Showing posts with label EA8CMP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EA8CMP. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2021

3000km+ opening on 144 MHz from the Canary & Maderia Islands into Europe - 10th June 2021

Thursday 10th June 2021: This was a pretty remarkable day in Europe for long distance 3000km plus openings on the 144 MHz band. There is a LOT of information so I will split it up into three posts. 

This post is the first one of three.

This is a long report so scroll down to see the individual stations from the Canary Islands and the Madeira Islands. I'll put a propagation analysis at the bottom but it seems that depending on where the European stations were located, it was a mixture of tropo only, Sporadic-E & tropo and probably double-hop Sporadic-E / chordal hop Sp-E.

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I'll start with EA8JK as he had the most impressive map from the PSK Reporter website.

There are an amazing eight paths that were in excess of 4000kms! This is well beyond the normal 2300km or so one-hop Sporadic-E limit.

Here are the FT8 paths for EA8JK and just look at how many stations that were in excess of 3000kms.