Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2019

Cambridge Consultants announce low cost DRM receiver design

DRM or Digital Radio Mondiale has long been touted as the digital solution for Medium Wave and Short Wave broadcast radio with higher efficiencies and less noise. There have been tests for well over a decade but very few adopters until now.

India now has 35 DRM transmitters covering the sub-continent with a potential audience of about a billion people. There is however still a serious issue regarding the high cost of receivers.

A company called Cambridge Consultants have now announced a prototype of a DRM design which will cost $10 or less. If they are successful, it could be a game changer for digital radio.

This is from their press release... "Cambridge Consultants has just held its annual Innovation Day, where we throw open our doors to industry leaders and reveal future technology. One of our highlights was the prototype of a DRM design that will cost ten dollars or less to produce, addressing that vital need for information by the 60-ish per cent of our global population that doesn’t have internet or TV. It’s low power, so can run from solar or wind-up.

This design will be ready in 2020, available for any radio manufacturer to licence and incorporate into its own products. "

More info HERE