Saturday, April 6, 2024

40 MHz reception report from Bill Smith, W1-7897 for March 2024

Thanks to short wave listener Bill Smith, W1-7897 for sending on his reception report for March 2024.

Bill who is located near Douglas in Massachusetts in the United States is using a Yaesu FT-847 as a receiver on the 40 MHz (8m) band with a 5-element beam for the 50 MHz band about 6m above ground level.

40 MHz reception report from Bill Smith, W1-7897 for March 2024:

3rd March 2024: LX5JX(JO30) in Luxembourg logged from 1628 to 16:47 UTC on 40.680 MHz FT8 calling CQ. No answers, Signal Strength ranged from -19 to 0 dB.

6th March 2024: There was a large opening on the 50 MHz (6m) band from Europe into the south of Africa. ZS and V5 noted into Europe. Antenna was pointed to South Africa, but no stations heard on 40 MHz either in Africa or Europe. 

24th March 2024: ZF1EJ (EK99) in the Cayman Islands logged at 12:53 UTC with brief CQ on 40.680 MHz FT8 and then gone. Signal strength -17 dB. No further CQ and no answers. 

Thanks for the report Bill!

For more information on the 40 MHz band, go to

Day 6: TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 5th Apr 2024


The Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) openings from Namibia to Europe on the 144 MHz continued on the 5th of April 2024 and again to the same geographical area. The reports from the PSK Reporter website are shown above.

There was an earlier report in the day at 12:32 UTC from Albania but this was almost certainly an error with someone reporting the 6m decodes as 2m.

DX-Cluster spots...
IT9GSF 144190.0 V51WW 20:13 05 Apr LONG TEP 18:26 till 19:35 Namibia
IK7EOT 144190.0 V51WW 18:50 05 Apr Q65B Namibia
IZ8EDJ 144290.0 V51WW 18:48 05 Apr JN70-TEP-JH81 Namibia
9H1TX 144191.2 V51WW 18:46 05 Apr JM75FU<TEP>JH81OC Q65 tnx agai Namibia

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Friday, April 5, 2024

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th Apr 2024

The third edition of the new newsletter is now up on Substack.

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0003 - 5th April 2024

Summary: -
  • Intro
  • HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, MH370, Solar Eclipse, 30m beacon, 26 MHz, Solar Flux, 10m
  • 40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Spain
  • 50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, Beacon in Alabama, 223 DXCC, 1000 grids, Sardinia to New Zealand, Antarctica to France, Cyprus to Australia
  • Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
  • 70 MHz News: 4m activity, aurora, new 4m beacon, 4m nets
  • 88-108 MHz: First Sporadic-E opening in Greece, TEP Florida to Chile
  • 144 MHz & Above: Aurora in Australia, TEP from Namibia to Europe, TEP from Australia to Japan, Moonbounce, Antarctica
  • Satellites: DATV on the ISS
  • Experimenters Corner: Resistor values, handheld antenna teardown, CW bandwidth, impedance matching, Soldersmoke podcast
  • EI7GL blog posts for the last two weeks
  • In conclusion

Activity on the 40 MHz band - 4th April 2024

On the 3rd of April 2024, it was announced that radio amateurs in Spain would be allowed access to the 40 MHz (8m) band with some restrictions... see post HERE. The image above shows some of the FT8 activity on the 4th of April.

There may be some errors in there like the one from Newfoundland which was probably from someone reporting the wrong band. However. the others are mostly correct and it shows plenty of activity from South Africa to Spain.

Spots from the DX-Cluster...

Day 5: TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 4th Apr 2024

The Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) openings from Namibia to Europe on the 144 MHz continued on the 4th of April 2024 but to the same geographical area. The reports from the PSK Reporter website are shown above.

Alex, SV1NZX reports... "V51WW is currently the only station being heard from Africa but working IK7UXY, SV2DCD, SV8PEX, IT9GSF, IK7EZW and 9H1PA, amongst others. Same geography and area but slightly stronger signals tonight, initially

Interestingly, also, ZS4TX was tx-ing North too, although nothing was received and FR5DN was beaming to A6/TA/9K where stations are located. No luck as of yet but conditions are not ideal, to be fair."


