Saturday, February 20, 2021

TEP contact on 144 MHz between 3A2LU and V51E - 1990-1991

At the end of 2020, I had some posts up on the blog about some remarkable 144 MHz contacts between Argentina and the Caribbean via Trans-Equatorial Propagation (TEP). Many of the contacts were in the region of 5000 kms.

The post sparked some discussion and someone mentioned a TEP contact on 144 MHz between 3A2LU in Monaco and V51E in Namibia which had taken place in the early 90's.

The path is shown above and is in the region of 7162 kms, a really impressive distance for 144 MHz.

This contact was made in pre-internet days but from what I can tell from doing a search, 3A2LU in Monaco was running 150 watts into a 15-element Yagi. Amazingly, V51E in Namibia was using an antenna for the 160m band!

The contact which was via CW would have taken place close to the peak of solar cycle 22 so conditions must have been really good.

If anyone has any additional information about this contact then please let me know.

For examples of other long distance contacts on 144 MHz, visit my 144 MHz page.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Special permission for VK6R in Australia to operate on 35 MHz & 41 MHz back around 1989

In this post, we'll go back more than 30 years to the years 1988 to 1990 which was around the time of the peak of solar cycle 22. In an issue of RadCom (journal of the RSGB) back in 1988, it carried this interesting news item...

"Graham Rogers, VK6RO, (Western Australia) has been granted an experimental licence by the Department of Communications to transmit on the spot frequencies 35.810 MHz and 4l.750 MHz for the purpose of propagation checks, particularly to ascertain the MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency) between 30 and 50MHz during the coming peak of Cycle 22. 

FM will be transmitted, probably using a six element log- periodic Yagi covering 30 to 54MHz. with an cirp of about 83waits. Proposed callsign is VK6R. Graham will look on 28885 and 28385kHz for stations to stand by for his spot frequency transmissions. He is currently looking for a suitable transmitter."

It's worth remembering that this was a time when most people didn't have the Internet or even email. To let people know of any upcoming activity or experiments, you had to hope that people actually read about it in some amateur radio magazine.

Results... I asked Graham, VK6RO about this experiment and he said that he had managed to get a loan of a commercial low-band VHF FM radio for the tests. As for the tests, he did manage to get a report from a radio amateur in Japan on 35.810 MHz that was pre-arranged. The distance for the North-South path was in the region of 7000-8000 kms.

Graham reports that the biggest problem was the lack of activity on 28.885 MHz even though it was supposed to have been the 50-MHz liaison and crossband frequency at the time. Again, remember that there were no DX-clusters at this time.

Another problem that Graham notes was that most radios weren't able to receive between 30 MHz and 50 MHz back then.

Comment... While the tests met with limited success, the 35 MHz and 41 MHz signals would most likely have been heard in Europe near  the peak of the sunspot cycle. The problem as already noted was that most radio amateurs probably weren't even aware of the tests at the time.

It's interesting though that the licensing authority in Australia at the time was willing to grant a temporary license for these frequencies. Could it happen again for say 40 MHz? 
Maybe in the 40 MHz ISM band from 40.660 MHz to 40.700 MHz?
Would other licensing authorities around the world be willing to grant similar temporary licenses for the upcoming solar cycle 25?

1) For more information on the 40 MHz band, see a list of previous posts on this page on the blog...

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Video: Yagi Antenna talk by Kent, WA5VJB

Kent, WA5VJB recently gave a talk on Yagi antenna construction and designs for the UK Microwave Society and it is now on their YouTube page.

This talk should be of interest to anyone interested in building their own Yagi antennas for the VHF and UHF bands.

The talk lasts for about 38 minutes with a short 10 minute Q&A session after it.

WA5VJB also has his own website which has antennas and equipment for the microwave bands here...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2020 Report for the 60-MHz EI1KNH beacon

The EI1KNH beacon on 60.013 MHz is currently the only operational 5-metre beacon in the world and has been on air since December of 2019. In this post, we'll look at how many times it was spotted on the DX Cluster in 2020.

