Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Galway Radio Club Newsletter - Issue 3 - Winter 2021

Galway Radio Club have just released their Winter 2021 edition of their annual newsletter and as always, it's packed full of interesting features.

It literally covers the whole spectrum going from a 5-element beam for the 80m band to WiFi interference in the microwave bands.

You can view the PDF document HERE

For a free publication, a lot of work has obviously gone into compiling it and it a credit to what is a small radio club.

I have links to the 2019 and 2020 editions below.

3) For more information on the Galway Radio Club, visit

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Free Newsletter - The Communicator March-April 2021


The Surrey Amateur Radio Club in western Canada produce a high quality newsletter every two months called The Communicator.

The cover and index is shown above for the March-April 2021 edition and you can find the download link HERE

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Galway Radio Club Newsletter - Issue 2 - Winter 2020

In November of 2019, Galway Radio Club released Issue 1 of their annual newsletter and it was read by radio amateurs all over the world. The club has now released Issue 2 which is for the Winter of 2020.


As well as covering some local news items, the newsletter covers a wide range of subjects from satellite operation to digital radio to antennas. 

The index of the newsletter is shown below...

The newsletter can be seen HERE

For more information on the Galway Radio Club, visit

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Galway Radio Club Newsletter - Issue 1 - Winter 2019

Galway Radio Club in the west of Ireland have recently launched a new 48 page newsletter which covers some some recent club activities as well as a number of items which may be of interest to a wider audience.

These include...
1) An overview of how an amateur radio digital network was developed in the west of Ireland.
2) An overview of the experimental 5 MHz / 60m band.
3) Antennas for portable operation.
4) Understanding the Ionogram.
5) 160m top band operation.
6) G4HOL multi-band HF horizontal loop.
7) Operating the DVstick 30 - How to communicate on D-Star and DMR without a radio.

The index of contents is shown below...

The newsletter can be seen HERE

For more information on the Galway Radio Club, visit