Showing posts with label Homebrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homebrew. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Video: Amateur radio construction with Steve Hartley, G0FUW and Pete Juliano, N6QW

 A video titled 'Amateur radio construction with Steve Hartley, G0FUW and Pete Juliano, N6QW' was recently posted on YouTube by the RSGB as part of their ongoing Today at 8 talk series.

The first part of the talk (1:09 to 35:30) is by Steve, G0FUW as he introduces the subject of making your own radios and circuits. This section is aimed at beginners and is a good place to start.

The second part of the talk from 35:30 to 1:17:00 by Pete, N6QW covers more advanced designs and is aimed at more experienced experimenters.

The Q&A session goes from 1:17:00 to 1:39:23.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Links to Radio QRP, Homebrew, Parts and Kits

QRP (Low Power) Clubs...
G QRP Club.....Lots of useful info. Website......
American QRP Club.......Loads of info. Website........

Homebrew websites........
KD1JV........qrp rigs and some nice ideas........

Kits...... keyers.......
Hendricks qrp kits...


Scratchpad.......some sites to check out and examine
Electronic Parts........Digikey.........
Oceanstate Electronics.........
Hans Summers..........homebrew projects.........
Oak Hills Research........qrp rigs.........
Small Wonder Labs........qrp rigs...........
QRP Project........German based.........
Ham Universe........