A total of 6 stations spotted the EI1KNH beacon on 60 MHz during 2020 and the number of spots per individual were... EA3ERE (3), EI7BMB (3), F6HTJ (1), GW0GEI (1), NL8992 (2), SP7VVB (1).

As the map shows above, most were in the region of 800 to 1800kms from the beacon which is a typical distance for Sporadic-E signals at 40 MHz during the Summer season.

Note the reception report by GW0GEI in West Wales at a distance of 175 kms by tropo.

DX Cluster... If you do hear the beacon then make sure to report it on dx-clusters like DXSummit or DXMaps as some of the other clusters ignore spots for 60 MHz as they assume they're a mistake.

More information about the EI1KNH beacon can be found here...

For more information on the 60 MHz band, go to this page...

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Update on the new 144 MHz beacon on St Helena Island (ZD7)

A few days ago, I had a post about the new proposed 2m beacon for St Helena Island. Dee, ZR1DEE has very kindly sent on some additional information.

Garry, ZD7GWM is the beacon keeper and recently took delivery of  a Motorola GM340 FM radio, power supply, cables and a Diamond X700H antenna.

As of the 4th of February, the antenna still needs to be installed and then the beacon will be turned on.

More info from Dee.....  

Gary will select the beacon frequency from a list of 4 pre programmed frequencies (Channel 1: 144.475 Channel 2: 144.325 Channel 3: 144.375 Channel 4: 144.385 ) to suit .
Now we wait for the Diamond antenna to be erected and BEACON SWITCHED ON

* * *
Update 16th Feb 2021: Photos of the new antenna at the bottom of this post.

* * *
The keyer circuit is a 8 pin PIC12F675 chip fed to the input of the Motorola  GM340 FM radio

Additional information about the beacon...
Call sign of the beacon  ZD7GWM
QRG – 144.475 frequency
Grid locator IH74DB
Antenna type DIAMOND X700H
Height above sea level  545M
Height above ground  10M
Antenna direction OMNI-DIRECTIONAL
Horizontal or Vertical  VERTICAL
Power output  20 W
Keying – mode CW
Machine Generated Mode if applicable
GPS coordinated  S 15⁰ 56’ 54.68  W005⁰ 41’ 02.34 (-15.9485  -005.6840 )
Beacon status activated soon

Analysis... Let's have a look at where St Helena is and who is likely to hear this beacon.

Video: Amateur radio construction with Steve Hartley, G0FUW and Pete Juliano, N6QW

 A video titled 'Amateur radio construction with Steve Hartley, G0FUW and Pete Juliano, N6QW' was recently posted on YouTube by the RSGB as part of their ongoing Today at 8 talk series.

The first part of the talk (1:09 to 35:30) is by Steve, G0FUW as he introduces the subject of making your own radios and circuits. This section is aimed at beginners and is a good place to start.

The second part of the talk from 35:30 to 1:17:00 by Pete, N6QW covers more advanced designs and is aimed at more experienced experimenters.

The Q&A session goes from 1:17:00 to 1:39:23.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Video: Starting out in Microwave Bands with Neil, G4LDR

As part of their Tonight at 8 series, the RSGB had a video presentation recently from Neil, G4LDR about getting started on the amateur radio microwave bands.

The talk itself is about 1h 15m in length and it is followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

The video covers propagation, antennas and equipment for the amateur bands from 1.3 to 10 GHz.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

FT8 signals heard on 144 MHz - Sun 14th Feb 2021

As my 10m antenna is out of action, I spent the weekend listening for FT8 signals on 144 MHz instead.

The VHF conditions weren't great but it always amazes me that I can hear signals from over 500kms away with a simple vertical Slim-Jim antenna inside the attic of my house.

Txmtr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
GM0HBK 2m FT8 605 km 15:11:29
M0IOY 2m FT8 556 km 14:29:44
G7LHK 2m FT8 456 km 16:55:44
G0NWX 2m FT8 454 km 14:46:44
G4TRA 2m FT8 431 km 11:58:59
G4RRA 2m FT8 337 km 11:54:35
GW1JFV 2m FT8 229 km 22:45:33
GW4VXE 2m FT8 229 km 13:26:59
EI5IN 2m FT8 197 km 12:25:44

QRT on 28 MHz as antenna cracks...

