Saturday, April 16, 2022

Trans-Continental opening on the 40 MHz band in the USA - 14th Apr 2022

On the 14th of April 2022, there was an interesting Transcontinental opening on the 40 MHz band in the USA.

There are currently seven US radio amateurs using experimental callsigns and licenses for the 40 MHz band. Three of these... WM2XCC in California, WM2XCW in Washington State and WM2XAN in Michigan are using the WSPR digital mode and their signals were heard by W4WLO in Alabama and N2OTO in Florida.

The WSPR reports for each of the three stations are shown below...

 Local   (y-m-d) TX txGrid RX rxGrid MHz W SNR drift km
2022-04-14 21:52 WM2XAN EN74oh WLO/O5 EM50vo 40.6636 100 -26 -4 1553

2022-04-14 22:14 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -9 0 3640
2022-04-14 22:02 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663492 2 -14 0 3640
2022-04-14 21:52 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -20 0 3640
2022-04-14 21:44 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -16 1 3640
2022-04-14 21:34 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -24 0 3640
2022-04-14 21:34 WM2XCC DM13ji W4WLO/S32 EM50vo 40.663489 2 -11 0 2743
2022-04-14 21:24 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663495 2 -24 0 3640
2022-04-14 21:24 WM2XCC DM13ji W4WLO/S11 EM50vo 40.663449 2 -8 0 2743
2022-04-14 21:16 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -23 1 3640
2022-04-14 21:16 WM2XCC DM13ji W4WLO/S11 EM50vo 40.663449 2 -3 0 2743
2022-04-14 21:08 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -11 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:58 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663492 2 -8 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:48 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663492 2 -9 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:38 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663491 2 -9 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:28 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663492 2 -12 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:20 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663493 2 -7 0 3640
2022-04-14 20:12 WM2XCC DM13ji N2OTO EL96wi 40.663494 2 -1 0 3640

2022-04-14 21:16 WM2XCW CN88lx WLO/O5 EM50vo 40.663601 10 -20 0 3561
2022-04-14 21:16 WM2XCW CN88lx W4WLO/S32 EM50vo 40.663538 10 -27 0 3561
2022-04-14 21:06 WM2XCW CN88lx W4WLO/S32 EM50vo 40.66354 10 -17 0 3561

Some observations...

1) WM2XAN to WLO/05 (W4WLO) at 1553kms is normal enough. Some weak Sporadic-E could account for this reception report.

2) WM2XCC in California to W4WLO in Alabama and N2OTO in Florida is 2743kms and 3640kms respectively. These were the most numerous reports and are well beyond the normal 2300km limit or so for single hop Sporadic-E. In that respect, it's a very unusual opening.

3) WM2XCC in Washington state to W4LO in Alabama is 3561kms and is again an unusually long distance path.

Analysis... What caused the opening and what was the propagation mode? 

First of all, let's look at the times. The opening was at roughly 21:00 UTC which was roughly 3pm local time in the centre of the United States.

Theory 1: Double hop / Chordal hop Sporadic-E - It's possible that Sporadic-E with more than 1 hop was involved which extended the range beyond the normal 2300kms or so. Even though the Summer Sporadic-E season has started, it's still only the 14th of April. It's possible it was double hop but I think it's unlikely.

Theory 2: F2 layer propagation - The solar flux on the day was at 103 but note how the opening happened just before a major aurora.

It is often observed that there is an improvement in the upper HF bands like 28 MHz as an aurora is commencing or about to start.

At the moment, East-West paths across the USA have a maximum usable frequency (MUF) in the low VHF spectrum just above 30 MHz. I suspect the onset of the aurora caused to MUF to jump upwards and propagation via the F2 layer at 40 MHz was possible.

While we can never be 100% certain what the reason was, I think the fact the 40 MHz opening happened at the start of an aurora is significant.

In conclusion... Over the next few weeks, the Sporadic-E season will really begin to get going and I suspect there will be plenty of double hop Sp-E openings in May and June.

As the sunspot numbers improve, F2 layer openings like this will be become a lot more common and I think 40 MHz WSPR reports will be of particular value to those operating on the 50 MHz band waiting for an trans-continental opening in the United States.

Monday, April 11, 2022

12,600km opening from Europe to the Falkland Islands on the 40 MHz band - 10th April 2022

This really is an amazing reception report. Read on...

On Sunday the 10th of April 2022, Phil EI9KP was carrying out some experiments on the new 40 MHz band. 

From 09:00 to 12:00 UTC, he tried transmitting on WSPR on 40.680 MHz with the hope that some stations in England might hear the signal but to no avail.

In the afternoon, EI9KP switched to FT8 and managed to successfully decode the FT8 signal from the EI1KNH beacon near Dublin on 40.013 MHz.

After that, EI9KP sent a sequence of FT8 transmissions on 40.680 MHz. Little did he realise at the time that his VHF 40 MHz signal would reach the Falkland Islands off South America, a distance of roughly 12,600kms!

Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
EI9KP VP8ADR/40 8m FT8 12602 km 14:33:14
EI1KNH EI9KP 8m FT8 210 km 14:27:11

At 14:33 UTC, Bob VP8ADR successfully decoded the FT8 signal from EI9KP using just a fan dipole resonant for 40m, 20m & 10m.

What makes it even more remarkable was that VP8ADR was only having a quick listen to the 40 MHz band after an email from Paul, G7PUV (G9PUV) informed him about his 40MHz transmission from England using his Innovation & Research licence.