Spots from the DX-Cluster...
IT9GSF 144190.0 V51WW 20:56 04 Apr JM67-TEP-JH81 6314Km @18:38 Namibia
IK7EOT 144190.0 V51WW 19:01 04 Apr Q65B -21 Namibia
SV8PEX 144190.0 V51WW 18:42 04 Apr Q65B first -13 nice via TEP Namibia
IK7EZN 144190.0 V51WW 18:39 04 Apr TEP 6550 KM Namibia
IV3KKW 144190.0 V51WW 18:38 04 Apr Q65 wkg Med Namibia

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

TEP opening on 144 MHz band from Japan to Australia - 3rd Apr 2024

In addition to the recent Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) openings at 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe, there have also been similar openings from the far south of Japan to the north of Australia.

The map above shows the paths reported on the PSK Reporter website for the 3rd of April 2024.

In fact, there have been almost daily openings reported from at last the start of March. Here are a few of the spots from the DX-Cluster...

JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 11:51 02 Apr 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 12:26 01 Apr 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144150 VK8ZMX 12:55 31 Mar 24 SSB TNX! Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 12:49 22 Mar 24 FT8 -03dB Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 11:39 20 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 12:59 19 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 1:17 18 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144150 VK8AW 12:34 17 Mar 24 SSB Australia
JA6DJS 144150 VK8DNT 13:04 16 Mar 24 SB TNX QSO! Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 12:01 12 Mar 24 FT8 CQ -10dB Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 12:13 11 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8VTX 12:09 10 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 11:27 08 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8NAH 11:27 08 Mar 24 FT8 CQ Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 11:41 06 Mar 24 FT8 Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 12:04 05 Mar 24 FT8 TNX QSO! Australia
JA6DJS 144460 VK8AW 12:21 04 Mar 24 FT8 TNX QSO! Australia

Most of the signals are FT8 with no mention of the Q65 mode. There have been a few SSB contacts as well.

The distances are in the region of 4,900kms and the southern end of the path seems to be determined by the fact that most radio amateurs in that region are clustered around the city of Darwin.

There seems to be very little activity from Japan despite the sea path to the south with possible tropo extensions. I wonder if VHF stations in Japan are aware of these TEP openings to the south?

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Day 4: TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 3rd Apr 2024

Day 4: This was the 4th day in a row that there was a Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe. It's very likely that this path was open for most of March as well but there was no-one testing the path.

The paths from the PSK Reporter website are shown above and this time, the signals reached further north in Italy.

Here are some spots from the DX Cluster...

SV2DCD 144190.0 V51WW 18:35 03 Apr -15db Q65B via TEP tnx Namibia
SV8PEX 144190.0 V51WW 18:33 03 Apr JH81 Q65B only RX tonight, wea Namibia

It's interesting to note how the maximum spread of the TEP footprint at the northern end is about 750kms. The TEP signal needs to cross the Geomagnetic Equator close to 90 degrees and the question is how far from 90 degrees can the path be before there is no propagation at 144 MHz?

Alex, SV1NZX notes that he has heard no signals from V51WW with a 9-element yagi at his location near Athens (KM17) which suggests he is too far to the east. He writes... "SV2DCD was using a 4 x 17 array to hear / work EME-level signals from V51WW. On the other hand, SV8PEX and IZ8/IT9/9H have had the lion's share of signal strength, hence the SSB QSO's."

I know the TEP posts can be a bit repetitive but I think it's important to keep a record of the information and maps. This is the most important VHF news in Europe at the moment.

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Spain opens up the 40 MHz (8m) amateur radio band with conditions - April 2024

Good news! The licencing authorities in Spain have decided to open up the 40 MHz (8m) amateur radio band with conditions.

The national association for radio amateurs in Spain is the URE and they released this notice... "After hard work by the URE before the administration, today the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure was published on the Amateur Radio website, which authorizes holders of Spanish amateur radio authorizations to make broadcasts. in the 40,650 – 40,750 MHz band, with a maximum peak envelope power (PEP) of 25 W, for a period of eighteen months.

Broadcasts will only be made from fixed stations that have the corresponding license. In addition, the radio amateur must inform the Provincial Telecommunications Inspection Headquarters of the province in which he or she resides about his intention to operate in this band before broadcasting for the first time on these frequencies."

