Showing posts with label VU3RAZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VU3RAZ. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

28 MHz...Wed 3rd Oct 2012

Another day with some good conditions on the 10 metre band. I left the radio on the WSPR frequency for most of the day........which is great as I don't have to be there! ;o)

I had a quick listen at various times as well and it was different from the previous days. No Australians heard this time but DU1MGA did make it through with one spot on WSPR...

2012-10-03 10:48 DU1MGA  28.126068  -28  1  PK04lc 5   EI7GL   IO51tu 11213 331

On SSB, I heard VU3RAZ in India and A4 and A6 stations in the Middle East. Also, lots of Russian and Ukraine stations at one F2 hop distance.

As the map shows above, there was some Sporadic-E as well with some of the closer European staions in Germany and Spain making it through. Later, it opened to the USA again, the first time really since last Sunday and the aurora on Sunday night. The one of interest here was N6OIL making it through from California...

 2012-10-03 18:08 N6OIL 28.126067 -28 0 DM14fl 0.2 EI7GL IO51tu 8212 37 
 2012-10-03 17:50 N6OIL 28.126068 -22 0 DM14fl 0.2 EI7GL IO51tu 8212 37

Another point of interest was GW7PEO made it through again, presumably on back scatter?...

 2012-10-03 13:52 DB0ZDF 28.126080 -24 -1 JN49cx 5 EI7GL IO51tu 1178 287 
 2012-10-03 13:44  GW7PEO 28.126137   -21  -1   IO83gh 5 EI7GL IO51tu 370    246 
 2012-10-03 13:44 EA8FF 28.126107 -12 0 IL18pc 2 EI7GL IO51tu 2730 12 
 2012-10-03 13:44 DG2NBN 28.126031 -24 0 JN59nr 5 EI7GL IO51tu 1387 287 
 2012-10-03 13:40 CX2ABP 28.126066 -24 1 GF15wc 10 EI7GL IO51tu 10705 27 
 2012-10-03 13:38 EA8FF 28.126107 0 0 IL18pc 2 EI7GL IO51tu 2730 12 
 2012-10-03 13:38 DF6MK 28.126047 -24 0 JN68ik 5 EI7GL IO51tu 1544 292 
 2012-10-03 13:38 KK4XO 28.126004 -13 -1 EL96uf 5 EI7GL IO51tu 6527 43

Again, EA8FF was being heard at the same time with a reasonable signal indicating good conditions to the south. In reality, the back scatter could be from anywhere....south? south-west? south-east? Today, the spot from GW7TEO was at 13:44 UTC. The two spots from yesterday were at 14:30 and 14:52 UTC.

Overall.....some notes...
1) Over the last few days that I have been listening on the 10 metre band, the Solar Flux index has been around the 120-130 mark.
2) Lot's of multi-hop F2 conditions but very variable. Open to different areas on different days.
3) The most consistent signals as expected are the single hop F2 ones....East Mediterranean, Russia.
4) The most consistent beacons are those around the 3,250 to 3,750 km mark. e.g. 5B4CY/B in Cyrus, SV5TEN/B in Rhodes.
5) When conditions on 28 Mhz got very good, the skip distance shortened and the beacons around 2,400 kms were heard.
6) There is a fishing buoy on the WSPR frequency! It ID's itself as 'DJ' but seems a bit low in frequency so is not a issue.
7) Using WSPR to measure band conditions is somewhat limited by the number of people using it. For example, there is a lack of WSPR stations in the mid states of the USA. All you can use the WSPR map for is to gauge where the band is open to, not where it is not open to. The band can be wide open to southern Russia and there can be no WSPR spots.

Backscatter.........For anyone not familiar with the principles of back scatter, it works as follows....

A signal from a transmitter 'bounces' off the ionosphere and lands in a target area. A small percentage of that signal may be reflected back towards the TX due to mountains, waves on the oceans, etc. Received signals tend to be very weak.