It really was just good luck that Bob was listening at the same time as Phil was transmitting and the band was open at the same time.

When I first heard about this reception report, I thought surely someone has made a mistake. Someone had the wrong band setting on their software or something else. But no, both EI9KP and VP8ADR have confirmed to me that they were transmitting and receiving on the 40 MHz band.

For the record, Phil EI9KP was using 20 watts from an ICOM IC-7300 fed into a home made 40 MHz band pass filter and the antenna was a delta-loop for 40 MHz.

Analysis... My first reaction is just WOW! Who would have thought a low band VHF signal at 40 MHz would get from Europe to the Falklands in April?

Unlike other openings at 50 MHz, I suspect that this time there may have been no Sporadic-E involved. I think it's a case of F2 and possibly TEP signals extending above 30 MHz on North-South paths and actually reaching the 40 MHz band.

My first question is what other paths are open at 40 MHz that we're not even aware of? 

One thing is for sure. If a FT8 signal at 40 MHz from Europe can reach the Falkland Islands then one from the USA certainly will. It might be time for some of those US stations with experimental 40 MHz calls to send some FT8 signals to the south.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Big opening on 40 MHz between Europe and South Africa - Thurs 7th Apr 2022

Thursday 7th April 2022: There was an extensive opening on the 40 MHz band and it was great to see so many stations active. The map above shows the FT8 activity on the band.

Up to now, the only station active from South Africa seemed to be ZS6WAB so it was a pleasant surprise to see two more ZS stations operating on the 8m band.

Borut, S50B in Slovenia reports working both ZS6OB and ZS4TX bringing his total now to three South African stations worked. 

G9PUV on the south-east coast of England managed to exchange signal reports with two stations in South Africa. Even though the signals at 40 MHz were quite strong, no successful contacts were made at 50 MHz when Paul was using his amateur radio callsign G7PUV.

ZS6WAB was heard in Slovenia, Chad and Croatia.

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
S58P 8m FT8 7928 km 14:59:11
TT8SN 8m FT8 4300 km 14:58:11
9A5CW 8m FT8 7848 km 14:37:28

ZS6OB was heard over a much wider area including Portugal (HC02), Slovenia, Croatia, England, Belgium, France and Hungary.

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
HC02 8m FT8 7949 km 14:42:59
9A3TN 8m FT8 7983 km 14:42:59
S50B 8m FT8 8098 km 14:42:58
9A5CW 8m FT8 8033 km 14:42:58
S59F 8m FT8 8104 km 14:26:29
G0CHE 8m FT8 8979 km 14:17:14
G4EFE 8m FT8 9060 km 14:17:12
G7PUV/A 8m FT8 8956 km 14:16:45
G9PUV 8m FT8 8964 km 14:16:43
ON5CD 8m FT8 8849 km 14:07:14
G4FTC 8m FT8 9037 km 14:06:44
F5BZB 8m FT8 8196 km 14:05:44
HA2NP 8m FT8 8173 km 13:55:44

ZS4TX was heard in Greece, Slovenia, Portugal, Croatia, England, France and Hungary.

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
SV1DH 8m FT8 7458 km 14:48:44
S50B 8m FT8 8415 km 14:48:43
HC02 8m FT8 8158 km 14:45:45
S59F 8m FT8 8419 km 14:45:14
9A3TN 8m FT8 8311 km 14:08:56
G9PUV 8m FT8 9243 km 14:00:13
F5BZB 8m FT8 8466 km 13:58:14
HA2NP 8m FT8 8509 km 13:57:44
9A5CW 8m FT8 8349 km 13:53:43

As can be seen from the reports about, the best conditions seemed to have been around 14:00 UTC. I suspect the opening was due to afternoon TEP with some F2 layer propagation.

Radio amateurs in South Africa first got an allocation at 40 MHz back in 2015. After some initial interest, interest seemed to fizzle out due to the small numbers and a lack of activity.

Now with the increased level of activity and interest in the 40 MHz band in Europe, some long range paths are beginning to open up.

As more stations get active on the 40 MHz band, it's likely that more people will put up dedicated antennas tuned for the 8m band resulting in better signal reports. Up to now, most were pressing their 28 MHz or 50 MHz antennas in service with limited results.

Spots from the DX-Cluster...