This is huge news for those interested in the 40 MHz band and Spain is the first 'big country' to allow radio amateurs access to the 8m band.

Analysis... In terms of propagation, Spain is in an ideal spot. 

F2... For F2 layer propagation, there will be plenty of openings from Spain to the Caribbean (PJ4MM) and the signals should be clearly heard in the USA and Canada as well. The north-south paths will be especially good and the 40 MHz signals will be heard all over South America and TEP openings to the radio amateurs in South Africa should be a regular occurrence.

Conditions from EA8 (Canary Islands) should be amazing while the southern EA5, EA6, EA7 stations will be a bit better than those further north.

Sporadic-E... The workhorse over the Summer months of May to July will be Sporadic-E with typical distances in the region of 1000 to 2200 kms.

For EI stations in Ireland... Expect EA5, EA6 and EA7 to be the most common. EA1 and EA2 will be harder.

ON stations in Belgium... Expect EA7 to be the most common with EA3 the hardest.

S5 stations in Slovenia... Expect EA1 and EA7 to be the easiest with EA3 and EA6 the hardest.

SV stations in Greece... EA1 might be difficult as it's close to the maximum one hop Sporadic-E distance. The rest of Spain should be easy.

In conclusion... One of the big problems with the 40 MHz band is the lack of activity. For those that are using the band, it soon gets to a stage where there is no-one new to work. With Spain joining the party, that should hopefully change.

As we're at the peak of the solar cycle, now is the time to explore the 8m band before the conditions drop away.

1) For more information on the 8m band, see my 40 MHz page

3) The official notice in Spanish posted 2nd April 2024...

Addendum... This is the official document via Google Translate...

New 144 MHz TEP beacon in South Africa - April 2024

Bernie, ZS4TX reports that a new 144 MHz beacon has started in South Africa to investigate the possibility of Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP) to the Mediterranean and Europe.

Bernie, ZS4TX writes... "New ZS Beacon for 2M TEP tests in April from KG33XU. ZS6RVC has started a 25W beacon on 2M with a 14 element yagi 20M high on a mountain site with a clear shot to EU.

The frequencies to listen on according to my IC910H is as follows:
144.449.2 CW 600Hz tone
144.448.6 USB 600Hz tone

Please monitor this frequency as well between 16Z and 21Z and send any reports to me. It sends ZS6RVC /B KG33XU in CW ~ 12 WPM

Analysis... As the 144 MHz signals are likely to cross the Geomagnetic Equator at right angles (90 deg), the most likely area for reception of this beacon is probably going to be the eastern half of the Mediterranean.

Back in 1981, there was a TEP opening on 144 MHz from this part of South Africa to the Athens area in Greece so it may be possible again.

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Day 3: SSB contacts made on 144 MHz during TEP opening from Namibia to Europe - 2nd Apr 2024

The most significant VHF amateur radio news at the moment in Europe is without doubt the TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) openings on 144 MHz to Namibia. See 1st April.

Tuesday the 2nd of April 2024 was Day 3 of the recent opening and the reports on the PSK reporter site are shown above. The paths are similar to the previous two days except the path to SV2DCD is a new one.

The screen grab below is from SV2DCD which shows reception of V51WW. As far as I know, a two way contact was not completed.

What made this day special though was that some contacts were made on SSB! Tom, SV8PEX posted this on the DX Cluster... SV8PEX 144150 V51WW 18:33 02 Apr 24 JH81 SSB 52 52 many thanks!!!

Alex, SV1NZX reports that V51WW made four SSB contacts on 144.150 MHz with IK7UXW, IK7JNM, IK7LMX and SV8PEX.

Video... A video clip from V51WW can be found on this link ...

Note the distortion on the voice. I presume that was the SSB contact with Tom, SV8PEX.

1) See my 144 MHz page for more examples of long distance contacts.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Another 6000km+ TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Europe - 1st April 2024

As outlined in this previous post, there was a TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) opening on the 144 MHz band between Namibia and Greece on the 31st of March 2024. As news spread that SV8PEX had been heard over 6500kms away in Namibia, more stations were active on the evening of the 1st of April.

