 ~  CQ EA7KS IM86
123215  -3 -0.1 1608 ~  CQ G0FWX IO82

Fri 22nd Feb 2019... Interesting how I heard lots of meteor bursts in the morning. Otherwise, just another few signals.

092645 -12 -0.7 1038 ~  CQ G0OYQ IO93
093945  -4 -0.2 1740 ~  CQ G0FWX IO82
101500 -17 -0.2  786 ~  CQ GW7KNF IO72
103830 -12 -0.3 1496 ~  CQ EI7HDB IO62
121630 -18 -0.7 1990 ~  CQ F1RAD JN35
132230 -19 -0.8  702 ~  CQ PD1DL JO22
134030  -8 -0.6 1534 ~  CQ DJ8QX JO31
145130 -16 -0.9 1754 ~  CQ PA8MC JO20

Solar flux was 71. Not a hint of anything outside Europe.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

40 MHz band added to DXMAPS

It looks as if the new 40 MHz or 8-metre band has just been added to the DXMAPS website.

This website which is maintained by Gabriel EA6VQ is one of the main VHF websites in Europe and is very useful for tracking Sporadic-E propagation during the Summer months.

It's probably safe to say that the vast majority of radio amateurs in Europe or the USA have no idea that there is even an allocation at 40 MHz anywhere in the world. By having it listed on a website like this, it should at least raise the bands profile somewhat.

Up to now, 40 MHz spots on the DX Clusters such as DXSUMMIT or DXWATCH have been hard to find as it's such an unusual band. Lots of people do searches for 50 MHz or 28 MHz and of course, the 40 MHz spots fail to appear in these.

It's a small step but hopefully a few more might try transmitting and listening on the band during the Summer months.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 144 MHz... 18th & 19th Feb 2019

I got a good dose of reality over the last two days listening for FT8 signals on 144 MHz! i.e. If the band is flat then I'm not going to hear much.

These were the only signals heard on the 18th of February...

114500 -12  0.1  734 ~  CQ M1MLM IO83
133015 -21 -0.2 1227 ~  CQ G1IVL IO82
134945 -18 -0.1 1799 ~  M6NVE G0OMF 73
204500 -16 -0.1 1438 ~  CQ G7RHF IO82

The 19th of February was much the same...

135715 -14 -0.2 1233 ~  CQ G1IVL IO82
154815 -17 -0.2 1792 ~  CQ G0OMF IO83
155615 -20  0.2 1338 ~  CQ G8IXN IO70
194815 -15 -0.1  748 ~  DL5KCD G4RRA -18

It would seem that the number of stations on the band is highly dependent on whether there are good conditions or not.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - 16th & 17th Feb 2019

Another two days on 28 MHz and nothing much to get excited about.

On Saturday the 16th of February 2019, a handful of FT8 signals were heard from around Europe. Hardly a major opening.

Stations heard on the 16th of Feb...
090100 -19 -0.1 1970 ~  CQ DJ5JD JO33
092030   3 -0.1  860 ~  CQ EG2ETS IN83
115815 -10 -0.1 1230 ~  CQ 2E1RDX IO92
121045 -15  0.5 1695 ~  CQ HB9DFP JN37
124200 -16  0.0 1088 ~  CQ EA5GOR IM98
125915  -8  0.0 1635 ~  CQ ON6CQ JO11
130115 -18 -0.2  515 ~  CQ DG1RUG JO30
142300  -4 -0.3  600 ~  BEACON PD1DL
151300  -7 -0.4  598 ~  CQ PD1DL JO22

Sunday the 17th of February 2019 wasn't much better except that all of the signals seemed to come from an easterly direction.

The small number of stations seems to be a combination of a lack of propagation and the low number of stations actually using the band.

Think I might switch back to 2 metres for a while.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 144 MHz - Fri 15th Feb 2019

This was a day of two halves with plenty of signals heard on 144 MHz in the morning and hardly anything in the evening.

It's a pretty amazing map considering I'm just using a Slim Jim antenna resting up against the rafters in the attic of my house. When I look at the map and remember that this is 144 MHz, there is a bit of a 'wow' moment.

There are the stations heard...

Friday, February 15, 2019

Opening on 144 MHz - Thurs 14th Feb 2019

After several days of dire conditions on 28 MHz, I noticed a post on Facebook about a lift on 2 metres. I decided it was time for a change so I monitored 144 MHz instead for the day.