Spotter Freq. DX Time Info Country
TT8SN 40675 ZS6WAB 14:59 07 Apr 22 JK72MC<>KG46 CQ ... +32 dB South Africa
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS6WAB 14:47 07 Apr 22 +06 QSB South Africa
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS6OB 14:42 07 Apr 22 +6db South Africa
S50B 40680 ZS6OB 14:32 07 Apr 22 ssb 8m South Africa
F4CXO 40680 ZS6OB 14:32 07 Apr 22 JN26PP<>KG44DE 53 in JN26 South Africa
F4CXO 40675 ZS6WAB/B 14:14 07 Apr 22 JN26PP<>KG46RB 559 South Africa
F4DNP 40675 ZS6WAB/B 14:11 07 Apr 22 Good conditions in JN38. South Africa
EA3ERE 40675 ZS6WAB/B 14:11 07 Apr 22 JN11CX<>KG46 CW 559+ South Africa
EA3ERE 40680 ZS6OB 14:05 07 Apr 22 <ES> FT8 +24 dB cq South Africa
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS6OB 14:03 07 Apr 22 +30db South Africa
HA2NP 40680 ZS4TX 14:03 07 Apr 22 JN97SG<TEP>KG30BX 0dB HRD South Africa
HA2NP 40680 ZS6OB 14:02 07 Apr 22 JN97SG<TEP>KG44DE -10 HRD South Africa
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS4TX 14:01 07 Apr 22 QSO G9PUV South Africa
G7PUV 40675 ZS6WAB/B 13:54 07 Apr 22 JO00AU<TEP>KG46RB 599! South Africa
TT8SN 40680 S59F 13:48 07 Apr 22 JK72MC<>JN65UU +30 dB Slovenia
TT8SN 40680 ON5QRP 13:47 07 Apr 22 JK72MC<>JN29UQ +12 dB Belgium
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS6OB 13:47 07 Apr 22 QSO G9PUV South Africa
EA3ERE 40680 ZS6OB 13:44 07 Apr 22 <ES> FT8 cq South Africa
EA3ERE 40675 ZS6WAB/B 13:33 07 Apr 22 JN11CX<>KG46 CW 549 South Africa
ON5QRP-@ 40680 ZS6OB 13:11 07 Apr 22 -6 ft8 South Africa
F4CXO 40675 ZS6WAB/B 13:09 07 Apr 22 JN26PP<>KG46RB 519 South Africa

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Opening on 40 MHz between the UK and Chad - 6th Apr 2022

It looks as if there was an opening on the 40 MHz band on Tuesday the 6th of April 2022 when the FT8 signal from Paul, G9PUV (G7PUV) was heard by TT8SN in Chad.

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
TT8SN 8m FT8 4518 km 14:25:11

According to the PSK Reporter website, TT8SN was hearing the signal from G9PUV at +16dB which is very strong.

G9PUV was using 25 watts into a log periodic antenna for the tests.

The strong signal strength, the distance of 4,500kms and the time suggests that this was a F2 layer opening with just one hop involved. It looks as if the North-South path from the south of England to Africa is now reaching as high as the 40 MHz band.

The solar flux on the 6th of April was 117 which is down from the recent peak of 156 a week ago.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Reception reports for the ZS6WAB beacon on 40 MHz - Q1 2022

With the recent increase in sunspot numbers and the improvement on the HF bands, there has been a lot of interest in the ZS6WAB beacon on 40.675 MHz. This beacon which usually sends a message in CW is now seen as a valuable early warning system for potential openings on the 50 MHz band between Europe and South Africa.

In the first quarter of 2022, a total of 52 stations uploaded reception reports to the DX Summit DX cluster and a map of these are shown above. Outside of Europe, there are two to note. 

a) TT8SN in Chad at about 4,300kms was most likely one F2 layer hop.

b) There was a spot on the cluster  from W3PQS in the USA but unless I hear otherwise, I think it's a mistake (not counted as part of the 52). I sent W3PQS an email but got no reply. 

Europe... This is the map for Europe in more detail...

As might be expected, the majority of the stations that heard the 40 MHz signal of ZS6WAB are located in the southern half of Europe. 

As for propagation modes, it's likely TEP was involved with some F2 layer reaching as high as 40 MHz as well on this North-South path.

It was interesting to see that the signal from South Africa managed to reach OH5ZA in Finland as well, a distance of almost 9,500kms.

Top Spotters... This is a list of the top spotters on the DX cluster broken down into the number of days they heard and reported the ZS6WAB beacon on 40 MHz. 

It's interesting to note that both DK2EA and F4CXO reported hearing the 40 MHz ZS6WAB beacon on 22 days in Q1 of 2022.

Caveat... I used the DX spots from the DX Summit cluster to compile the data for this post. It's possible there were other spots which were not on this platform but other sources of information are incomplete. I do think however it gives a reasonably accurate picture of who heard the South African beacon on the 40 MHz band.

In Conclusion... First off, it's great to see so many stations in Europe active and listening on the 40 MHz band! 

I think the reception reports of this 40 MHz beacon shows just how valuable an allocation between 28 MHz and 50 MHz can be, especially for beacons. 

It would be nice if more countries allowed one off experimental 40 MHz beacons as advocated by the IARU even if an amateur radio allocation is unlikely.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Reception reports for G9PUV on the 40 MHz band - 5th April 2022

On the 4th of April 2022, Paul G7PUV received a UK Innovation and Research License from OFCOM for the 40 MHz band.

On the 5th of April, Paul carried out some test transmissions using FT8 on 40.680 MHz with the call sign G9PUV.

The map above shows the stations that decoded the FT8 signals and the log is shown below...

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
S50B 8m FT8 1167 km 16:13:43
EI9KP 8m FT8 705 km 16:05:41
G0JHC 8m FT8 366 km 15:50:14
G4AWP 8m FT8 162 km 16:10:41
G4WSZ 8m FT8 148 km 16:10:42
G0LRD 8m FT8 138 km 18:39:41
G4APB 8m FT8 70 km 16:21:12
G0CHE 8m FT8 51 km 16:13:14
G7PUV/A 8m FT8 9 km 18:37:14

Most of the signals under 165kms were most likely tropo, it's not so obvious the mode of propagation for G0JHC, EI9KP & S50B.

Phil, EI9KP reports... "I tuned to 40.680MHz and just let it sit on FT8, to my susprise I logged UK Innovation and Research License "G9PUV".  The 'CQ' call got forwarded automatically to PSKReporter. For reception I use a Delta Loop in Horizontal Polarization."

