Showing posts with label Morse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morse. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Video: The history and appreciation of Morse... by GI4ONL

The Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club recently posted a video on their YouTube channel titled 'The history and appreciation of Morse...With Victor Mitchell GI4ONL'

The video can be broken down into three parts...

00 to 33 minutes - The first part deals with the the history of morse code and deals with the origins of terms like CQ, 73, 88, the various Q-Codes, SOS, Mayday and some terms that are still in use today on the marine bands.

33 to 47 minutes - How to learn morse code properly.

47 to 90 minutes - Questions & Answers

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Hands free morse code contact :o)

This is a great video! Italian radio amateur Mauri IZ5OVP makes contact with C31CT in Andorra...but without a morse key! :o))

For those of you who can't read morse, it goes...

IZ5OVP gives his call sign IZ5OVP in morse
C31CT replies with IZ5OVP IZ5OVP 599
IZ5OVP replies with R R 599 BK
C31CT concludes the contact with R TU

molto bene

Monday, March 28, 2011

Morserunner...a CW contest simulator

An 18 month absence from the radio hasn't done much for my CW skills. At first, very rusty yet after a few minutes, it starts coming back. I guess it's a bit like learning to ride a bicycle, one you can do it, you never forget.

As well as listening to CW on the various bands, one of the ways to brush up on your CW is to use a contest simulator.

I came across Morserunner a few years back and it's a novel way of listening to morse. It basically simulates operating in a CW contest and you just use the function keys on the PC keyboard to control everything. As it is all off-air, there is no pressure and you can make as many mistakes as you like.