The level of activity was certainly a marked change to 28 MHz! All of those signals were heard with a simple Slim Jim vertical half-wave in the attic of my house.

It should be noted that this was a Thursday, not the weekend. I was suprised that there were so many stations on the band.

I don't have any evidence but I suspect that a LOT of guys are now using FT8 on 144 MHz with vertical aerials. I don't believe that everyone shown above is using a beam or is horizontally polarised. I suspect a lot of people are just using simple verticals and a few watts to get the most out of the band.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - 9th, 10th & 13th Feb 2019

Conditions on 28 MHz have been dire for the last few days.

On the 13th of February, I heard one lone FT8 signal on the band after listening most of the day.

The 11th and 12th were just as bad and I didn't bother making maps.

On the Sunday, there were a few signals and it was probably due to the fact it was the weekend and people were on.

Friday, February 8, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - 6th, 7th & 8th Feb 2019

The last three days weren't completely dead with some snippets of DX on the 10 metre band. Going in reverse order...

Friday the 8th of February 2019..... I had the 10m antenna lying on the ground for this one as I had dropped it because of high winds due to a passing storm. Amazingly, I heard Paraguay and Brazil although the PY station didn't show up on PSK reporter.

183600 -12  0.1 1308 ~  CQ F4IAA JN05
185400  -5  0.0 1455 ~  CQ CS7ANU IN51
190800 -15  0.0 2289 ~  G4HZW ZP4KFX R-02
192500 -18 -0.2  541 ~  C5YK PY5KD -06
193830 -15  0.1 2290 ~  K6NX ZP4KFX RR73
194030 -18  0.1 2291 ~  CQ ZP4KFX GG14

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Poor conditions on 28 MHz - Tues 5th Feb 2019

Since the modest opening on 28 MHz on the 24th of January 2019, conditions on the band have been pretty dire. Tuesday the 5th of February was one of the better days and that was hardly noteworthy. The FT8 signals heard are shown above.

There seems to be two factors at work. One is that we're at the bottom of the solar cycle, the solar flux is down around 70, it's February which is a month not noted for Sporadic-E and so perhaps it's no suprise that conditions are poor.

The other factor seems to be just a lack of stations on 28 MHz.

Some of the other days are shown below...

Monday, January 28, 2019

PE5HV looking for interested parties on 40 MHz

The following comment was left on the blog by Harry, PE5HV who is interested in conducting some experiments on 40 MHz.

"Hello ham radio operators from Ireland and elsewhere, Some time ago I heard about the 8 m band allocated in some countries: - ZS - G (beacon GB3RAL0 - OZ (beacon OZ1IGY) - S5 - EI I have setup a websdr as an experiment (can switch easily between 70 MHz and 40 MHz) for 8 m. My antenna is a tunable HF dipole, now north-south. If there is some interest, I might install a 40 MHz dipole in the direction of interest. Please let me know if there is some interest. You can find my email address on Hope to hear some reactions, 73 Harry PE5HV PS: no allocation in PA yet !"

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Opening on 28 MHz... 24th Jan 2019

After two dismal days on the 22nd and 23rd of January, the 10 metre band finally opened up on Thurs 24th of January.

As can be seen from the plots above, I heard F2 signals from the south of Italy, Greece and Israel.

Further afield, I heard 3B8CW in Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. According to the PSK Reporter website, he was only heard by five stations in Europe... three in France, one in England and myself. I suspect perhaps that might be because of a lack of stations on the band even in Europe.

The solar flux was 72 so not great change.

A closer look at what I heard in Europe is shown below...

The reception reports for the two previous days are shown below...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

70cms Repeater EI7HXR nr Clonmel off air

The 70cms repeater EI7HXR at Harney's Cross near Clonmel is currently off the air for maintenance. This is part of the Southern Ireland Repeater Network and provides coverage to south Tipperary and Kilkenny.

Callsign:   EI7HXR (Tipperary Amateur Radio Group)
Location:    Harney's Cross, Co. Waterford.
Locator:    IO62EH
Output:   430.850MHz

Southern Ireland Repeater Network

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Special call EI19RE active for 2019

The special call sign EI19RE will be active for the duration of 2019 to commemorate the establishment of the Dáil, the first Irish parliament. The first Dáil met in January of 1919 following a landslide victory for Irish nationalists in December 1918.