The screen grab from Phil is shown above.

With the Sporadic-E season starting soon, there should be plenty of reports of the UK stations from across listeners across Europe.

1) For more info on the 8m band, see my 40 MHz page

Thursday, March 31, 2022

RSGB statement concerning 40MHz in the UK

In a previous post, I outlined how several radio amateurs in the UK were in the process of applying for Innovation and Trial licences from OFCOM to carry out tests on the 40 MHz band. 

The RSGB have now outlined the position of OFCOM on the issue...


RSGB statement concerning 40MHz in the UK

There have been recently a number of reports of individual holders of UK Amateur licenses gaining Innovation and Trial licences from Ofcom to conduct experimental transmissions on 40MHz (8m).

Ofcom has made it very clear for several years that there was no likelihood of UK radio amateurs gaining any access to 40MHz which included NoV (Notice of Variation) to a UK amateur licence or an amateur SRP (Special Research Permit). 

The RSGB has consulted Ofcom as to the exact status of these Innovation and Trial licences. Ofcom’s reply was as follows:

“We have been approached by a couple of individuals wanting to conduct experiments in the band. Like all other research and innovation requests Ofcom receives we have put these through our Innovation and Trial licensing regime. If the coordination checks are passed, they are being issued with an Innovation and Trial licence. These are issued for up to 12 months on a non-interference, no protection and non-operational basis. 

These are not Amateur Radio Special Research Permits and licensees do not fall under the Amateur Radio licence terms and conditions. Therefore, applicants are not required to have passed an amateur exam or hold a callsign. Although we are allowing this experimentation, we would like to make it clear that we have no proposals to allow wider amateur radio access to the 40 MHz band.

Clause 9(6) of the UK amateur terms states “The Licensee may receive Messages from an overseas amateur or from an Amateur duly authorised by Ofcom on a frequency band not specified in Schedule 1 but the Licensee may only transmit on a band specified in Schedule 1 which is authorised under Clause 9(2).”

Users of 40 MHz under an Innovation and Trial (I&T) licence are not authorised under the Amateur Radio licensing regime and there is no requirement to have passed an amateur radio exam to obtain such a licence. Clause 9(6) of the Amateur licence is designed to cover additional frequencies, such as 70 MHz and 146 MHz, which are not contained in Schedule 1 of the Amateur Radio licence but Ofcom has authorised via a Notice of Variation (NoV). 

We would like to make clear that we have not duly authorised any amateur to use a frequency band not specified in Schedule 1 through this process. Reception of transmissions authorised under an I&T Licence should therefore be treated the same as those authorised under other licences that Ofcom issues such as business radio or maritime.

We would also like to make clear that I&T licences do not permit operational or commercial use. These licences are designed to support individuals and companies in carrying out research, development, testing and demonstrations of equipment. 

Therefore, the use of the 40 MHz band under this licence should be for these purposes only. The licences are granted on the basis that the user will be carrying out such research and not operating on the band in a similar way to the frequencies listed in Schedule 1 of the licence.”

Ofcom’s view is very clear. Any operation on 40MHz in the UK is not Amateur radio and therefore cross-band contacts to such stations by UK radio Amateurs operating on the bands licenced for amateur radio are not permitted.

*** RSGB Statement Ends

Just to highlight that the RSGB are just outlining the position of OFCOM so there is no point in bashing the RSGB over this.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

21,000km long path opening on 50 MHz between Australia & the Canary Islands - 15th March 2022

At the start of March 2022, I reported on how there was some 18,000km plus openings on the 50 MHz band between New Zealand and the Canary Islands. See previous post HERE.

About a week later on the 15th of March 2022, this distance was exceeded when there was a long path opening on 50 MHz between the east coast of Australia and the Canary Islands. The distance on this occasion was an amazing 21,100 kms!

I'm a little bit late with the post as I've been busy but it's worth highlighting that it happened. There is no shortage of long distance openings on the 50 MHz band at the moment but these tend to be mostly North-South and TEP related.

It's easy to just look at the map and so what? But remember this was at 50 MHz, a VHF band and not down on the HF bands where long path openings are pretty common.

It looks as if FT8 was used by most stations for the opening. The partial screen grab above shows the contact between EA8TL on Tenerife and VK4MA near Brisbane.

Amazingly, Jorge EA8TL was using just a Hexbeam for the contact and he was beaming towards the Caribbean.

The opening wasn't confined to just VK4MA and EA8TL. These are some of the spots from the DX-Cluster.

EA8DO 50313 VK4HJ 21:55 14 Mar 22 ft8 Australia
EA8DO 50313 VK4MA 21:43 14 Mar 22 ft8 Australia
EA8DO 50313 VK4QG 21:43 14 Mar 22 ft8 Australia
EA8TL 50313 VK4MA 21:42 14 Mar 22 ft8 Australia

Propagation Mode??? ...It's probably no accident that all stations involved in the opening were no more than 25 degrees or so from the equator. Radio propagation at these latitudes reaches much higher frequencies than for those located much further north or south.

It's highly likely that a large part of the path was due to chordal mode without the signal hitting the ground.

As for how much of the signal was due to F2? Sp-E? TEP?

Just for the record, the solar flux on the day was 110.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

History of the G9 Radio Test & Development License in the UK

In a previous post, I outlined how some radio amateurs in the UK are obtaining special permits to operate and experiment on the 40 MHz band. As part of the feedback, someone mentioned the old G9 callsigns which were a Test & Development license in the UK.

