Thursday, April 9, 2020

Quiet day on 28 MHz - Wed 8th Apr 2020

Wednesday 8th April 2020. This was a quiet day on 28 MHz with just four stations heard on FT for the whole day.

095215 -14 -0.1  959 ~  CQ PA9CC JO32
102430 -15 -0.2 2009 ~  CQ DJ5JD JO33
121145 -20 -0.3 1165 ~  CQ EA5AD IM87
153530 -12 -0.2  622 ~  CQ PD2WL JO22

The Geomagnetic Kp index was at 2-3 for most of the day which isn't good for Sporadic-E. Some of the signals heard may well have been from meteor scatter as only there was only one decode from each of the stations.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Opening to Algeria and Saudi Arabia on 28 MHz - Tues 7th Apr 2020

Tuesday 7th April 2020. This was one of those days where there was hardly a murmur out of the radio on the FT8 frequency on 28 MHz yet there were still a good number of stations recorded.

Most of the 59 stations heard were probably via Sporadic-E although it's heard to be sure about HZ1SK in Saudi Arabia as that could have been multi-hop Sp-E or F2.

As we move further into April, we should start seeing more Sporadic-E openings.

List of stations heard in order of distance...

Small opening on 28 MHz - Mon 6th Apr 2020

Monday 6th April 2020. Another quiet day on 28 MHz with just a few FT8 signals via Sporadic-E from Europe.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quiet day on 28 MHz - Sun 5th Apr 2020

Sun 5th Apr 2020. Another reasonably quiet day on 28 MHz with 18 stations heard on FT8.

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
IS0FWY 10m FT8 1930 km 13:45:14
RA2FL 10m FT8 1920 km 10:22:44
EA7HHJ 10m FT8 1729 km 14:13:14
DG5HR 10m FT8 1301 km 10:14:14
OZ1ADL 10m FT8 1284 km 13:43:29
F5RRS 10m FT8 1251 km 10:09:59
F5CUN 10m FT8 1109 km 14:25:59
DH2DAM 10m FT8 1082 km 13:10:14
DM1FL 10m FT8 1076 km 09:22:14
EA3GJO 10m FT8 1053 km 08:45:29
DL4CQ 10m FT8 1028 km 13:01:29
PD3EDA 10m FT8 1027 km 14:34:59
PD2WL 10m FT8 913 km 13:00:14
PD1EVP 10m FT8 873 km 13:01:44
G0MBL 10m FT8 675 km 10:26:59
G3PXT 10m FT8 664 km 08:44:29
M0ZJQ 10m FT8 624 km 16:31:58
GW1JFV 10m FT8 229 km 14:07:29

When is the next sunspot cycle likely to start???

As we bounce along the bottom of the sunspot cycle in the Spring of 2020, the big question now is when will cycle 24 end and when will cycle 25 begin? We won't know for sure until we have gone past the minimum and we look back but the chart above provides some clues.

The chart compares the duration of solar cycles 21 to 24 and as you can see, 24 has already gone beyond cycles 21 and 22 as of the start of April 2020.

The end of sunspot cycles 21 to 24 are shown in more detail below...

As of the start of April 2020, cycle 24 has gone about 10 months further than cycle 22 and 4 months further than cycle 21. On the other hand, it is still about 7 months shorter than cycle 23.

Back in December of 2019, a NOAA/NASA Solar Cycle prediction panel said that a solar minimum would occur in April of 2020 +/- 6 months.

Considering that the 'April 2020 minus 6 months' has now passed, we are now into the 'April 2020 plus 6 months' timeline. Surely we are very close to the minimum now if not at it?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quiet day on 28 MHz - Sat 4th Apr 2020

Sat 4th April 2020. A pretty quiet day on 28 MHz except for a few signals on FT8. The highlight was Canary Islands and ZD7JC from St.Helena Island in the South Atlantic.