According to an old saying 'When the wind is in the east, tis neither good for man nor beast'. Or as it turns out, it's not great for antennas either!

After several days of strong easterly winds, my 10m vertical finally snapped! It's no big deal as it was a cheap and cheerful half-wave CB antenna and I had gotten four years out of it already.

The problem was metal fatigue at the top of the bottom aluminum section. The X in the photo above shows where it split... the bottom of the antenna is still there on the mast while the rest of the antenna on the right is sticking out of a hedge.

So no more reports on 28 MHz FT8 for a while. I'll have to wait for a nice dry day and see if I'll repair or replace it.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Video: Amateur Radio in the Falkland Islands

This video about amateur radio in the Falkland Islands was put up on YouTube in January of 2021 and features VP8EME, VP8NE and VP8LP.

Friday, February 12, 2021

2020 Report for the 40-MHz EI1KNH beacon

Back at the start of January of this year, I had a post up about how often the Danish OZ7IGY beacon on 40 MHz was reported back in 2020. In this post, we'll look at the EI1KNH beacon in Ireland which transmits on 40.013 MHz and how many times it was spotted on the DX Cluster in 2020.

A total of 26 stations spotted the EI1KNH beacon on 40 MHz during 2020 and the number of spots per individual were... 9A6W (13), CT1DDN (2), CT1HMN (1), CT2IWW (1), DG0JPM (1), DK7UK (6), DM2TT (1), DM6HK (1), EA1FBU (1), EA2US (1), EA3ERE (24), EI3GYB (6), EI7BMB (1), EI7GL (2), F1EIT (7), F4FRQ (2), F6HTJ (4), OE3EMC (6), OH3BCX (1), OH3NE (1), ON4TA (3), OZ1BNN (1), PE1ITR (2), S5/M0MPM (1), SP5XMU (1), SP7VVB (1).

As the map shows above, most were in the region of 800 to 2000kms from the beacon which is a typical distance for Sporadic-E signals at 40 MHz during the Summer season.

The EI1KNH 40 MHz beacon which is just to the south of Dublin first became operational in May of 2020.

DX Cluster... If you do hear the beacon then make sure to report it on dx-clusters like DXSummit or DXMaps as some of the other clusters ignore spots for 40 MHz as they assume they're a mistake.

More information about the EI1KNH beacon can be found here...

For more information on the 40 MHz band, go to this page...


Video clip from Tom, SP5XMU in Poland showing reception of the EI1KNH beacon...

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Yugoslav ELTING 8000 radio for 40 MHz

If I come across any radio that will operate on the 40 MHz band, I like to keep a record of it here on the blog. One such radio is the ELTING 8000 which was a 1980's vintage radio that was built in Yugoslavia. It was also manufactured by RIZ.

This low-band VHF radio used FM modulation and had a maximum of ten crystal-controlled operating channels.

In the example shown above which is the base version, it is set up for simplex operation on 40.775 MHz, 41.220 MHz, 41.775 MHz and 42.200 MHz. The specified range of the radios was from 40.7 MHz to 42.4 MHz.

This is an internal view of the radio. The mains power supply can be seen quite clearly on the right. You can also make out the crystals just left of centre.

This is the view from the other side and as you can see, there is a second PCB.

The frequency chart below shows how the crystal frequencies were selected...

The transmit frequency is a 12th multiple of a crystal operating at about 3.5 MHz. Possibly something like X3 first, select the third harmonic and then multiply that by 4.

For this radio to operate on say 40.680 MHz (which is the centre of the 40 MHz ISM band - Industrial, Scientific, Medical), a crystal of 3.390 MHz is required for transmit.

To receive on 40.680 MHz, then a 51.380 MHz crystal is required (receive frequency plus 10.7 MHz IF).