Anyone familiar with old copies of the Practical Wireless magazine will remember antenna articles and designs by Fred Judd, G2BCX. He popularised antennas like the Slim Jim for 144 MHz and he used the callsign G9BTN for much of his work.

Lewis, M3HHY put together a nice video about the history of these G9 callsigns and it's embedded below.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Several radio amateurs in the UK obtain special 40 MHz permits

In a previous post in February of 2022, I reported on how the UK licensing authority OFCOM had refused to give NOV's (Notice of Variation) to radio amateurs to carry out tests on the 40 MHz band.

The good news is the OFCOM are allocating temporary Innovation and Research licenses.

Roger, G3XBM in the east of England can operate from the 2nd of April for 1-year with 5-watts. Roger writes... "After a very long wait OFCOM has approved my 8m TX permit that runs from April 2nd for a year.

It permits me to use 40-42MHz with digital modes (including CW) at 5W ERP max. I expect to erect a wire dipole which is directed towards Europe.

I expect to be mostly on FT8 around 40.676MHz with precise frequency done in liaison with others. What I hope is all 8m FT8 stations can be monitored with one USB dial setting, but spaced out. 5W should certainly cover Europe with Es. I shall try some local CW crossband QSOs, but hope to be on FT8 24/7."


John, G0JJL in the north-west of England can operate from the 1st of May 2022. John writes... "I am one of the UK Amateurs that have recently obtained a temporary 12 month licence to transmit on 40MHz. 

These licences are not Amateur Radio special permits, they are Innovation and Research licences which have nothing to do with Amateur Radio at all. In fact, anyone in the UK can apply for this type of licence whether they are a licensed Amateur or not. 

The UK regulator, Ofcom, do not issue callsigns with Innovation and Research licences, it is up to the licence holder if they wish to use one and the licence holder can use any callsign of their choice. Some UK Amateurs who obtain an Innovation and Research licence might decide to use their Amateur Radio callsigns on 40MHz and this is perfectly legal so far as Ofcom are concerned. However, using their Amateur Radio callsign on 40MHz does not mean their station is then an Amateur Radio station operating on 40MHz, it is not, it remains an Innovation and Research licence station only and this as been confirmed by Ofcom. 

My Innovation and Research licence was granted to allow research of propagation in the 8m band and my licence permits use of 40.680MHz and 40.690MHz using narrow band digital modes and CW from 1st May 2022 from two locations. The callsign to be used is GR9A.


Neil, G0JHC in the north-west of England has also applied for a permit and will be using the callsign GR9B. Neil is located in the same area as G0JJL.

* * *

Paul, G7PUV in the south-east of England is currently applying for a permit. Others are likely to follow.

Analysis... This is indeed welcome news as it allows more signals on the band which is great for experimentation. There's only so many times you can report a beacon on 40 MHz.

At the end of April, the Sporadic-E season will have started and it should be quite easy for the UK stations to be heard in countries with permits like Slovenia (S5) and Croatia (9A) which are around the 1200km mark.

By late May and all of June, there should be plenty of short skip Sporadic-E with distances in the region of 500-1000kms possible.

There are plenty of opportunities for radio amateurs in the UK to participate in these experiments by listening for the permit holders and working them cross band from 40 MHz to either 28 MHz or 50 MHz.

40 MHz is an excellent band for meteor scatter tests. Tropo contacts up to 200kms may be possible and aircraft scatter propagation can also be explored.

Trans-Atlantic contacts to the permit holders in the USA should be possible in May and June by multi-hop Sporadic-E. There is also the possibility of very long paths to South Africa.

Maybe in time, radio amateurs in the UK will get an allocation at 40 MHz but for now, this is a 'foot in the door'. The results of these Innovation & Research permits can be used to show a real need for a formal amateur radio allocation for this band.

Can EI stations work these special permits? ...Not to be pedantic but the answer is no. In Ireland (EI), the amateur radio license states quite clearly that we can only make contact with other radio amateurs. Making contact with a special experimental license in the USA, Canada or the UK is not the same as say Slovenia, Croatia or South Africa.

It's up to EI stations what they do formally or otherwise but I'm just clarifying the current situation.

a) Plenty of information as always on my 40 MHz page.

Friday, March 25, 2022

EI1KNH beacon on 40.013 MHz to trial different modes - April 2022

The 40 MHz / 8m band is one part of the spectrum which is very much experimental in nature be that for checking propagation or equipment.

With that in mind, the EI1KNH 8m beacon near Dublin on 40.013 MHz is currently trialing different modes. These include CW, FT8, SSTV, RTTY, MSK144, WSPR and stepped power levels.

The modes and time sequence is shown below and any reports and feedback should be reported to the beacon keeper, Tim EI4GNB.

Note that this is an experiment. It's highly likely the modes will change again in time depending on feedback and what reception tests people are carrying out.