List of stations heard by distance...
Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
EA8EE 10m FT8 2733 km 18:18:59
EA8DFQ 10m FT8 2705 km 18:18:29
IZ0BAV 10m FT8 1997 km 14:04:15
IK0VJH 10m FT8 1924 km 15:19:15
EA5AD 10m FT8 1650 km 17:48:59
EA7AH 10m FT8 1640 km 15:23:14
DJ5JD 10m FT8 1069 km 11:11:29
DJ8QX 10m FT8 1058 km 13:17:00
PD2VE 10m FT8 877 km 15:45:30
2E0XXO 10m FT8 551 km 19:15:17
GW0GEI 10m FT8 287 km 17:25:04
MW0ZZK 10m FT8 283 km 11:26:15

There were two decodes from ZD7JC but these didn't appear on the PSKReporter website.
173500 -18 -0.0  480 ~  OA4DOS ZD7JC RR73
181430 -18 -0.3  974 ~  EA3FCQ ZD7JC +02

Friday, April 3, 2020

Modest day on 28 MHz - Fri 3rd Apr 2020

Friday 3rd April 2020. There was hardly a murmur from the radio on the FT8 frequency on 28 MHz for most of the day except for  two local stations.

However, the band came to life in the evening with an opening to Gabon in central Africa, St. Helena in the South Atlantic, the Canary Islands, Brazil and Argentina.

There was a signal from Spain around this time so perhaps a Sporadic-E hop to the south from my location helped out.

In two to three weeks time, things should improving a lot as we head into the Sporadic-E season.

Stations in order of distance...
Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
PU2OOC 10m FT8 9186 km 19:09:59
ZD7MY 10m FT8 7542 km 19:06:44
PP6EW 10m FT8 7456 km 19:27:14
PY7AHA 10m FT8 7161 km 20:31:59
TR8CA 10m FT8 5948 km 17:52:29
EA8DFQ 10m FT8 2705 km 19:32:44
LA5VSA 10m FT8 1382 km 11:25:14
EA1AF 10m FT8 1141 km 19:27:59
GM4FVM 10m FT8 604 km 11:57:59
2E1RDX 10m FT8 485 km 17:15:29
G8IXN 10m FT8 284 km 09:52:31
EI9FVB 10m FT8 14 km 16:34:30
EI5FK 10m FT8 12 km 10:40:14

These are the stations in Brazil and Argentina that were heard but didn't appear on PSKReporter...
190430 -15 -0.1 2005 ~  EA1AF PU1JSV +05
190845 -19 -0.1  681 ~  EA1MX PU1KAQ -20
202015 -17 -0.1  680 ~  EA1AT LU1YT -13
202630 -19  0.1 1177 ~  KW7E PY2WLM -17

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Opening to Africa on 28 MHz - Thurs 2nd Apr 2020

Thursday 2nd April 2020. There was a modest opening on 28 MHz today but most of the FT8 signals were buried in the noise.

The map above shows what was heard on FT8. 3B8CW in Mauritius and 5Z4/G3AB in Kenya were heard but the reports didn't show on the PSKReporter website.

133630 -16  0.1 1638 ~  M0BPQ 3B8CW -10
133630 -16 -0.0 2515 ~  CQ 5Z4/G3AB

These are the stations that were shown on the PSKReporter website....
Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
ZS3SH 10m FT8 9352 km 13:25:14
RA2FL 10m FT8 1920 km 14:53:45
I4SJZ 10m FT8 1727 km 13:29:29
IW5EID 10m FT8 1642 km 14:43:14
IZ4DYU 10m FT8 1620 km 14:38:59
DO2SBS 10m FT8 1537 km 12:21:47
IZ1JLG 10m FT8 1521 km 14:47:29
IU2FDK 10m FT8 1499 km 13:11:13
IU2KXV 10m FT8 1489 km 14:52:44
IW1FWB 10m FT8 1452 km 14:27:59
IZ1GLT 10m FT8 1450 km 13:45:29
I2SVA 10m FT8 1438 km 14:21:03
IU2NIR 10m FT8 1412 km 14:36:59
DO3LZ 10m FT8 1190 km 13:57:29
F5CUN 10m FT8 1109 km 15:10:44
DJ5JD 10m FT8 1069 km 10:36:34
EA3GJO 10m FT8 1053 km 10:02:01
DM8MM 10m FT8 1000 km 14:48:14
PD9X 10m FT8 983 km 10:44:59
PD2WL 10m FT8 913 km 14:49:29

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Experiments with Slow Scan TV apps

Every Tuesday evening, we have a local net here in Cork on the VHF bands. This follows the following pattern... 1st Tuesday of the month (2m), 2nd Tues (70cms), 3rd Tues (4m & 6m) and 4th Tues (Digital).