This time, there were paths from Namibia to Greece, Italy and Malta and SV8PEX, 9H1TA and 9H1PA managed to complete contacts.

Alex, SV1NZX reports the following... "Tonight ends an exciting night for 2m #TEP QSOs - V51WW worked 9H1PA, 9H1TX and SV8PEX as well as receiving 4-5 other Italian stations in JN70, JN80. SFI measured at 125, K/A index at 5-8 and 1, all QSOs in Q65b, 30/60s."

This is a screen grab from SV8PEX in Greece...

This screen grab below is from V51WW and shows some of the exchanges with IK7UXW and IZ8EDJ  in Italy.

The screen grab below is from David, 9H1TX in Malta...

9H1TX writes... "Just finished my first TEP 2M qso with V51WW. I am totally closed to south but i elevated the system at 8 deg and was lucky to get his signal."

Analysis... As the map shows above, both stations are about equidistant from the Geomagnetic Equator and are crossing it at right angles, an important consideration for TEP signals at 144 MHz.

V51WW in Namibia is using 100w into a horizontal 9-element yagi 12m above ground level which is a pretty modest station. It shows that this TEP path to Europe is probably there a lot more often than people realise but the problem is that there weren't any stations in Africa to attempt a contact.

It would be interesting to see how far east and west in the Mediterranean the signal from V51WW can reach? How far from the 90 degree right angle at the Geomagnetic Equator can the 144 MHz signal go before it becomes impossible? EA6? IS0? 5B4? TA? SV5? SV9?

The Mediterranean is also an excellent location for tropo ducting. How far will that carry the signal north?

Are there any other stations at the southern end of the TEP zone? ZD7 (St Helena) to Spain seems an obvious one. Other paths?

It would be good to see more TEP reports from Europe to Africa on 70 MHz, 88-108 MHz and 144 MHz.


1) See my 144 MHz page for plenty of reports of other TEP contacts.

Monday, April 1, 2024

6530km TEP opening on 144 MHz from Namibia to Greece - 31st March 2024


Over the last few years, there have been many reports of contacts on 144 MHz from South America to the Caribbean region via Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP). There have been no reports of similar openings on 144 MHz from Europe to Africa in the same time period.

On the 31st of March 2024, it looks as if finally there was a TEP opening when V51WW in Namibia managed to receive SV8PEX in Greece, a distance of about 6532kms.

This is the report from the PSK Reporter website...

Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
SV8PEX V51WW 2m Q65 6524 km 19:08:02

Tom, SV8PEX reports... "Unfortunately I was too late sig went down, one way. I was using 500W and V51WW I guess 100. Me -15db the best". Tom also notes that they tried FT8 and no decodes were possible.

Alex, SV1NZX writes... "First confirmed TEP reception of a signal between EU and AF tonight by V51WW from SV8PEX on 2m band after almost 40 years since the last signals between AF and EU intersected. Mode Q65a/30s "

V51WW is using 100w into a horizontal 9-element yagi 12m above ground level. SV8PEX is using 500w into a 11-element yagi 10m above ground level.

Analysis... As the map shows above, both stations are about equidistant from the Geomagnetic Equator and are crossing it at right angles, an important consideration for TEP signals at 144 MHz.

As SV1NZX mentions, there used to TEP contacts on 144 MHz from Europe to Africa back in the 1970's when there was activity from Zimbabwe. The key thing is the location. Zimbabwe and the north of Namibia are far enough north for signals to reach the TEP zone. There are plenty of stations in South Africa (ZS) active on 144 MHz but they are much further south.

In this particular case on the 31st of March, it was a reception report but it shows that a TEP path was open at 144 MHz. Hopefully more stations in southern Europe will now beam south and see if the path is open to Namibia and the southern part of Africa. 

It would be good to see more TEP reports from Europe to Africa on 70 MHz, 88-108 MHz and 144 MHz.


1) See my 144 MHz page for plenty of reports of other TEP contacts.

By the way, this is not an April Fools Joke! I know I posted it on the 1st of April so some might be wondering.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

BBC Radio 4 Medium Wave Service to close - April 2024

In a previous post, I outlined how the BBC Radio 4 service on 198kHz on the Long Wave band was likely to close in the summer of 2025. It now seems as if the BBC Radio 4 Service on the Medium Wave band will stop a lot sooner.

