For the last few years, the EI1KNH, EI0SIX and EI4RF beacons have been operating from a site to the south of Dublin with an excellent take off to the east towards the UK. Now due to a change of ownership of the site, the radio beacons will be turned off on Saturday 15th February 2025.
The EI4RF beacon on the 70 MHz band (4m) will be the first to re-locate and it is hoped that a site will be available in the same general area. All going well, it will be operational for the start of the Sporadic-E season in May. It is hoped that EI0SIX operating on 50 MHz (6m) will be added soon after.
Getting the EI1KNH 40 MHz and 60 MHz beacon back on air will take longer. The change of location will likely require a change of callsign and this must be applied for. Hardware considerations at the new site should mean that the 60 MHz (5m) beacon will appear first but the 40 MHz (8m) beacon may be more problematic.
As soon as there are any more developments, I'll post them on the blog.
Please let us know if we can support any costs you might have via Payapl? GL de G4BWP 70 MHz beacon listener
At the moment, they are not asking for contributions but that may change if they manage to move the beacons to a new site and there will be ongoing electricity costs.
Nice to see that all low vhf bands are available
I could not hear any of the EI beacons hers in south Cork . However I use British 2m signals to judge tropospheric conditions ,usually from S Wales and S W England. I suggest anyone in the southern/south eastern counties to listen for GB3MCB 144.269 MHz, St Austell ,also on 432.470 MHz ( both horizontal polarization ) , and for repeaters GB3WW 145,775 MHz, Port Talbot , S Wales , 145.225 MHz (very regular with me ) , MB7IGG ( a parrot repeater near Swansea ), and from Cornwall , GB3NC . GB3WW is particularly useful as it transmits its CD ident every 5 minutes ! Des '5CD.
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