The highlights:
*Every 10 minutes, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw (00,10,20,30,40,50mins past the hour)
*14,34,44 & 54 past the hour, 24hrs, WSPR (preceded by variable power carrier)
*Full service 6am to midnight
*Night mode midnight to 6am mutes all but WSPR & graduated power carrier
*All modes have 'rich' content, not just callsign & locator

EI1KNH schedule (Testing from March 23rd 2022)
On the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
3mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs MSK144 & cw
6mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs RTTY & cw
7mins past the hour, 3 minute break
10mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
13mins past the Hour, 24hrs carrier, 0db to 20db of attenuation in steps
14mins past the Hour, 24hrs WSPR
16mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs MSK144 & cw
19mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs RTTY & cw
20mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
23mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs MSK144 & cw
26mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
29mins past the Hour, 1 minute break
30mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
33mins past the Hour, 24hrs carrier, 0db to 20db of attenuation in steps
34mins past the Hour, 24hrs WSPR
36mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs MSK144 & cw
39mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs RTTY & cw
40mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
43mins past the Hour, 24hrs carrier, 0db to 20db of attenuation in steps
44mins past the Hour, 24hrs WSPR
46mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs MSK144 & cw
49mins past the Hour, 06-24hrs RTTY & cw
50mins past the hour, 06-24hrs FT8 & cw
53mins past the Hour, 24hrs carrier, 0db to 20db of attenuation in steps
54mins past the Hour, 24hrs WSPR
56mins past the hour, 06-24hrs SSTV (M1) & cw
59mins past the hour, 1 minute break

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Canadian Arctic Research Station VY0ERC heard on 28 MHz - 19th March 2022

Saturday 19th March 2022: I was checking my 28 MHz log for WSPR when I noticed that I had heard the Canadian Arctic Research Station VY0ERC.

What is unusual about this is that the station is located on Ellesmere Island at 80 degrees north in the Canadian Arctic and this was on 28 MHz, not one of the lower HF bands.

In the last 5 weeks, it has only been heard on 28 MHz by 3 stations in the direction of Europe.

Local   (y-m-d) TX txGrid RX rxGrid MHz W SNR drift km
2022-03-19 15:58 VY0ERC ER60tb GM4VAC IO77xm 28.126127 0.2 -25 -3 3615
2022-03-19 15:38 VY0ERC ER60tb GM4VAC IO77xm 28.126062 0.2 -18 -3 3615
2022-03-19 15:18 VY0ERC ER60tb GM4VAC IO77xm 28.126089 0.2 -18 -3 3615
2022-03-19 14:58 VY0ERC ER60tb EA8BFK IL38bo 28.126176 0.2 -3 0 6545
2022-03-19 14:38 VY0ERC ER60tb EA8BFK IL38bo 28.1261 0.2 -3 -3 6545
2022-03-19 13:58 VY0ERC ER60tb EI7GL IO51tu 28.12604 0.2 -22 -3 4134

Station details... Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. VY0ERC is currently operating out of the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) Ridge Laboratory (RidgeLab) located on top of the hill at 80 degrees 3 minutes N and 86 degrees 25 minutes W at 600 m.a.s.l. 

The WSPR station was running just 200 milliwatts which makes it even more remarkable.

There are a few things that make this reception report unusual.

1) It was on 28 MHz and it's not usual to hear signals from so far north. The solar flux on the day was only 94 and most propagation paths are much closer to the equator.

2) The distance for me was 4,134 kms which suggests perhaps it was F2 propagation? If it was due to other propagation modes closer to the E layer than multiple hops would be required.

3) No distortion. Signals going across the polar regions tend to have an auroral flutter, something that is not conducive to WSPR.

4) Why the lack of stations hearing the signal in Europe? Why only two in the UK and Ireland?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

First contact between Croatia and South Africa on the new 40 MHz band - 13th March 2022

Back in October of 2021, I reported on the first ever contact between South Africa and Slovenia on the 40 MHz band. See post HERE.

On the 13th of March 2022, there was another 'first' 40 MHz contact when when Milan, 9A2Y in Croatia managed to complete a successful FT8 contact with Willem, ZS6WAB in South Africa.

The distance was in the region of 7,585kms and it took place at around 12:36 UTC. This would have been an hour or so after local noon and the F2 layer was likely at it's highest ionization.

Considering it was a North-South path, I suspect that F2 and TEP propagation was involved without any need for a Sporadic-E extension at either end.

The solar flux on the 13th of March was at 123 which is a lot higher than last October when it was just 78 when the first ZS-S5 contact took place.

The screenshot above from 9A2Y shows the FT8 contact. As can be seen, the signal from ZS6WAB was  -5dB in Croatia which suggests that a contact on CW would have been possible but unlikely on SSB.

Equipment: I'm not sure what 9A2Y was using but ZS6WAB uses an old ICOM IC-706 for the 8m CW beacon with a 5-element YU7EF designed Yagi so I presume that is what was used.

Antenna stack at ZS6WAB with the 40 MHz Yagi at the top

Quite a number of European stations have reported hearing the ZS6WAB beacon on 40.475 MHz over the last week or two. Considering it's located halfway between the 28 MHz and 50 MHz bands, it is now hopefully giving early warning of potential 6m openings between South Africa and Europe.

As always, if you want more information on the new 8m band then check out the links on my 40 MHz page.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Long path opening on 50 MHz between South America and Asia - 12th March 2022

12th March 2022: There seems to have been a really good opening on the 50 MHz band at about 01:00 to 04:00 from South America to the east of Asia (Thanks to N0JK on the tip off for this).

The map above from the PSK Reporter website shows the paths as reported for PY2XB in Brazil. The site shows the shortest path between two stations but I think in reality, the contacts from Brazil to Japan & Taiwan were all via long path.

