Showing posts with label I3GNQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I3GNQ. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Italian QRSS signals heard on 28 MHz - 11th May 2020

Conditions on 28 MHz on Monday the 11th of May 2020 were very good with some very strong FT8 and SSB signals heard on the band.

While the skip distance didn't get short enough for me to hear some of the UK QRSS stations (<600kms), I did hear two Italian QRSS beacons on 28.3216 MHz CW at about 22:00 UTC. See photo.

From the information that I have, I3GNQ/B runs 200mW into a vertical and uses the QRSS code 'GB'. IZ1KXQ/B runs 100mW into an inverted-V and uses the QRSS code 'SP'. As the image shows, there are about 143 Hz apart.

From what I can tell, these are the only two Italian QRSS signals on the 10m band.

I3GNQ beacon - 200 milliwatts (2N1711 transistor) into a 5/8 vertical antenna

Close up of the I3GNQ beacon

Thanks to Jack I3GNQ for the photo.

I3GNQ also mentions that this low power beacon will be turned off in July of 2020 as the property where the beacon is located has been sold.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Italian QRSS beacons heard on 28 MHz - Sat 25th May 2019

The Sporadic-E conditions on 28 MHz on Saturday the 25th of May 2019 were really good with plenty of strong signals on the band. This also meant that very low power signals could be heard as well.

Up around 28.321 to 28.322 MHz, there seems to be a cluster of low power Italian beacons which also give out their ID in very slow morse code i.e. QRSS where one dot is anything from 3 to 6 seconds in length.

DL8WX has a very good beacon list and he has these two on 28.321 MHz...

IZ1KXQ/B 28.32145 JN54AC La Spezia hills "v v v" QRSS-6:"SP", 17s off 100mw inv vee
I3GNQ/B 28.32157 JN56VJ Tencarola, PD 28 s off, QRSS-3: "GB", tx: 2N1711 200mw CB vertical

I heard both of these signals at the same time and they were about 150 Hz apart...

The 'fuzzy' part of the trace is where the beacon was giving out its ID in normal speed morse where as the dots and dashes are the slow QRSS morse part. Each beacon gives out a code for the QRSS part instead of a full call sign.

As can be seen from the time stamp, these are the two signals over a period of about 15 minutes.

Pretty amazing considering they are only 100 and 200 milliwatts.