The call EI19RE is an amalgamation of the term Éire and 1919.

EI19RE will be activated by Mark Turner EI3KD during the year of 2019 on the HF and VHF bands.

Keep an eye on the DX cluster for spots!

Monday, January 21, 2019

FT8 signals heard on 28 MHz - Mon 21st Jan 2019

Conditions on 28 MHz have been very poor for the last week with just a few signals from Europe heard most days. The only exceptional day was Saturday the 19th of January when I heard a ZP station in Paraguay. The PSK Reporter website at the time however was not working so my report failed to upload.

On Monday the 21st of January, there was a reasonable opening. The one sole signal from South America was PU1JSV in Brazil.

As the map shows below, there was a nice collection of signals from across Europe. Probably Sporadic-E but the SV stations in Greece may have been F2.

Solar Flux was 70.

Monday, January 14, 2019

EI DMR Registrations at the end of Q4 2018

At the end of 2018, a grand total of 143 DMR numbers were allocated to EI stations. This is an increase of 44 for the year and up 7 in the last quarter.

In Northern Ireland, the grand total was 424, up 66 for the year.

It's probably likely that the growth in EI will remain at this level until there is a digital repeater in areas like Dublin.

Poor conditions on 28 MHz - Sat 12th & Sun 13th Jan 2019

Band conditions on 28 MHz on both Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th of January 2019 were pretty poor.

On the 12th of January shown above, just three signals were heard on FT8 on 28 MHz.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Opening to the USA on 28 MHz... Fri 11th Jan 2019

Well today was a bit of a suprise! It started off quiet enough with just a handful of FT8 signals from around Europe on 28 MHz. It just seemed like a typical poor day until around 17:40 UTC when two signals from the USA popped out of the noise.

174345 -14 -0.8  971 ~  CQ N4TL FM05
175300 -16 -0.6 1109 ~  CQ N3GWZ FM19

Looking at the PSK reporter website, it seems as if I was the only person in Europe to hear them.

Local sunset here in Cork was at 16:47 UTC so I presume it was sunset related.

At about 19:13 to 20:25, there were a bunch of signals from Brazil in South America. There were some Sporadic-E signals in there from Spain and Portugal as well so that would have helped the signals from Brazil reach up into northern Europe.

191345 -21 -0.3  542 ~  EB8AC PY2EZL GG67
191945 -16 -0.3  547 ~  EB8AC PU2MVE GG66
192545  -2 -0.1  637 ~  2E0XXO PU1JSV R-15
195015 -17  0.2  645 ~  CQ PY2JOS GG66
195315  -8 -0.5  709 ~  CQ G8KHF IO92
195500 -16 -0.9 1235 ~  G0OYQ EA3IEF JN12
200000 -22 -0.3 1196 ~  PY2CP PY2UG GG66
200215  -4 -0.3  821 ~  G4XYT PY2RJ RR73
201630 -11 -0.4 1890 ~  CQ CS7ANU IN51
202515 -14 -0.3 1493 ~  CQ DX PY2CP GG66

Solar Flux is at 68 so pretty much at rock bottom of the cycle.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

FT8 signals on 28 MHz... Wed 9th & Thurs 10th Jan 2019

Conditions were pretty poor on 28 MHz for the last two days with relatively few signals heard on FT8.

On Wednesday the 9th of January, there were a few signals from around Europe with the only suprise being a ZP5 station in Paraguay who was heard around 20:00UTC, about 3 hours after sunset.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Practical Wireless article on Network Radios from July 2018

An article from the July 2018 issue of Practical Wireless about Network Radios has now appeared on the G7DDN website. He is the author of the article and it is published on his site with permission from the publishers.

It gives an overview of what Network Radios are and how they might be used.

The article in PDF format is HERE

Previous article on Network Radios from April 2018

Monday, January 7, 2019

IRTS CW Tests for 2019

From the IRTS News...
CW Tests
CW testing will be carried out at the following rallies over the coming months starting with Coolmine on February 17th, Limerick on March 10th and at the IRTS AGM in Athlone on April 14th.

Booking for these tests is essential and intending candidates should contact Dave EI4BZ by email “davebeag /at/ gmail /dot/ com”.

Full details of the Morse test are available on the IRTS web site under licensing at