On some months, there is a fifth Tuesday and we decided to use this for experiments.

For the 5th Tuesday in March of 2020, we decided to experiment with the Slow Scan TV apps for a smartphone. I was expecting that we would spend most of the first evening just downloading the various apps and trying to get them to work but it ended up being suprising easy.

The first thing we had to do was to download a SSTV decoder for the Google Play store and I think we all used Robot36 as shown above.

For sending SSTV signals, we used the SSTV Encoder app as shown above.

For the tests, we sent and received the signals on 145.475 MHz FM between members of the group and we each just held our mobile phones up to the loudspeaker and microphone of our radios.

The apps were very easy to use and we had them up and running in minutes. Using the 'Martin 1' SSTV mode, I sent out test transmissions and Don EI8DJ, Robbie EI3GGB and Jim EI8GS all successfully decoded the signals.

The photo above shows the signal that Robbie, EI3GGB decoded. The transmissions decoded by Don, EI8DJ are shown below.

Jim, EI8GS also reported successful decodes of the signal.

The original photos of the Daffodils and Gorse bush are shown below...

Obviously the quality could be better but this was our first attempt without experimenting about with audio levels for transmit or receive. The beauty of using a smartphone is that there are no wires. You just hold the phone up to the loudspeaker and it decodes the signal.

No doubt we will return to the SSTV app on another night to try and improve on the signals and picture quality. We were all agreed though that it was something new and novel to do and it was interesting to try something new.

It also struck me that this would make for an interesting activity for any club or group to try. Just go to the Google Play store and download the apps for free.

Quiet day on 28 MHz - Wed 1st Apr 2020

Wednesday 1st April 2020. This was a quiet day on 28 MHz with just four stations heard on FT8.

The two signals from the Netherlands and France may well have been via meteor scatter.

The two stations in NW Wales are probably direct via tropo.

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
F5CUN 10m FT8 1109 km 15:31:44
PD3LPA 10m FT8 862 km 12:34:45
GW7KNF 10m FT8 305 km 15:16:59
MW0ZZK 10m FT8 283 km 10:34:46

Video: Understanding HF Propagation... by Steve Nichols G0KYA

This video was recently posted on YouTube by Steve Nichols, G0KYA and it gives a good introduction to understanding the basics of propagation on the HF bands.

Here are some of the bullet points...

  • Solar Flux Index
  • Sunspot Number (which is not the number of actual sunspots!)
  • SSN - Smooth Sunspot Number
  • MUF - Maximum Usable Frequency
  • Solar Flares
  • Coronal Mass Ejections
  • A & K Index
  • Ionosphere
  • Layers
  • Critical Frequency
  • LUF, MUF & FOT
  • VOACAP online
  • Seasons & MUF
Additional links...

1) VOACAP website...
2) G0KYA's website...

Small opening to 28 MHz - Tues 31st March 2020

Tuesday 31st of March 2020. The FT8 frequency on the 28 MHz band was eerily quiet all morning with just one signal from Poland heard. Note that the lack of Sporadic-E signals may have been because the Kp index was at 4. i.e. There was a disturbance in the earths magnetic field.

A high K index is normally associated with poor Sporadic-E conditions.

Things seemed to improve in the evening with a modest opening to Brazil.

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
PY2WAS 10m FT8 9187 km 18:03:31
PY1KB 10m FT8 8980 km 18:14:29
SQ4OLI 10m FT8 1843 km 09:26:55
CT2FZY 10m FT8 1636 km 19:35:29
EA2ESZ 10m FT8 1115 km 18:23:44

Monday, March 30, 2020

Opening on 28 MHz - Mon 30th March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020. I had the radio on in the background all day and it seem pretty quiet with only a few FT8 signals on 28 MHz audible. It was a suprise at the end of the day when the PSKReporter map showed that I had heard FT8 signals from South Africa, Chile and Europe.