These are the nine medium wave transmitters that are scheduled to close on the 15th of April 2024.

kHz - Station -  Location - Power
603 BBC Radio 4 Newcastle upon Tyne 0.5KW
720 BBC Radio 4 Lisnagarvey nr Belfast 10KW
720 BBC Radio 4 Crystal Palace 0.24KW
720 Radio 4 Derry 0.25KW
756 BBC Radio 4 Redruth, Cornwall 2KW
774 BBC Radio 4 Enniskillen, Fermnanagh 0.5KW
774 BBC Radio 4 Plymouth 0.2KW
1449 BBC Radio 4 Aberdeen 2KW
1485 BBC Radio 4 Carlisle 0.8KW

The highest power one of these is the 10-kilowatt transmitter at Lisnagarvey near Belfast. 

The BBC in a statement wrote.,.. "Effective 15th April, Radio 4 will no longer be available on medium wave. Medium wave listeners will need to retune their radio to alternative platforms."

Friday, March 29, 2024

Upcoming HAREC Amateur Radio Licence Exams in Ireland - 11th May 2024

From the IRTS... "HAREC Exams on May 11th in Dublin and Tralee, Co. Kerry

The IRTS Examinations Board is pleased to announce that it has received approval from ComReg to hold the next HAREC exam on Saturday the 11th of May 2024.

The venues will be the Maldron Hotel located in Tallaght, Dublin 24 and The Rose Hotel in Tralee, Co. Kerry. Registration at both venues with commence at 10.30am, and the exam will commence at 11am, finishing at 1 pm.

Applicants who wish to sit the next exam but have not yet applied, should download and complete the Exam Application Form from the downloads section of the IRTS website. Applicants are also advised to consult the ‘’Applying for an Exam ‘’ section on the IRTS website for instructions on how to proceed with the application or contact Mick EI6IKB on irts DOT exams AT gmail DOT com

The deadline for applications is the 27th of April 2024 ...Mick Cahill EI6IKB, IRTS Examinations Board"

For more information, go to

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Long path opening on 28 MHz from Ireland to Australia - March 2024

Conditions on the 28 MHz band over the last few weeks have been excellent and using the WSPR beacon mode, I have heard 20 stations in Australia on the 10m band.

I usually hear these signals via short path during the morning time or early afternoon but when I checked, I noticed that I had heard two Australian stations via long path as well.

   local   y-m-d txCall txGrid rxCall rxGrid MHz W SNR drift kms
2024-03-21 08:44 VK4TDI QG62lm EI7GL IO51tu 28.126131 5 -24 0 16889
2024-03-21 08:38 VK4TDI QG62lm EI7GL IO51tu 28.126132 5 -23 0 16889
2024-03-20 20:38 VK4TDI QG62lm EI7GL IO51tu 28.126128 5 -21 0 23111
2024-03-20 08:58 VK4TDI QG62lm EI7GL IO51tu 28.126132 5 -24 0 16889
2024-03-19 13:38 VK4TDI QG62lm EI7GL IO51tu 28.126124 5 -21 0 16889

2024-03-21 08:36 VK2KYB QF56lf EI7GL IO51tu 28.126117 5 -25 0 17410
2024-03-21 08:10 VK2KYB QF56lf EI7GL IO51tu 28.126116 5 -27 0 17410
2024-03-20 20:56 VK2KYB QF56lf EI7GL IO51tu 28.126115 5 -24 0 22590
2024-03-17 07:10 VK2KYB QF56lf EI7GL IO51tu 28.126117 5 -27 0 17410
2024-02-25 08:12 VK2KYB QF56lf EI7GL IO51tu 28.126072 5 -26 0 17410

The WSPR decodes for VK2KYB in Sydney and VK4TDI are shown above. All of the short path decodes are in black while the long path decodes are in red.

The chart below shows the predicted propagation from my location on 28 MHz to the SE coast of Australia and it seems reasonably accurate. You can see the stronger short path in the morning with a modest long path in the evening.

The long path to Australia is a difficult one for me as there is a local hill here which means that the signals have to be over 3-degrees above the horizon to reach me.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Lesotho in the log on 28 MHz CW - 27th March 2024

I managed to work the 7P8EI in Lesotho today on 28 MHz CW, my first DX contact in about 12-months!