Long Path V Short Path... The map above shows the situation. For someone in the south of Brazil, Taiwan is effectively the other side of the world and there isn't that much difference between short path or long path.

I'm subject to correction on this but I think this extensive opening on 50 MHz was around 21,000kms via the long path.

The map at the start of the post shows that there was a path also from Brazil to Hawaii at 01:58 UTC. The map above also shows where the daylight was at about 03:00 UTC. It was likely that there was strong TEP to the west of South America which likely played a factor in the opening.

This chart is a point to point HF propagation forecast and shows how likely an opening is on each of the bands from PY2XB in Brazil to BV3UF in Taiwan. As you can see, the long path on 28 MHz is very good from 24:00 to 06:00.

By contrast, the short path prediction is very poor at this time. The DX spots just report stations heard but no-one seems to mention short path or long path.

Propagation Mode???... As mentioned already, TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation) is likely to have been involved but how much? Was it partially TEP with the rest of the path via F2 propagation? Was there greyline and chordal propagation involved across the Pacific where the sun was setting?

Some seem to be very quick to explain every long distance opening as being simply TEP but remember that we're talking about a path of 21,000kms at 50 MHz. I'd suggest that it's a lot more complex than that.

Just for reference purposes, the solar flux on the day was about 127.

Notes... This was a reasonably good opening between two areas with a lot of 6m activity. The maps and data I have presented above is just a sample of this opening but it does demonstrate the distances achieved.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

18,700km contact on 50 MHz between ZL1RS and EA8DO - 9th March 2022

A few days ago, I reported on an 18,000km+ opening on the 7th of March on the 50 MHz band between New Zealand (ZL1) and the Canary Islands (EA8). The previous post is HERE

On the 9th March 2022, there was another similar opening on 50 MHz but this time, it was only between two stations. As the map shows above, ZL1RS on the northern part of New Zealand managed to complete a contact using FT8 with EA8DO in the Canary Islands.

This is a screen shot of the FT8 contact...

It looks as if the distance was in the region of 18,694 kms which is pretty remarkable for the 50 MHz band.

The opening on this occasion was at 21:07 UTC. The previous opening from ZL1 to EA8 on the 7th was between roughly 21:48 to 23:22 UTC.

Besides the distance, there are two things that I find interesting about this contact.

1) Time... For the opening on the 7th of March, it looks as if the path from ZL to EA8 was open before or at the start of the opening from EA8 to South America.

PSK Reporter log for EA8DO

For the opening on the 9th of March, it was the same. Why is this? Normally openings follow the sun moving from East to West. Why did the main opening from the Canary Islands to South America happen after the more westerly opening to New Zealand?

Will there be more openings like this from EA8 to ZL1 and will they all be at the start of the opening to South America?

2) No opening from ZL1 to South America... In the previous opening on the 7th, I noted how none of the four ZL1 stations in New Zealand heard or were heard by anyone in South America. 

On the 9th, the same happened again. Note the map at the top of the post from the PSK Reporter website. There are no FT8 reports from any station in South America despite the fact that the path crosses over the continent.

As I mentioned in the previous post, it's almost like chordal hop with the signal going between different parts of the ionosphere without reaching the ground.

Propagation Mode?... How exactly does a signal from the Canary Islands reach what is effectively the other side of the planet on 50 MHz? Trans-Equatorial Propagation is probably responsible for part of the path from the Canaries to South America but how did the signal get across the Pacific?

Someone suggested that antipodal focusing may be a factor in the opening but it's worth noting that this is 50 MHz, not 14 MHz. It may help but it doesn't explain what happens to make the path or paths possible.

It's good that we have two openings with some similarities but like all good science experiments, we need more openings and more data. Two data points isn't exactly 5-Sigma! 😄

The PSK Reporter log for EA8DO is shown below and you can see that ZL1RS was at the start of the opening.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

VIDEO: Beginners guide to digital voice modes (D-STAR, DMR & FUSION) Tim, GW4VXE

As part of the RSGB Tonight at 8 video series, Tim GW4VXE gave an interesting presentation on digital voice modes like D-Star, DMR & Fusion. This is really aimed at beginners or anyone who is not familiar with these modes.

The video is shown below. The presentation lasts from about 06:00 to 1:09:30 and there is a Q&A session after it which lasts until 1:43:40.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

18,000km+ opening on 50 MHz between New Zealand & the Canary Islands - 7th March 2022

Monday 7th March 2022: There was an extremely long distance opening on the 50 MHz band between the north island of New Zealand (ZL1) and the Canary Islands (EA8) and in most cases, the distances were well in excess of 18,000kms.

If you consider that the circumference of the Earth is 40,000kms then this opening was close to the border line of what is short path or long path. See EA7 below.

Looking at the reports on the PSK Reporter website, the opening from ZL1 to EA8 occurred around 22:30 UTC. What's interesting is the EA8 stations had what looks like a TEP opening to South America about an hour later but it didn't seem to coincide with the ZL1 opening.

Questions... Like many openings, this one raises more questions than it answers.

1) Was part of the path due to TEP (Trans-Equatorial Propagation)? If it coincided with the opening to South America then yes but it seems to have been before it.

2) The map above for ZL1RS in New Zealand shows the shortest paths to the stations in the log on the PSK Reporter website. Was the path to EA8 direct or slightly skewed? Was the real path not actually over South America?