It certainly wasn't an extensive opening and the map above really shows an accumulation of stations heard during the day gradually building up to populate the map.

At one stage when the FT8 signals were about S3 which seemed to be the strongest, I had a listen on the beacon part of the band and heard the German DL0IGI/B and DK0TEN/B beacons.

A total of 43 stations were heard. This is a list of the stations heard in order of distance...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Minor opening on 28 MHz - Sun 29th March 2020

Sunday 29th March 2020. This was one of those days where the FT8 frequency on 28 MHz seemed pretty quiet with just low level signals heard on the band.

The signal levels were so low that I didn't even bother scanning for beacons. I was actually suprised that there was some nice DX buried in those weak signals.

As the map shows, there was a low level Sporadic-E opening to the south of Spain and this no doubt coupled into some F2 propagation to Canary Islands, St.Helena Island and Brazil.

These are the 37 stations heard in order of distance...
Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
PY2WD 10m FT8 9183 km 18:09:29
PY2BL 10m FT8 9120 km 18:05:29
PU2VLW 10m FT8 9099 km 18:07:29
PY2EBD 10m FT8 9084 km 18:09:44
PU2PPP 10m FT8 9073 km 18:08:59
PY2RSA 10m FT8 9073 km 15:19:15
PY2TMV 10m FT8 9037 km 18:09:44
PU1KAQ 10m FT8 8928 km 15:10:14
ZD7JC 10m FT8 7542 km 17:37:44
EA8EE 10m FT8 2733 km 19:08:29
EA8VJ 10m FT8 2724 km 18:26:29
EA8A 10m FT8 2718 km 17:59:44
EA8AFB 10m FT8 2718 km 17:48:14
EA8DFQ 10m FT8 2705 km 19:32:59
EA8FB 10m FT8 2698 km 17:43:29
EA8DIB 10m FT8 2685 km 17:56:44
IT9FSH 10m FT8 2472 km 15:14:44
IT9AAI 10m FT8 2265 km 15:43:59
EA9BO 10m FT8 1791 km 18:04:44
EA7FKY 10m FT8 1741 km 15:50:47
S50XX 10m FT8 1737 km 15:11:44
EB7KA 10m FT8 1733 km 15:31:59
EA7PY 10m FT8 1723 km 17:44:14
EA7Y 10m FT8 1723 km 17:23:29
EA7UW 10m FT8 1714 km 17:57:44
EA7TR 10m FT8 1709 km 17:59:29
EB7HEM 10m FT8 1709 km 17:34:44
EA7KJE 10m FT8 1704 km 18:10:29
EA7KIY 10m FT8 1703 km 17:38:59
EC7KW 10m FT8 1667 km 17:49:59
EA5AD 10m FT8 1650 km 15:22:29
CT2GQN 10m FT8 1632 km 18:22:59
EA7BUU 10m FT8 1618 km 17:56:29
EA7KHU 10m FT8 1617 km 17:46:29
EA7YB 10m FT8 1616 km 18:04:29
EA4CUO 10m FT8 1499 km 15:36:44
EA4YR 10m FT8 1444 km 17:38:29
EA1AF 10m FT8 1141 km 18:36:59
DL4CQ 10m FT8 1028 km 17:43:29

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Opening on 28 MHz - Sat 28th March 2020

Saturday the 28th of March 2020 was pretty similar to the previous day with a Sporadic-E primarily to Spain and Italy with some more DX further afield.

Nice to see St.Helena in the South Atlantic making it though as well as South Africa, Brazil and Israel.

This is a close up of the European stations heard on FT8 on 28 MHz...

The band was open to Spain for most of the daylight hours with some smaller openings to Italy as well.

It's worth noting that the PSKReporter website seemed to be down at times during the day so I'm not sure if all of my reports were uploaded?

These are the beacons heard on cw...

