Showing posts with label QSL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QSL. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sorting out those QSL cards...

Things have been pretty quiet here on the radio front. The spring gales took their toll and my HF doublet is down at present although it won't take much to get it going again. Otherwise, I have been sorting out my QSL cards. I tried before to sort them out by band but it was just way too awkward. So, I have sorted them out now by country and they're all now neatly filed away. Once thing that became apparent however is the number of German QSL cards. Germany has a large amateur radio population and the distance from Ireland to Germany is almost optimum for Sporadic-E contacts on 10m, 6m and 2m....hence the large number of cards.

I'm not exactly sure how many are in there but there is a 1 Euro coin at the bottom for scale.

I think it's safe to say that I have Germany confirmed by QSL at this stage ;o)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Short Wave Listener QSL cards...

Having recently gone through a backlog of incoming QSL cards, I had the usual few SWL (Short Wave Listener) cards in there as well. I came accross one for which I could find no match in the log so I left it to the end.
Got to the end, re-checked VQLog and my paper sign of the station mentioned.

This is the QSL card...

........and here is the back.

Now, the card is a bit unusal. SWL's don't usually send cards for having heard 'cw' contacts. If they have spent that much time listening to and learning morse, most have gone one to get a licence and get on the air themselves.
I knew I had worked PA1SIX before but just not on that particular day.

I was I used the 'search' function on the DX-cluster.

PA1SIX 50105.0 EI7GL 559 E 1426 29 Dec

So, PA1SIX had spotted me but did not call me. Note the time, 14:26, the exact same time as what was on the qsl card. So, was this SWL just picking callsigns off the cluster and sending them qsl cards???

So I dug a bit more.......

I found this on an AMSAT forum...
Hi all , this is JH3DJX/Yuki . I received SWL card from DO2OTH . The report was the QSO via SO-50 worked with JH5DAH over Japan .How could he hear our QSO at Germany ?I send e-mail to DO2OTH , but no reply . Can anyone explain this mystery ?

Now, SO-50 is in low Earth orbit so it is impossible to hear it (70cms) in Germany when it is over Japan. Again, a quick check on the cluster suggests an answer...

JH3DJX-@ 436800.0 JH5DAH VIA SO-50 SAT (Saudisat-1C) 1211 21 Jan (2003)

There seems to be little doubt this time, DO2OTH (now DL6BT) just picked a contact off the DX-cluster and sent them a qsl card hoping that they would reply.

Q. What is the point in a SWL sending someone a QSL card for a contact they did not hear???

Monday, January 19, 2009

QSL status......19th Jan 2009

Now that VQLog is updated, I spent the last few days going through the backlog of incoming QSL cards. Out of the 200 or so cards, there were a few nice ones which confirmed a few new band countries for me. I think the one from Iraq might be the only card I have from that country. Needless to say, the vast majority were from European countries. All QSL cards have now been answered and I'll probably send them to the outgoing buro in a few weeks time.

Next step...
1) Logbook of The World. Nearly got it working but fell at the last step! I was near the end of the process and I had problems with the password that I thought I had supplied. Looks like I'll have to start again and get a new key. At least this time, it should be pretty quick.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Echoes from a bygone era...

I found this website by accident today. It shows some old QSL cards from EI stations during the 1930's to 1950's. Certainly, working conditions must have been very different back then with most of the equipment home made or ex WW2 military gear in the 50's.

The QSL above is the card from the original EI7M station. It was re-issued some years back to the East Cork Radio Club who now use it in contests.