Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

4,400km opening between Cape Verde Islands and the City of London on 144 MHz - 30th Dec 2019

On the afternoon and evening of Monday the 30th of December 2019, there was another amazing tropo opening on 144 MHz from the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa to the UK.

On previous occasions, the openings have been mostly confined to the western parts of the UK where there is almost a complete sea path to the Cape Verde Islands. On the 30th of December however, the opening was further east.

The map above and below shows the stations that heard the FT8 signals from D41CV or were heard by D41CV.

As you can see below, the opening seems to have been confined to a narrow corridor and had to cross over Brittany in France and the north-west part of Spain.

In a separate tropo opening a few months back, only the most westerly French station on the Brittany peninsula managed to work D41CV as they could just about clear the Spanish coast for a complete sea path. On the 30th of December however, more French stations got in on the action.

The most amazing reports however were those from around London. Up until the 28th of December 2019, the IARU Region-1 tropo record for 144 MHz stood at 4,431kms.

Now look at the map above. The distance from D41CV to the stations in London is...
G7LRQ (4,436kms), M0HRF & M0ICR (4,427 kms) and G7LXP (4,435kms).

In terms of making a two way contact, I believe G4DCV, G7LRQ and M0ICR were successful. Others may have been as well but I don't have any further info.

Now consider this. The distance from London to St.John's in Newfoundland, Canada is 3,735kms. The signal from Cape Verde Islands is an extra 1,000kms further.

It is really incredible that a signal a VHF signal at 144 MHz could travel 4,400+ kms from some islands off the west coast of Africa and get as far as the capital city of the UK.

Tropo ducting... The map below shows the tropo forecast from Pascal, F5LEN. As you can see, there is a maritime path from the west of Africa to the UK and Ireland.

1) F5LEN Tropo Forecasts

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Excellent end of year tropo opening results in new world record 432 MHz contact of 4562 kms

On some days, there are good openings on the VHF and UHF bands. Saturday the 28th of December 2019 was not only good, it was exceptional.

As outlined in a previous post, some record breaking signals from the Cape Verde Islands were heard in the UK and Ireland on Friday the 27th of December. On Saturday the 28th of December, those tropo conditions got even better.

The day got started with Mark, EI3KD working D41CV on FT8 on 432 MHz at 09:06 UTC for a new IARU Region-1 70cms record of 4,170 kms. Mark later went on to work the Cape Verde Islands on 432 MHz SSB.

Like on previous occasions, the record only lasted a few hours. At 11:09 UTC, Ian GM3SEK in the south-west of Scotland managed to work D41CV on FT8 on 432 MHz extending the record distance to an amazing 4,562 kms. GM3SEK was using 100 watts and a 23 element on 70cms.

It would seem as if this is not only a new IARU Region-1 70cms tropo record but also a new world record!

To put that into context, the red dot on the map below shows the limit of the old record of 3,284 kms which was between D44TS and CT1HBC back in July of 2014.

This is a screenshot of the FT8 contact between D41CV and GM3SEK on 432 MHz.

144 MHz... GM3SEK also worked D41CV on 144 MHz for a new IARU Region-1 tropo record. This is covered in a separate post HERE

More of propagation?... The tropo prediction map from Pascal, F5LEN is shown below. The key point to note is that the path between D41CV and GM3SEK is mostly over water.

It's probably unlikely that GM3SEK would have managed the contact if it was not for the fact that he is located on the northern edge of the Irish Sea between the UK and Ireland. Like on previous occasions, the most likely mode of propagation for most of the path was marine ducting with the UHF signal getting trapped in a layer above the surface of the ocean.

New record... Can it be broken? The map below shows the how far the new record distance reaches.

Considering that it's probably likely that a maritime path will be required, somewhere slightly further north in Scotland. Someone in the north-east of England might do it but it would require crossing a lot of the UK.

The one stand out location however is from the far western isles of Scotland.

4,562 kms.... Just how far is it? Sometimes it can be difficult to really appreciate just how far distances are, especially when the numbers get really high. I have prepared 3 maps which help illustrate just how far the new record is. And keep reminding yourself, this is 432 MHz!

If you put the transmitter on the south-west of Ireland, this is how far it would reach into North America...

If the transmitter was at St.Johns in Newfoundland, this is how far it would reach into Europe...

And for our Australian colleagues, this is how far the signal would reach if the transmitter was located on the north island of New Zealand...

Will the record be broken? ... I guess you should never say never but the potential number of stations to the north of GM3SEK seems to make it unlikely.

An amazing day for UHF radio and records.

1) F5LEN tropo propagation forecasts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Galway Radio Club Newsletter - Issue 1 - Winter 2019

Galway Radio Club in the west of Ireland have recently launched a new 48 page newsletter which covers some some recent club activities as well as a number of items which may be of interest to a wider audience.

These include...
1) An overview of how an amateur radio digital network was developed in the west of Ireland.
2) An overview of the experimental 5 MHz / 60m band.
3) Antennas for portable operation.
4) Understanding the Ionogram.
5) 160m top band operation.
6) G4HOL multi-band HF horizontal loop.
7) Operating the DVstick 30 - How to communicate on D-Star and DMR without a radio.

The index of contents is shown below...