EI7GL 28240.0 IZ8RVA/B 15:45 28 Mar IO51TUJN70LI Italy
EI7GL 28194.0 IW4EIR/B 13:53 28 Mar IO51TUJN54AS Italy
EI7GL 28218.0 IQ5MS/B 13:52 28 Mar IO51TUJN54AB Italy
EI7GL 28251.4 ED4YAK/B 13:45 28 Mar IO51TUIN80FK Spain
EI7GL 28255.8 C30P/B 13:43 28 Mar IO51TUJN02SM Andorra
EI7GL 28173.1 IZ1EPM/B 13:39 28 Mar IO51TUJN35WD Italy
EI7GL 28321.5 IZ1KXQ/B 13:34 28 Mar IO51TUJN54AC 0.1w Italy

The number of Italian beacons heard is more of a reflection on the smaller number of beacons in Spain.

It's interesting that for the last week or so, there have been plenty of Sporadic-E openings to say Spain and Italy but there has been very little to the Nordic countries or the Baltic states. There does seem to be fewer openings the further north you go.

A total of 282 stations in 25 countries was heard.

This is a list of stations heard in order of distance...

Looking at the German 28 MHz beacons heard in 2019

During the months of April, May and June of 2019, I did many scans of the 28 MHz beacon band from about 28.160 to 28.340 MHz. This post is about the number of days that I heard one of the beacons in Germany.

The map above shows the distribution of 28 MHz beacons in Germany. Note that the DB0BER beacon near Berlin was off air during the period I was monitoring so it is not included in the data below.

The chart below shows the number of days in 2019 that I heard a German beacon on 28 MHz...

1) DL0IGI with its 50 watts into a vertical antenna was heard on 35 days and is easily the most consistent German beacon here in Ireland.

2) DL0UM has just 4 watts into a vertical dipole and was heard on 26 days. Like DL0IGI, it is about 200kms further away from me compared to some of the other beacons and perhaps the slightly longer skip distance made a difference?

3) DB0MFI (9w GP), DK0TEN (10w GP) and DB0TEN (2w GP) were all about the same mark with 22, 21 and 20 days respectively. (Note - GP is a ground plane vertical antenna)

4) DF0ANN (5w dipole) and DM0AAB (10w GP) at 16 and 14 days were noticeably behind. Was it just pure chance or was there a reason?

5) DB0FKS was heard on just 8 days but this can be easily explained due to the fact it has just 1-watt into a small DV-27 vertical antenna (i.e. a loaded mobile whip).

In terms of distance, the German beacons are about 1,200 to 1,500 kms from my location in Ireland.

In conclusion... The reason I collected this data was to see if there was any unusual findings.

a) Was there a difference in the number of days heard between North and South Germany? The answer seems to be no.

b) Did distance matter? Maybe but the evidence isn't that strong. I seemed to hear beacons at 1,200kms as often as ones at 1,400kms.

The main factor determining what I heard from my location in Ireland seems to be just power and antenna performance of the beacons. 

German 28 MHz beacons... These are the current ones as of the end of 2019

28.205 MHz - DL0IGI - JN57MT - 50w Vert
28.210 MHz - DB0FKS - JN49IT - 1w DV27 GP
28.245 MHz - DB0TEN - JO42UV - 2w GP
28.257 MHz - DK0TEN - JN47NT - 10w GP
28.265 MHz - DB0ANN - JN59PL - 5w Dipole (Used to be DF0ANN)
28.273 MHz - DB0BER - JO62QL - 5w
28.278 MHz - DM0AAB - JO54GH - 10w GP
28.279 MHz - DB0UM - JO73CE - 4w Vert Dipole
28.285 MHz - DB0MFI - JN58HW - 9w GP

Methodology notes...
1) The equipment used for reception was a Kenwood TS690 transceiver with a vertical half-wave antenna. The take off to the east towards Germany is good with no obstructions.
2) I usually scan the beacon band on 28 MHz once I hear FT8 signals at a reasonable level that are easily audible. i.e. I know for sure the band is open.
3) All beacons must be positively identified before I post them on DXMaps which in turn puts them on the DX Cluster.
4) The mode of propagation for all signals heard was Sporadic-E.