There were several versions of the 8000 series... 1) 8000F for fixed operation, 2) 8000M for mobile and 3) 8000P for portable.

The RF output power of each one was 10 watts. There was also a hand portable version called the 8000/1.5P with a 1.5 watt output.

Some of these radios are available on the second hand market and might be a way to get going on just one select frequency on the 40 MHz band.

1) Crowave Blog

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

"Energy Island" to become a new IOTA for Denmark???


I was reading an interesting news article today about a new project to build a giant island off the coast of Denmark in the North Sea. It will serve as a hub for 200 giant offshore wind turbines.

The world's first energy island will be as big as 120,000sq m but there are hopes to make it as large as 460,000sq m. It is the biggest construction project in Danish history, costing an estimated 210bn kroner (£24bn; €28bn: $34bn).

IOTA... Located some 80kms or so off the Danish coast, I couldn't help thinking if it would qualify as a new IOTA reference?

The IOTA (Islands On the Air) awards programme is very popular with radio amateurs and is probably  second only to the DXCC programme in terms of popularity. I'm sure a new Danish IOTA reference would generate some interest.

Would it count though? From what I understand, it must be a certain distance offshore and 80 kms should certainly qualify. However, I think it must also be 1km in length. If it expands to its full size then it might.

Does a new large artificial island qualify as a new IOTA reference?

Update: It would seem that it won't count as a new IOTA as qualifying islands can't be man made.

VHF...  Whatever about IOTA, the new 'Energy Island' would be located out in a very wet locator square... either JO35 or JO36 and it would certainly count.

Considering how close it would be to Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, it would probably be very popular on all the VHF bands.

Noise?... While it's interesting to hear about new islands popping up out of the North Sea, it would hardly be a RF quite location with all of those inverters. Would radio communications be even possible on the HF bands? Would it even be allowed?

Monday, February 8, 2021

Video: Unusual signals heard on the VHF & UHF bands with a radio scanner


As radio systems gradually migrate from analogue to digital technology, more and more unusual commercial and non-commercial signals can be heard on the VHF & UHF radio bands.

Lewis M3HHY in Manchester has a very popular YouTube channel where he puts up well scripted and presented videos about a wide range of radio related subjects. He recently put up two videos about some of the digital radio signals that can be heard on the VHF & UHF bands.

Video 1... 


1) POCSAG ...Wide area paging.
2) MPT-1327 ...Trunk radio communication networks. 
3) Commercial DMR communications.
4) Car Key Transmitters
5) TETRA ...TErrestrial TRunked RAdio
6) Temporary Traffic Lights
7) Autocab ...Radio dispatch system
8) TPMS ...Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems
9) Multitone Paging
10) dPMR ...Digital Private Mobile Radio (446 MHz)

Video 2...


1) FLEX ...Flexible Wide Area Paging Protocol
2) VOR ...Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (108-118 MHz)
3) DAB Radio ...Digital Audio Broadcast
4) DSTAR ...Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio
5) NXDN ...Next Generation Digital Narrowband
6) Motorola Type II ... Paging Control Channel
7) Wi-Fi ...802.11N
8) System Fusion ...Yaesu Amateur Radio Digital Mode
9) LTE ...Long Term Evolution Network (4GLT / E-UTRA - Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access). Mobile phone data.
10) AFSK ...Audio Frequency Shift Keying (Paging)

For additional information on unusual signals, visit this website...

Thursday, February 4, 2021

40 MHz page has now over 10,000 pageviews


At the end of January 2021, the 40 MHz page on the site passed the 10,000 pageview mark.

Back in 2018, Irish radio amateurs gained access to a large part of the low VHF spectrum between 30 MHz and 50 MHz. As I went looking for information on anything to do with 40 MHz operations, I found it scattered across the net with no real central source.

In 2018, I started collecting information about low band VHF signals and equipment and in the summer of 2018, I put the 40 MHz page up on the site. This was a place where I could put links to all of the relevant posts that I had put up on the site. It also meant that anyone new starting off could go there and get all of the relevant information in one spot rather than trying to find it on the net.