The newsletter can be seen HERE

For more information on the Galway Radio Club, visit

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Opening on 144 MHz from the Azores results in several contacts over 3,000kms

On the evening of the 14th and the morning of the 15th of September 2019, there was a very good tropo opening on 144 MHz from the Azore Islands in the Atlantic Ocean to parts of the UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

A list of the stations worked by José CU3EQ using the digital FT8 mode is shown below...

Saturday 14th September 2019
20190914 18:30 G7RAU IN79JX JT65 -18 -10 2138km
20190914 18:47 G4LOH IO70JC FT8 -02 +01 2145km
20190914 18:54 F6DBI IN88IJ FT8 -16 -16 2193km
20190914 19:47 ON4KHG JO10XO FT8 -24 -16 2768km
20190914 20:39 F6KHM IN78RJ FT8 -20 -21 2107km
20190914 20:46 GW0KZG IO71LW FT8 -16 -09 2257km
20190914 22:12 G4RRA IO80BS FT8 -19 -23 2263km
20190914 22:15 G4KWQ IO92AQ FT8 +03 +05 2480km
20190914 22:49 M0JDK IO93KH FT8 -24 -19 2563km
20190914 22:57 G8VHI IO92FM FT8 -19 -21 2496km
20190914 23:17 M0CGL JO03BF FT8 -11 -19 2632km
20190914 23:19 G0GMB IO92NB FT8 -21 -19 2513km
20190914 23:20 PA2M JO21IP FT8 -14 -07 2852km
20190914 23:24 PA3FYC JO31AF FT8 -23 -21 2927km 
20190914 23:27 ON8KW JO20BW FT8 -14 -16 2790km
20190914 23:28 G4FUF JO01GN FT8 -19 2579km
20190914 23:49 PA3BIY JO22HB FT8 -24 -16 2861km

Sunday 15th September 2019
20190915 00:06 DJ6AG JO51EQ FT8 -22 -15 3231km ODX of all
20190915 00:08 G3NJV IO70JA FT8 -09 -16 2141km
20190915 00:45 ON4GG JO20AR FT8 -08 -05 2777km
20190915 00:59 PA2M JO21IP FT8 559 559 2852km
20190915 06:53 ON4IQ JO20AR FT8 -24 -04 2777km
20190915 07:10 DG1KDD JO31LE FT8 -22 -20 2988km
20190915 07:15 M0CKM IO90QT FT8 -17 -10 2472km
20190915 07:25 DF2ZC JO30RN FT8 -16 -17 3006km
20190915 07:26 ON4PS JO20KQ FT8 -12 -06 2832km
20190915 07:33 PA0JMV JO21PM FT8 -09 -13 2886km
20190915 07:34 PA5Y JO21VO FT8 -18 +04 2922km
20190915 07:35 PA3CMC JO21WI FT8 -19 -12 2920km
20190915 07:40 ON4LDP JO10UN FT8 -21 -15 2749km
20190915 07:44 G8BCG IO70RK FT8 +01 +00 2204km
20190915 08:00 PA2CHR JO32DB FT8 -15 -20 2970km
20190915 08:06 M0AFJ IO70IC FT8 -13 -03 2140km
20190915 08:36 DK4TG JO31LB FT8 -15 -21 2984km
20190915 08:54 DF1JC JO31OG FT8 -22 -11 3007km
20190915 09:12 DF6PW JO40AQ FT8 -17 -08 3049km
20190915 09:13 DL6YBF JO31OX FT8 -17 -06 3027km
20190915 09:23 PA3PCV JO20VV FT8 -24 -18 2901km
20190915 09:44 PA4EME JO20WX FT8 -17 -02 2909km

This is a more detailed view of the stations worked...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

RSGB Cricket World Cup Radio Marathon 2019

The RSGB are currently holding a Radio Marathon in association with the 2019 Cricket World Cup Championships which are being held in England and Wales. There are numerous GB19 stations now on the bands until the 14th of July 2019.

Award details below....

Special stations in England and Wales will represent the 11 venues and 10 participating countries of the Cricket World Cup. In addition England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man will have a number of Cricket HQ stations.

Awards will be available for numbers of QSOs with the activating special stations. A QSO with a special callsign will be valid for awards on three different modes: CW, Phone and Digital; this will apply on each band: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m (not SSB), 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m & 10m. The maximum number of qualifying QSOs, for award purposes, with each special callsign will be 26; that is 8 SSB, 9 CW and 9 Digital.

All QSOs must be made between 30 May 2019 and 14 July 2019 inclusive.

Awards will be: 
a. Bronze – 50 QSOs 
b. Silver – 125 QSOs 
c. Gold – 250 QSOs 
d. Platinum – 500 QSOs
e. Worked all Cricket Grounds – at least one QSO with each of the eleven GB19 cricket ground callsigns
f. Worked all Teams – at least one QSO with each of the ten GB19 team callsigns
g. SSB Half-Century – 50 QSOs on SSB; SSB Century – 100 QSOs on SSB
h. Datamodes Half-Century – 50 QSOs on digital modes; Datamodes Century – 100 QSOs on digital modes
i. CW Half-Century – 50 QSOs on CW; CW Century – 100 QSOs on CW

More info on the RSGB website and on this one...