Showing posts with label EI7BA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EI7BA. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

EI6AK - - EI6BA - - EI7BA - - EI5FK

Pictured at a recent birthday celebration...Charlie EI5FK, John EI6AK, John EI7BA and Tom EI6BA.

Charlie EI5FK has been quite on the radio scene of late but was one of the top VHF operators in the country for well over 20 years. Charlie has worked anything and everything on the VHF & UHF bands from 50 MHz to 432 MHz.

John EI6AK is resident on 40 metres where he's always a big signal and has worked the world on the band.

John EI7BA is one of the top DX-ers in the country and is active from 6m to 160m. If there's an expedition somewhere, you can be sure 7BA will probably work them on more bands than anyone else.

Tom EI6BA is not on air at present but was very active in the VHF contest scene before when he would set up a station on some of the high spots around Cork.

Photo courtesy of John, EI6AK.