As the stats above show, the page got a steady stream of traffic in 2018 and 2019 but really took off in 2020 with the increased level of interest in the band.

Link to the 40 MHz page...

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

40 MHz contacts now accepted on the eQSL platform


Tim, EI4GNB reports that the eQSL website is now accepting 40 MHz (8m) contacts on their platform.

Many radio amateur use this site to confirm contacts that were made on the radio and is an alternative for many to the traditional physical QSL card.

Tim also notes that while eQSL are handling 8m QSOs now, a lot of the various logging software programmes still have to catch up as they still don't recognize 8m as a valid amateur band.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Opening on 28 MHz - Tues 2nd Feb 2021


There was a nice F2 opening on 28 MHz on the 2nd of Feb 2021 to SE Europe, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon and the south of Russia. This was in complete contrast to the 1st of February when I heard just one FT8 signal all day.

The solar flux on the 2nd was just 73 which is well down on last November when it was over 100.

New 144 MHz beacon on the way for St Helena Island


The RSGB had a news item on their GB2RS last weekend about a new 144 MHz beacon on St Helena Island in the South Atlantic.

"A 2m beacon is operating on St Helena Island. The beacon frequencies are: Channel 1 144.435MHz; Channel 2 144.325MHz; Channel 3 144.375MHz and Channel 4 144.385MHz"

My understanding is that it actually not operational yet and the team behind the beacon will announce more details when it is.

Monday, February 1, 2021

70 MHz permits in Iceland allowed for 2021 & 2022


The Icelandic Radio Amateur federation (ÍRA) has been notified by the countries Post and Telecom Administration (PSF) that permits to operate on the 70 MHz / 4-metre band will be allowed from another two years. 

The frequency range is 70.000-70.250 MHz and is valid for two years from the 1st of Jan 2021 to the 31st of Dec 2022.

As before, the following conditions apply:

(1) Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz. No molding conditions; 

(2) the maximum radiated power is 100W

(3) the authorization is subject to the interruption of other electronic communications activities, transmissions must be stopped immediately and 

(4) call signs must be used at the beginning and end of the electronic communications connection and at appropriate regular intervals during the electronic communications connection.

Licensees must apply for authorization to the PTA before transmissions begins in the frequency range. 

The map above shows the distances in kms from Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. 

Analysis... It's very likely that stations on 70 MHz from Iceland will be heard elsewhere in Europe from May to July during the Sporadic-E season. These will likely be in the range of 1000 to 2300 kms with most in the range of about 1300 to 2100 kms.

As the map shows above, the countries within one-hop range are likely to be the UK & Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, NW Germany, Denmark, Norway & Sweden.

Distances greater than 2300kms may be possible be some form of multi-hop propagation but this is rarer at 70 MHz as compared to 50 MHz where it is a lot more common.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

First contact between Croatia (9A) and Slovenia (S5) on 40 MHz - 26th Jan 2021

The very first contact between Croatia and neighbouring Slovenia on the new 40 MHz (8m) amateur band took place on the 26th of January 2021. This comes just two weeks after the very first 40 MHz contact between Croatia (9A) and Ireland (EI).

Using the FT8 digital mode, Patrik 9A5CW completed a successful QSO with Ivo, S59F over an hilly 70km path.

The screenshot above from S59F shows the FT8 contact with the signal from 9A5CW being in the region of -7dB to -8dB. This suggests that while the signal levels were too weak for say a SSB voice contact, a marginal CW or a solid FT8 contact was possible.

The contact took place on 40.680 MHz which is in the centre of the 40 MHz ISM band (Industrial, Scientific, Medical).

Patrik 9A5CW said that he was using an ICOM IC-706 Mk2 running 10 watts into an inverted L vertical antenna for the 60 metre band (5 MHz). S59F was using an ICOM IC-7300 and a HF vertical with very good vswr on 40MHz.

9A5CW also conducted tests over a 70km path with S50B using the JT9 digital mode. While S50B heard a -22dB signal, there was no contact in this case.


1) 40 MHz page on this blog