3) I checked the reports for the ZL1 stations and none of them show a South American station and yet, the opening was supposed to have gone over the continent of South America. There seems to have been an opening later from the south of New Zealand (ZL3) to Central America and Mexico. Was the real EA8-ZL1 path skewed and further north?

4) Propagation mode?... I would think that a large part of the path was due to chordal mode without the signal hitting the ground.

Did the signal pass over South America by chordal hop without reaching the ground?

5) How did the signal get across the Pacific which is a feat in itself?

6) How much of the path was due to F2? Sp-E? TEP?

Answers... If we were at the peak of the solar cycle then it may not be a big deal. But we're not, we're just on the way out of solar minimum, the solar flux is just 118 and this is up at 50 MHz. 

I think at best, we can make educated guesses but I think that's all we can do. Whatever the reason for the opening, it's probably no accident that this opening occurred near the equinox and it's likely to happen again.

Reports...These are some of the reports from the PSK Reporter website...

Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
ZL1RS EA8/DF4UE 6m FT8 18986 km 22:23:29
ZL1RS EA8AXT 6m FT8 18828 km 22:19:29
ZL1RS EA8RH 6m FT8 18745 km 22:35:56
ZL1RS EA8TL 6m FT8 18742 km 22:34:56
ZL1RS EA8TH 6m FT8 18694 km 23:19:26

Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
ZL1SG EA8/DF4UE 6m FT8 19019 km 22:06:56
EA8AQV ZL1SG 6m FT8 18929 km 21:48:11
ZL1SG EA8AXT 6m FT8 18861 km 22:00:59
EA8AXT ZL1SG 6m FT8 18861 km 21:49:41
ZL1SG EA8RH 6m FT8 18777 km 22:33:56
EA8RH ZL1SG 6m FT8 18777 km 22:31:41
ZL1SG EA8TL 6m FT8 18774 km 22:34:59
EA8TL ZL1SG 6m FT8 18774 km 22:31:41
EA8TH ZL1SG 6m FT8 18725 km 23:17:41

ZL1RQ... Note CN9YZ in Morocco & YS1AG in El Salvador...
Txmtr Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
ZL1RQ CN8YZ 6m FT8 19768 km 20:52:26
ZL1RQ EA8/DF4UE 6m FT8 19019 km 22:10:56
ZL1RQ EA8AXT 6m FT8 18861 km 21:36:29
EA8RH ZL1RQ 6m FT8 18777 km 22:30:41
ZL1RQ EA8RH 6m FT8 18777 km 22:11:29
ZL1RQ EA8TL 6m FT8 18774 km 22:29:29
EA8TL ZL1RQ 6m FT8 18774 km 22:17:41
EA8TH ZL1RQ 6m FT8 18725 km 23:22:41
YS1AG ZL1RQ 6m FT8 11511 km 01:31:41

Rcvr Band Mode Distance Time (UTC)
EA8TH 6m FT8 18318 km 23:17:26

EA5GJ reports the following... "ZL1RS receives 3 decodes from EA7HCL on 50 MHz for the long step in an intense opening this afternoon with South America, we are facing the first Pacific-Europe Long Path openings on 6 meters, in many years... #50MHz #Propagation". 
Note that none of these appeared on the PSK Reporter site.

EA7HCL is in the far south of Spain and this opening for him was actually long path. For the EA8 stations, it was short path.

These are the spots from the DX Cluster for the evening / morning. As you can see, all of the activity seems to have been via digital modes like FT8 on 50.313 MHz...

Spotter Freq. DX Time Info Country
ZL3OZ 50313.0 YS1AG 00:36 08 Mar wkng PY. -18 El Salvador
ZL3OZ 50313.0 XE1HG 00:20 08 Mar part QSO tnx. Mexico
XE1MEX 50313.0 ZL3OY 00:04 08 Mar Tnx QSO New Zealand
XE1MEX 50313.0 ZL3OZ 00:00 08 Mar Tnx QSO New Zealand
ZL3OZ 50313.0 XE1MEX 23:30 07 Mar CQ at -6 through -19 Mexico
EA8TH 50313.0 ZL1RS 23:23 07 Mar FB Signal. TU Bob New Zealand
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA8TH 23:23 07 Mar tnx qso Canary Islands
EA8RH 50313.0 ZL1RS 22:17 07 Mar tnx qso new one New Zealand
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA8RH 22:09 07 Mar tnx qso Canary Islands
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA8TL21:48 07 Mar tnx qso Canary Islands
EA8TL 50313.0 ZL1RS 21:45 07 Mar calling you ft8 New Zealand
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA8AQV 21:32 07 Mar tnx QSO Canary Islands
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA8/DF4UE 21:26 07 Mar Canary Islands
ZL1RS 50313.0 CN8YZ 21:01 07 Mar rx only, calling ZL1RQ Morocco
ZL1RS 50313.0 EA7HCL 20:18 07 Mar 3 decodes ... Spain

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Zoom Presentation: Amateur Radio - A Life Long Technical Hobby - 10th March 2022

From Engineers Ireland: Hosted by the Electronic and Computing division in collaboration with the South Dublin Radio Club, this webinar with Adrian Connor and Jeffrey Roe will discuss ‘Amateur Radio - A Life Long Technical Hobby’. 

Amateur Radio is a rich and diverse hobby and an exciting mix of science, communications, engineering and fun. 

It can be enjoyed by all ages and a wide range of abilities. 

This presentation aims to showcase the hobby and how to get started.


Note that the presentation is free and open to anyone.