Friday, March 27, 2020

More Sporadic-E on 28 MHz - Fri 27th March 2020

There was a reasonable Sporadic-E opening on Friday the 27th of March 2020 with signals from Italy and Spain mainly been heard.

In terms of DX, TR8CA in Gabon, 9G1SD in Ghana and HZ1SK in Saudi Arabia were heard.

This is a map of the opening to Europe in more detail...

These are the beacons that were heard...

EI7GL 28251.4 ED4YAK/B 15:02 27 Mar IO51TUIN80FK Spain (2W)
EI7GL 28321.5 IZ1KXQ/B 14:19 27 Mar IO51TUJN35TB Italy (100mW)
EI7GL 28322.7 F1VJT/B 14:12 27 Mar IO51TUJN33CI France  (2W)
EI7GL 28194.0 IW4EIR/B 14:02 27 Mar IO51TUJN54AS Italy (2W)
EI7GL 28173.1 IZ1EPM/B 13:59 27 Mar IO51TUJN35WD Italy (20W)
EI7GL 28218.0 IQ5MS/B 13:57 27 Mar IO51TUJN54AB Italy
EI7GL 28227.4 IW3FZQ/B 13:57 27 Mar IO51TUJN55VF Italy (5W)

A total of 154 stations were heard today. They are listed in order of distance below...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Modest Sporadic-E opening on 28 MHz - Thurs 26th March 2020

Despite what the map above might suggest, Thursday the 26th of March 2020 was one of those days where the 28 MHz seemed to be just about open. I could hear signals for most of the daylight hours from Spain and Italy but it felt as if the MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency) was just above 28MHz.

During the day, it felt like the actual footprint of the Sporadic-E was pretty small allowing only a small number of stations to come at any one time.

This idea of a small footprint ties up with the fact that I only heard one beacon all day despite several scans.

EI7GL 28227.4 IW3FZQ/B 15:21 26 Mar IO51TUJN55VF Italy

The small footprint might also have been the reason for a lack of stations heard outside of Europe as the small area covered didn't line up with the paths to any DX stations when there was F2 propagation about.

In total, 167 stations were heard during the day which isn't bad for late March.

List of stations heard in order of distance...

Another big opening on 28 MHz - Wed 25th March 2020

Wednesday the 25th of March 2020 was pretty similar to the previous day with a widespread Sporadic-E opening on the 28 MHz band even though it is still only late March.

As the map shows above, a very large number of European stations were heard. Signals from South Afrcica and Gabon were also heard as well as  Qatar and Kuwait in the Middle East. Unusual European ones were Georgia and Crete.

It's hard to tell whether the signals from Greece and Turkey were double hop Sporadic-E or F2.

I expected to hear some signals from South America but I heard nothing.

This is the map of European stations heard...

Some points...

1) Short Skip... There seemed to be less short skip compared to the previous day.

2) Scandinavia... Like the previous day, there were no openings to Norway, Sweden, Finland or the Baltic states.

3) Maritime Mobile... One unusual station heard was UR7FM/MM on a ship near the Straits of Gibraltar.

4) Beacons... These are the beacons that were heard...

Spotter Freq. DX Time Info Country
EI7GL 28255.8 C30P/B 19:37 25 Mar IO51TUJN02SM Andorra
EI7GL 28241.6 F5ZUU/B 19:34 25 Mar IO51TUJN24IL France
EI7GL 28194.0 IW4EIR/B 18:38 25 Mar IO51TU<>JN54AS Italy
EI7GL 28251.4 ED4YAK/B 18:03 25 Mar IO51TUIN80FK Spain
EI7GL 28227.4 IW3FZQ/B 18:01 25 Mar IO51TUJN55VF Italy
EI7GL 28218.0 IQ5MS/B 17:32 25 Mar IO51TUJN54AB Italy
EI7GL 28321.5 IZ1KXQ/B 17:24 25 Mar IO51TUJN54AC Italy
EI7GL 28240.1 IZ8RVA/B 15:25 25 Mar IO51TUJN70LI Italy 
EI7GL 28278.9 DB0UM/B 13:30 25 Mar IO51TUJO73CE Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28245.3 DB0TEN/B 12:57 25 Mar IO51TUJO42UV Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 12:16 25 Mar IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany 
EI7GL 28257.8 DK0TEN/B 12:13 25 Mar IO51TUJN47NT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28188.0 OE3XAC/B 12:11 25 Mar IO51TUJN78SB Austria

5) QRSS... One of the Italian beacons sends out the code 'SP' as very slow morse...