I have no idea if it's a new country or not on 28 MHz but to be honest, I don't really care. I'm not too bothered about chasing DX but there's just something nice about working Lesotho on CW on 28 MHz. 

The path is shown below. I worked them at about 14:00 UTC so the propagation prediction shows that the contact was possible. In reality, the signal to me was just above the noise... weak but workable.

I was using 100-watts to a vertical half-wave antenna.

Reception reports for the Arctic VY0ERC 28 MHz beacon - March 2024

VY0ERC is an amateur radio station located at a weather station on Ellesmere Island at 80 degrees north in the Canadian Arctic. They operate a WSPR beacon on several HF band including one on 10m on 26.1246 MHz.

I noticed that this was one of the unusual stations that I had heard on the WSPR mode on 28 MHz recently so I checked to see what stations reported hearing this Arctic beacon on 10m over the last 5-weeks. The results are shown above.

Some observations...

1) Over the 5-week period, just 101 stations reported hearing VY0ERC on 28 MHz. In the same time period, I heard 1224 stations here on the south coast of Ireland. G0PKT near London runs a similar power (0.2w) but was reported by 1224 stations.

2) The closest reporting station to VY0ERC was TF3HZ in Iceland at 2583kms. My location is 4134kms. The best DX was EA8BFK in the Canary Islands at 6545kms.

3) From what I could tell, VY0ERC was reported somewhere on nearly every day during the 5-week period. 

4) These are my decodes of VY0ERC and I would have been listening nearly every day for the 5-weeks on 10m.

  local   y-m-d txCall txGrid rxCall rxGrid MHz W SNR drift kms
2024-03-11 15:38 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.126173 0.2 -18 0 4134 
2024-03-11 15:18 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.126109 0.2 -13 -1 4134 
2024-03-11 14:58 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.126160 0.2 -17 -1 4134 
2024-03-11 14:38 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.126168 0.2 -24 0 4134 
2024-03-11 13:58 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.126088 0.2 -18 0 4134 

All of my decodes were on the 11th of March and were between 13:58 and 15:38 UTC. The signal strength ranged from -13dB to -24dB so it was really buried in the noise.

In conclusion... I included this report of VY0ERC because it's a good example of how different propagation is just 10 degrees from the North Pole. While we're all enjoying worldwide propagation on 28 MHz at more southerly latitudes, it's a very different story in the Arctic region.

The two primary reasons for the lack of signals are a) the maximum usable frequency (MUF) drops are you head towards the polar regions and b) VY0ERC is in the auroral zone and this can severely distort digital signals like FT8 & WSPR.

The lack of signals coming from VY0ERC might also suggest that some of those long distance paths we see on 10m going over the polar regions are in fact not direct at all and might be skewed further south?

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Opening from Hawaii to Europe on 28 MHz - March 2024

Over the last few weeks, I have been listening on the WSPR frequency of 28.1246 MHz and feeding the decoded WSPR signals to the WSPRnet website. As we're near the peak of the sunspot cycle, I was  hearing stations all over the world on the 10m band. I know when I see east-west paths open to the west coast of the USA and to Japan then conditions must be good.

One unusual signal though was the club station KH6EJ in Hawaii. The power output is just 0.2 watts into a MFJ 1982-LP antenna and it transmits on 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m & 10m. The 28MHz transmissions are at 18, 38 & 58 minutes past the hour. 

The received signals were in the range of -23dB to -29dB which means they were buried in the noise. These are the four decodes...

 local   y-m-d txCall txGrid rxCall rxGrid MHz W SNR drift km
2024-03-20 18:58 KH6EJ BK29 EI7GL IO51tu 28.126175 0.2 -23 0 11449
2024-03-20 18:38 KH6EJ BK29 EI7GL IO51tu 28.12617     0.2 -29 -1 11449
2024-03-14 18:38 KH6EJ BK29 EI7GL IO51tu 28.12614         0.2 -25 0 11449
2024-03-11 18:58 KH6EJ BK29 EI7GL IO51tu 28.126062 0.2 -23 0 11449

Why is it unusual?

