In the morning, I heard the beacon on the Faroe Islands which is always interesting as it's to the North.
EI7GL-@ 28282.5 OK0EG/B 10:38 19 Nov JO70we
EI7GL-@ 28237.4 LA5TEN/B 10:32 19 Nov JO59jp
EI7GL-@ 28235.0 OY6BEC/B 10:26 19 Nov IP62oa
I also left the rig on the WSPR frequency for a few hours and heard the following.....
It was one of the days where the casual observer might say the band was dead but there were weak signals there all the same. As you can see from the list, some of these were running less than 1 watt.
Interesting Sporadic-E conditions for this time of year. It also suggests that the new 10m vertical antenna is working just fine.