A total of 562 stations in 36 countries were heard on FT8 during the day.

Stations heard based on distance...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Big opening on 28 MHz on Tues 24th March 2020

Tuesday the 24th of March 2020 was a really good day on 28 MHz with an extensive Sporadic-E opening on the band.

The FT8 signals heard on the band are shown above. In total, 764 stations and 39 countries were heard which was just like a day in June was like a day in the June at the peak of the Sporadic-E season.

As well as a large number of signals from Europe, Lebanon, Israel, Western Sahara, St. Helena Island in the S Atlantic, Columbia, Brazil and Argentina was also heard.

I also heard TT4AM in Chad on cw.

This is the map of European stations heard...

As you can see, there was quite a concentration of stations from Italy, Spain, Germany and France.

Some notable features of the maps are...

1) Missing... Nothing heard from Norway, Sweden, Finland or the Baltic states.

2) Short Skip... Quiet a few signals from Brittany which is about 600kms from me. This is normally in the Sp-E skip zone and is hard to hear.

3) Numbers... The large number of stations heard was probably helped by the fact that countries like Spain, France and Italy are in lock down due to the Corronavirus epidemic. However, it was still exceptional for the end of March.

4) Double-Hop... You can see from the map where my one-hop Sporadic-E limit of about 2,200 kms is. There is a sudden drop of of stations in Southern Italy and Eastern Poland. The signals from places like Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey were probably double hop.

5) High MUF... It looks as if the 50 MHz band was open as well and they are report of Band 2 radio stations from Spain and France being heard in the northern part of Ireland. The maximum usable frequency reached at least 100 MHz.

Normally I just leave the radio monitoring the FT8 frequency and check the PC occasionally to see if anything was heard. As I could see the signals were reading 'S9' at times, I tuned around the band as well for beacons and this is what I heard...

EI7GL 28167.4 ZB2TEN/B 17:25 24 Mar IO51TUIM76HD Gibraltar
EI7GL 28251.4 ED4YAK/B 17:20 24 Mar IO51TUIN80FK Spain
EI7GL 28207.2 ON0RY/B 16:59 24 Mar IO51TUJO20CK Belgium
EI7GL 28188.0 OE3XAC/B 16:49 24 Mar IO51TUJN78SB Austria
EI7GL 28269.0 SV6DBG/B 16:41 24 Mar IO51TUKM09KQ Greece
EI7GL 28257.8 DK0TEN/B 16:37 24 Mar IO51TUJN47NT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 282231.1 F5ZEH/B 16:35 24 Mar IO51TUIN88VA France
EI7GL 28227.4 IW3FZQ/B 16:32 24 Mar IO51TUJN55VF Italy
EI7GL 28205.0 DL0IGI/B 16:29 24 Mar IO51TUJN57MT Fed. Rep. of Germany
EI7GL 28194.0 IW4EIR/B 16:28 24 Mar IO51TUJN54AS Italy

F5ZEH/B in Brittany is an unusual one as it's normally in the skip zone and I think I have only heard it a few times.

SV6DBG/B in Greece was probably double hop Sporadic-E.

IW4EIR/B was a new one for me. According to QRZ, it's a 1.5-watt beacon. Looking at the DX-cluster, there are no spots for this beacon between May 2018 and December 2019 so I presume it was off air for 18 months.

I spent about two minutes listening around the SSB part of the band and there seemed to be plenty of activity although to be honest, I was bored after the two minutes.

On the CW portion of the band, I heard TZ4AM in Mali working a pile up split.

Overall, a really good day on the 10-metre band considering it was the end of March at the bottom of the sunspot cycle.

List of FT8 stations heard...