Showing posts with label EI2REG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EI2REG. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Limerick 2m repeater EI2REG back on air

The Limerick repeater on 145.725 MHz is one of the oldest FM repeaters in Ireland and originally came on air back in the 1980's. It went off air back in 2018 when there were access issues with the site on Tountinna to the north-east of Limerick City.

It is now back on air from a new site which is 40kms to the south-west of Limerick city.

Info from Limerick Clare Radio Club... "The  Limerick Clare Radio Club 2m Repeater back on Air After a five year silence, the Limerick Clare Radio Club 2 metre repeater returned to air on Thursday June 2nd. The new site is located at Rooskagh East near Ardagh in West Limerick and the club is extremely to Ray Elgy EI3DQB for allowing the club to relocate the repeater to his QTH. ComReg have issued the callsign EI2REG for the new location. The frequency remains the same as it was for Tountinna. The Repeater Channel is R5. Transmission is on 145.725 MHz and it receives on 145.125 MHz. Modes are FM and C4FM. Reception reports would be appreciated by the club and can be sent to ei4lrcclub @ gmail DOT com"

The new repeater is on an elevated site which should give good local coverage of County Limerick. It is however badly screened by local hills to the west and south. Hills and mountains about 60kms away screen it from much of the rest of Ireland.

This repeater is 85kms from my elevated location near Cork City and when I listened, it was very weak and buried in the noise.

It's possible that this repeater may be heard in the western part of the UK under lift conditions but it's likely that conditions would need to be very good as opposed to a slight enhancement.