1) I was the only station in Europe to decode the KH6EJ 10m WSPR signal over a 4-week period. Obviously my location in the north-west of Europe helps but I'm only using a simple vertical half-wave antenna for receive. Why didn't other stations in Europe decode the signal?

2) The short time window. I got just four decodes over the space of three days and they are all in the 18:38 to 18:58 UTC time window. This is close to the sunset times for my location.

3) The northerly path. The auroral zone in the Arctic can and does distort signals. If the signals are on  SSB or CW then they can sound a bit rough but for digital signals like WSPR or FT8, it can often mean that the signals are not decoded at all. 

In conclusion... I've worked Hawaii on 28 MHz a long time ago but if I was looking for it now as a new country on 10m then I'd be checking the band at sunset in March.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Mystery opening on 28 MHz in the middle of the night - 21st Mar 2024

Robbie, EI2IP reports that there was an unusual opening on the 28 MHz band on the 21st of March 2024. At the moment, the 28 MHz band closes here in Ireland at about 21:00 UTC which is about two hours after sunset. 

Robbie reports working FM4LV in Martinique in the Caribbean on the 28 MHz (10m) band at around 00:49 UTC on the 21st of March which is about six hours after sunset. This is very unusual and raises the question what was the propagation mode?

The general expectation is that all F2 layer propagation should have disappeared six hours after sunset.

FM4LV was on FT8 and there were loads of stations to the west of him reporting his signal. None of these are of interest as they're just the usual F2. These are the stations to the east that heard FM4LV after 00:00 UTC...

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
EA7DZ 10m FT8 6100 km 00:55:14 (Spain)
CN/TANGER 10m FT8 5938 km 00:50:00 (Morocco)
EI2IP 10m FT8 6217 km 00:49:11 (Ireland)
EA8RH 10m FT8 4791 km 00:39:42 (Canary Islands)
EA8AXB 10m FT8 4920 km 00:23:14
EB7FBJ 10m FT8 6091 km 00:15:11

The paths to the far south of Spain, Morocco & the Canary Islands are well to the south and are much more likely to have propagation at 28 MHz, even well after dark. The question is how was there a path to EI2IP in Ireland at 52 deg north?

That brings us to the good old dependable Sporadic-E.

Q. How did the F2 layer propagation reach that far north? Answer - An extra hop provided by Sporadic-E.

Q. How is any unusual path possible? Answer - Sporadic-E.

Q. "The propagation chapter in my ARRL handbook doesn't explain how I made a contact?" Answer - Sporadic-E.

Q. Why did my coffee go cold? Answer - Sporadic-E.

OK, I lied about the last one but the point being is that we seem to perhaps use Sporadic-E as an explanation a bit too often. In this case, the opening was at about 1am in the morning in March, not a time noted for Sporadic-E as the Sporadic-E season doesn't start properly until mid-April and it's usually during the daylight hours.

The map above shows the parts of the earth in sunlight and shadow around the time of the opening.

For EI2IP, it's in the middle of the night and six hours after sunset. For FM4PV, it was about two and a half hours after sunset.

When I took a screen grab of this image, I couldn't help notice that the moon was almost directly above Martinique which got me thinking. If the moon is visible to both stations then signals must be reflected off the surface of the moon even at 28 MHz?

In this case, I think the combined antenna gain was probably too low for moon bounce and the answer is probably that the signals came off a layer in the ionosphere. As for the exact propagation mechanism?

When I looked at an online propagation map, it suggested that the path was impossible at that time of day so it's a bit of a mystery.

Friday, March 22, 2024

EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0002 - 22nd March 2024

The second edition of my new newsletter is now up on Substack.

 EI7GL Amateur Radio Newsletter #0002 - 22nd March 2024

Summary: -
HF Beacon & Propagation News - Region 2, 160m, 80m, 40m, Solar eclipse, Solar Flux, 10m
40 MHz & Low Band VHF News : 40 MHz reports, Luxembourg
50 MHz News: 50 MHz reports, GB3MBA, ZB2GI, Pirate
Upcoming 50 MHz expeditions... a long list!
70 MHz News: 4m activity, 4m nets
144 MHz & Above: Expeditions & Microwave beacons
In conclusion